"Benefactor, run away! Thank you for saving my daughter! Run away quickly!" The middle-aged woman hugged the little girl and said choked up.

Meng Xing waved to her and told her to take the little girl out of here first.

There are many people around, pointing and talking in a low voice.

"This person is miserable, and he dares to take action against the Liu family."

"The Liu family is very powerful, and when we meet their people, we can only admit that we are unlucky."

"Yeah! The Liu family wants to kill someone, but no one can resist."

"Our Qiongzhou, the Liu family is the emperor of the earth, whoever touches it will die!"


With a bang, the young man in brocade clasped the sword from his waist and pointed at Meng Xing. An aura emanated from his body, revealing his cultivation at the pinnacle of the Eighth Stage Condensed Phase Realm.

Since the young man in Jinyi dared to say that he would kill Meng Xing to pay for his life, he naturally saw that his cultivation was only at the peak of the ninth-rank open pulse realm, which was a realm behind him.

At this time, more than a dozen guards appeared behind him, riding on tall horses, all of them were of good strength.

Being able to use a master of the seventh-rank god refining realm as a bodyguard is enough to show that the identity of the young man in Jinyi is not low. In this Bai'an County, I am afraid that only the Liu family has such strength.

More than a dozen guards dismounted one after another and came behind the young man in brocade clothing, forming an arch encirclement.


were you all right just now? ' a guard leader asked respectfully.


The Jinyi youth's reliance has become stronger, and his momentum has become stronger. He glanced at the many guards behind him, and said, "You give me a raid, I want to kill this person, dare to kill my beloved horse, you must die! "

Yao Jianyu, Gu Qingzhuo and others also appeared behind Meng Xing. Yao Jianyu hugged the scabbard and said with a smile, "You guys are not small, people from the Liu family?"

"It's good to know! My son Liu Dingkui, a member of the Liu family. You obediently let this person die to pay for my beloved horse. Otherwise, you won't want to leave Bai'an County today." The young man in Jinyi said coldly.

While speaking, Liu Dingkui also glanced at Yao Jianyu and Gu Qingzhuo, and found that the aura of these two people was stronger than that of the seventh-rank god-refining master next to him, and he was a little wary.

That kid dared to kill his beloved horse. It turned out that these people were relying on him. No wonder he dared to be unscrupulous in this Bai'an County City.

He looked at Yao Jianyu's back again, and four people followed, one of them turned out to be a beautiful and moving woman.

Liu Dingkui couldn't help but take a few more glances, only to feel a hotness in his heart, an urge to hold this woman in his arms.

He just wanted to vent the heat in his heart, and said to the guard behind the seventh-rank god-refining realm: "Look at them, I'll kill this kid."

As he spoke, he ran directly to Meng Xing, his eyes were filled with anger and murderous intent, he slashed at Meng Xing with a sword, and the fiery red air spurted out, with a fiery heat, as if it was about to scorch the air.

As soon as he made a move, he displayed the unique skill of fire attribute.

Yao Jianyu stepped out, with a clanging sound, the long sword was pulled out, and a powerful qi machine was already rushing out like a stormy sea.


His speed was extremely fast, and his sword slashed to Liu Dingkui's air machine, the air machine burst, like a hurricane, Liu Dingkui was blown upside down by the powerful air machine energy.

Several guards were in a hurry to catch him, but they were hit by him, and they fell to the ground and groaned.

And the guard in the Refining God Realm only reacted at this time, his figure flashed, and he drew his sword to kill Yao Jianyu.

when! when! when!

With the sound of fierce collision, the air machine exploded and roared, and after colliding with each other at a high speed, the guard was also slashed and flew out by Yao Jianyu with a sword, a sword in his chest, and blood spurted out.

Yao Jianyu moved, came to Liu Dingkui's side, lifted him up, and put the long sword on his neck.

"What do you want to do? If you dare to kill me, the Liu family will not let you go!" Liu Dingkui said angrily.


Yao Jianyu stabbed him in the shoulder with a sword, and a bloody mouth suddenly appeared, and said coldly, "If you don't cooperate well, I will kill you immediately!"

Liu Dingkui was a little scared and said, "What do you want me to do? This is my Liu family's territory. If you kill someone, don't even think about leaving Bai'an County."

"Humph! Just cooperate obediently! Otherwise, you must die first!" Yao Jianyu said.

"Senior brother, take him out of the city first. There is a small valley on the outskirts of Nanchengmen where we just came in. We will wait there for the Liu family to come." Meng Xing said.

"Okay." Yao Jianyu naturally knew that Meng Xing was going to set up a formation to defend the Liu family. After all, among the six people, the strongest cultivation base was only the seventh-rank spiritual refinement realm, which was still a lot worse than the masters of the Liu family.

And the purpose of their coming here is not to fight against the Liu family, but to find out the whereabouts of Senior Sister Liu.

So, the six people escorted Liu Dingkui and Gu Biaofeng to the south gate, but a few of the Liu family's guards hurried back to Liu's family to report the letter, and the rest of the guards followed Yao Jianyu, Meng Xing and others nervously.

The people around saw that these people dared to be tough on the Liu family members, and they also defeated the Liu family members.

Many people did not dare to follow to see it, and they dispersed, fearing that the Liu family would take anger and kill everyone who followed.

The Liu family is here to cover the sky with one hand, and they can do anything. Many people have encountered the suppression of the Liu family, and there is nowhere to seek grievances.

Half an hour later, Meng Xing, Yao Jianyu and others came to a small valley outside the South City Gate. Meng Xing took out three formation plates, and immediately set up the Hanhai Trapped Immortal Formation. Yao Jianyu escorted Liu Dingkui into the formation. .

When the guards of the Liu family saw these people disappearing in front of them one by one, they stepped back ten steps in fright and looked at each other in dismay.

"This is... a formation? They seem to have entered the formation."

"Yes. We can only wait for the owner to send someone. Let's watch here, just don't let them go."

Meng Xing, Yao Jianyu and others watched Liu Dingkui from a safe place in the formation.

Liu Dingkui said, "What do you want to do?"

Meng Xing took out Liu Shiyun's portrait and said, "Have you seen her?"

Liu Dingkui glanced at her and said with a sneer: "It turns out that you came to find her. This bitch came to seek death, and you also came to seek death!"

Meng Xing slapped her and slapped him in the face with a slap, and said, "Keep your mouth clean. If you scold her again, I'll beat you up."

He breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. It turned out that Senior Sister Liu was really in the Liu family. After searching for so long, she finally got news of her.

Liu Dingkui was stunned. When he grew up so big, it was the first time that he was slapped by others. As the young master of the Liu family, who would dare to treat him like this?

Liu Dingkui rushed towards Meng Xing angrily, but was kicked into the formation by Meng Xing. A violent and violent wave immediately appeared in front of him, drowning him in an instant. It seemed that countless seawater had been poured into his mouth and nose, and his breathing was stagnant. As soon as it got dark, he fainted.

When he woke up, he found himself lying in front of Meng Xing, Yao Jianyu and others.

Liu Dingkui was shocked, jumped up, and hurriedly stepped back a zhang. Who knew that he stepped into the dangerous area of ​​the formation again, encountered the scene just now, and fainted again.

Liu Dingkui woke up for the second time and found that he was still lying in front of those people. This time, he was afraid and didn't dare to walk around.

"What do you want to do? If you dare to kill me, my Liu family ancestor will not let you go." Liu Dingkui said sternly.

"Where is the woman in the portrait now?" Meng Xing asked.

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