After 10 Years of Chopping Wood, I Am Invincible

Chapter 254, How to save Sister Liu?

Liu Dingkui said, "You want to find her? Who are you?"

"This is our business, you don't have to worry about it, you just tell me where is she?" Meng Xing said.

"As long as you let me go, I'll tell you!" Liu Dingkui said.

"Senior brother, let him have another taste!" Meng Xing said to Yao Jianyu.

"it is good!"


Liu Dingkui was kicked into the dangerous area of ​​the formation by Yao Jianyu again, and once again endured the experience of fainting from suffocation.

When he woke up again, with a look of horror on his face, he said, "I said, I said, she was in the Liu Family Prison and was imprisoned by the Patriarch."

"Why did your Liu family imprison her?" Meng Xing asked.

He couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when he got the news from Senior Sister Liu, but then his heart tightened, wondering if she had been abused or beaten.

Liu Dingkui said: "Because she said that the owner killed her father and mother, and she wanted revenge, so the owner imprisoned her to prevent her from talking nonsense outside and ruining the reputation of the Liu family."

The reputation of your Liu family is probably well known to the people of Qiongzhou.

"She is also from your Liu family?" Meng Xing asked.

"I don't know. I heard from the head of the family. It's because of some origin. Maybe it was the family before, so the head of the family didn't kill her.


Meng Xing nodded and asked, "Where is the Liu family prison?"

Liu Dingkui sneered: "Don't think about saving her, the Liu family prison is guarded by my Liu family's five-rank cross-sea masters, you are just courting death!"

"It's none of your business! You just tell me the location."

"The Liu family prison is deep in the Liu family mansion." Liu Dingkui said, not afraid to tell them.

"Draw a map and come out." Meng Xing threw him a pen, ink, paper and inkstone, and took out a small table case from the storage bag and placed it in front of him.

"You actually have this storage bag, and you know how to form. Are you a Taoist?" Liu Dingkui asked in shock.

"It's from the Taoist sect." Meng Xing was too lazy to explain, "Hurry up and draw the map!"

Liu Dingkui really wanted not to paint, but he felt that Meng Xing, Yao Jianyu and others were looking at him like knives, and they seemed to want to give him a knife.

As a last resort, he had to pick up a pen and draw a simple map, marking the location of the prison.

"If this map is fake, you don't have to go back, this will be your burial place!" Yao Jianyu said, took a look at the map, and handed it to Meng Xing.

Meng Xing said, "Senior brother, let's go over there and discuss."

With that said, Meng Xing took Yao Jianyu, Gu Qingzhuo and the others to another safe area where the formation would not attack.

As for Gu Biaofeng, who was wearing the chain, he stared at Liu Dingkui with big eyes.

Liu Dingkui wanted to find a way to escape, and stretched out his hands to test the surroundings. He felt that the surroundings were filled with an invisible energy, like a transparent barrier. If he walked in, he would definitely encounter the same dizzy situation just now.

Gu Biaofeng sat on the ground, glanced at him, and said, "Don't think about escaping. The formation of this gate is very powerful. Even if your Liu family ancestor comes, it may not be able to crack it."

"Who are you? How did you get caught by them?" Liu Dingkui said.

"I'm a bandit leader near Baiji County, and they caught me because I wanted to rob them. My luck is pretty good. The sword was chopped to death, and the leaders of the seventh-rank god-refining realm under his command were finally hacked to death by the bandits under his subordinates." Gu Biaofeng said.

"How could this be?" Liu Dingkui was shocked. He wanted to rob others, but was hacked to death by his subordinates. Isn't this too wrong?

"The guy who knows how to form, generously sprinkled a lot of money, and let the bandit leader's men hack him to death, and he was hacked to death." Gu Biaofeng said.

"Those bandits are stupid, why don't you just grab the money from these people? Isn't it more?" Liu Dingkui said.

"You're just stupid. That guy who knows how to form formation directly sprinkled the money on the bandits' heads, and the bandits grabbed it themselves. In order to get more money, what can't they do? Besides, these people have formation methods. Who can kill them?" Gu Biaofeng recounted the situation at that time.

Liu Dingkui wiped the sweat from his forehead, only to think that these few people really can do anything.


Meng Xing took out six small wooden stools for everyone to sit down with.

Xiao Yuluo couldn't help but said, "How can we save Senior Sister Liu?"

"With the skills of those of us, it is very difficult to get into the Liu family prison." Yao Jianyu also frowned.

"Yeah! Not to mention the Liu family's ancestor, even the five-rank sea-crossing master who sits at the gate of the Liu family's prison, it is difficult for us to get in." Gu Qingzhuo also said.

"Yes. If only Bai Xia came to help, he might not even be afraid of the Liu family's ancestor." Yang Xiaochui said.

The last time outside the secret place of the ancient tomb, when Bai Xia dealt with the fourth-grade master of the Demon Sect, everyone witnessed it with their own eyes, and naturally knew how powerful he was.

At this moment, everyone couldn't help but think of this master who often appeared to save everyone.

"If I appeared as a white man now, it would be unreasonable, and it would be easy for them to think of me. Moreover, I am afraid it is easy to think that the white man is a person of the true martial arts. It's hard to hide." Meng Xing thought to himself.

"So, this time, it can't appear in the white man's vest, and other methods must be used."

Xiao Yuluo glanced at Meng Xing, who was silent, and asked, "Junior Brother Meng, what can you do?"

Meng Xing said: "There is a way, but you must take risks."

"Adventures? How sure are you?" Xiao Yuluo's heart tensed, she didn't want Meng Xing to take risks, what could go wrong.

If she lost Meng Xing, she couldn't imagine what she would do.

"Seventy percent sure, but I need Senior Brother Yao and Senior Brother Gu to help me." Meng Xing said.

Under the premise of not exposing his own strength, there are 70%. If his strength is exposed, it is naturally 100%. He can completely deal with masters such as the Liu family ancestors with strong strength.

However, the ancestor of the Liu family dared to dominate Qiongzhou like this, I am afraid he also has a backer, but he doesn't know which big sect is his backer.

Jue God Sect, Demon Sect, or Dao Sect Lei Sect? The powerhouses of these sects are likely to be his backers, but Jue Shenzong is probably the most suspicious.

Because the Liu family practiced the exercises of the martial arts system, and only the sects of the martial arts system could provide such powerful exercises to the Liu family.

However, it is not ruled out that it is the Demon Sect. The ancient tombs of the Demon Sect are so active in competing for the secrets of the martial arts, I am afraid that they also want to train some masters of the martial arts system for the Demon Sect, just like the Mu Zhenkui who is a double-cultivator of magic and martial arts.

Therefore, if he appeared as a white man, he would probably be targeted by these powerhouses, and it would be easy to find out his true identity.

"Okay, let's help you together." Yao Jianyu said.

Gu Qingzhuo also nodded.

"However, 70% confidence is still very low. In case of encountering a strong person above the fifth-rank realm of the Liu family, the risk is still very high. Moreover, your cultivation base is the peak of the ninth-rank open pulse realm. , I am afraid that someone will be discovered before reaching the gate of the prison." Xiao Yuluo said with worry in his eyes.

"If we don't save Senior Sister Liu, no one will be able to save her. So, no matter how dangerous the danger is, I should take action." Meng Xing said.

"Actually, I've made all the preparations for my trip this time. So, Senior Sister, you don't have to worry. Even if we can't save Senior Sister Liu, we can still escape."

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