After 10 Years of Chopping Wood, I Am Invincible

Chapter two hundred and fifty-five, set off to save people

Xiao Yuluo nodded, although she knew that Meng Xing was good at making decisions, but she still had to face so many masters, but she still couldn't help but worry.

However, there is no better way to solve this problem. There are not many masters of the True Martial Sect, and the sect master has disappeared again. Who can save Liu Shiyun?

Even if those peak masters came, it would be useless. The masters of the fifth-rank sea crossing realm were not something they could deal with, not to mention there was a Liu family ancestor who was a fourth-rank god.

Therefore, the best way to save Senior Sister Liu is to outsmart her.

But except for Meng Xing, everyone else was at a loss and couldn't think of any way to do it.

Xiao Yuluo himself couldn't think of a way, facing such a powerful Liu family master, he had no solution at all.

So although Xiao Yuluo was worried, she did not dissuade her, and she knew that Meng Xing would definitely save people, but she couldn't dissuade her.

"Then you must be careful when you go to save people!" Xiao Yuluo said, staring at Meng Xing, as if full of affection.

"Okay. We'll act at the third watch tonight." Meng Xing said.

"By the way, Junior Brother Meng, why don't we use that Liu Dingkui to exchange Senior Sister Liu?" Li Buxian said.

"I've also considered this. If we exchange it with Liu Dingkui, it might startle the snake and make the Liu family's masters watch Sister Liu closely. If we want to save her, it will be even more difficult. If they don't want to exchange, Sister Liu may more dangerous."

"So, this method can only be used when Senior Sister Liu cannot be rescued, and there is absolutely no way to do it. However, in that case, you may have to completely turn against the Liu family.

The fish is dead and the net is broken! "Meng Xing said.

Everyone else nodded, obviously thinking of this layer as well.

At this time, there was a faint noise outside, and it seemed that many people came here.

Although the formation has its own space, it can block some sounds, but too loud sounds cannot be blocked.

Meng Xing's auricle moved and said, "Let's go outside and have a look."

When the six people came to the edge of the formation, they saw that there were people standing outside the valley, all of whom seemed to be from the Liu family, about a few hundred people, who were shouting loudly for Meng Xing and others to get out.

Meng Xing glanced around mentally and found that some of the Liu family's servants were caught in the formation and fainted to the ground.

Not far away, Liu Dingkui was chatting with Gu Biaofeng. Gu Biaofeng looked flattering and devoted himself to the young master of the Liu family, making Liu Dingkui proud.

This guy looks simple and sturdy on the surface, but he is extremely shrewd, paving the way for himself in the future, as long as he makes the young master of the Liu family comfortable, he will not have everything in the future.

"Junior Brother Meng, should we go out and kill the Liu family?" Gu Qingzhuo looked eager to try.

"You and Senior Brother Yao want to preserve their strength, go to Liu's house with me at night, there is a chance to fight." Meng Xing said.

"Brother Li, Yang Xiaochui, you two should go and practice your hands."

"Yes, you can go and practice Juekong Nine Swords, but you can't get too far away, so that you can retreat to the formation, and you won't be surrounded and killed by them." Yao Jianyu also said.

"Okay." Li Buxian and Yang Xiaochui stepped out immediately.

"Haha! Everyone, are you looking for us?" Li Buxian said loudly.

"Hurry up and release our young master. Those who dare to hijack our Liu family, you are trying to court death!" Hundreds of people looked at them together and shouted.

A middle-aged man strode over, with a gloomy face, and said, "Let my son Liu Dingkui go!"

"I don't know. What does your child look like? We haven't met." Yang Xiaochui said with a smile.

"My Liu family's guards have seen you bring him here, so don't hide it." The middle-aged man said.

"That's because their dog's eyes saw it wrong. Let them open their dog's eyes to see if there is anything here." Yang Xiaochui said.

The middle-aged man raised his eyebrows coldly: "Are you talking nonsense with me?"

"You're right, I'm just kidding you."

"Presumptuous! Huangkou child, how dare you be so rude to me!" The middle-aged man said angrily.

"Who are you? Are you the current emperor, you can't let others be rude to you? When you become the emperor, you can say that in front of me."

"You..." The middle-aged man was so angry that his face was ashen, he clenched his fist in one hand, and blasted out a blast of energy, attacking and killing Yang Xiaochui.


Yang Xiaochui moved and avoided it. The air machine bombarded the ground, and a big pit appeared.

The cultivation level of the middle-aged person is impressively the sixth-grade Golden Bell Realm.

With a clanging sound, Yang Xiaochui pulled out his sword, and one of Juekong's nine swords slashed towards the opponent. The sword was like electricity, and the world seemed to be overshadowed.


The middle-aged man hit with a punch, the air machine collided and exploded, dust and sand flew up, and the ground was instantly overturned by a layer of ground.

At this moment, Li Buxian also stepped out, slashed out with a sword, the sword intent condensed, turned into a dragon, and rushed towards the middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man was a little shocked. He didn't expect that these people were only masters of the seventh-rank God Refinement Realm, and they could burst into a cultivation level comparable to the sixth-rank Admiralty Realm.

His breath condensed, his arms raised, and he punched the Sword Intent Flood Dragon again, with the roaring, the qi kept bursting.

Li Buxian and Yang Xiaochui were sluggish, their hands and muscles were weak, and they quickly retreated to the formation.

The middle-aged man was furious, and a punch followed closely, smashing into the formation, but it was like a mud cow entering the sea, silently.

The middle-aged man bombarded a few punches, all of which were like this, and couldn't help being a little shocked. This formation was really mysterious.

He glanced around and saw that the formation was in a small valley, but he did not know where the range of the formation was. If he accidentally stepped into it, he might become the opponent's prisoner.

"Get around here, you can't let them out." The middle-aged man said to a guard leader in a deep voice.

"Yes." The guard leader immediately ordered the hundreds of people to spread out and surround the valley.

In the formation, Yao Jianyu frowned and said, "Brother Meng, they have all set up around here, how can we go out at night?"

Meng Xing said: "Don't worry, I have a solution. It's actually beneficial to keep them here. The number of guards in the Liu family is reduced, which is also convenient for us to move. Let's go back and set up a tent to rest first. We may have to stay here for a few days."

Everyone nodded and went to pitch the tent.

At night, the sky is dark and the surroundings are quiet.

Everyone gathered together, Meng Xing, Yao Jianyu, and Gu Qingzhuo were ready to set off.

"Junior Brother, you must take care!" Xiao Yuluo said.

Meng Xing nodded and comforted: "Don't worry, we'll be fine."

"The Liu family is surrounded by people, how do we get out?" Gu Qingzhuo asked impatiently.

He thought about it for a long time, but he couldn't think of a way to sneak out without knowing it.

Meng Xing took out three small array plates and said, "I have a small teleportation array here, which can be teleported to a distance of about twenty miles, but it also has a disadvantage, it can only teleport one person at a time. "

This small teleportation array was naturally made by the little girl Zhuo Lingyan.

Everyone suddenly came out, no wonder Meng Xing was so confident to leave here, it turned out to be a teleportation formation with a door.

Three array disks floated in midair, and after activating the array, a black hole vortex appeared.

Meng Xing said: "Brother Yao, you go to the teleportation formation first, I am the last one, and I have to collect this formation plate."

Yao Jianyu stepped into the black hole whirlpool and disappeared instantly, followed by Gu Qingzhuo, and then Meng Xing, who also took the array.

Xiao Yuluo, Li Buxian, and Yang Xiaochui looked at each other, naturally they had never seen such a means of transmission.

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