After 10 Years of Chopping Wood, I Am Invincible

Two hundred and fifty seventh chapter, fire Jinglong

It is certainly not easy for this old man to reach the third-rank immortality state. He has many secrets on his body. Otherwise, his apprentice who deceived his master and destroyed his ancestors had already destroyed him, and he would have kept him until now?

Cooperating with such an old man who has lived for an unknown number of years is tantamount to seeking skin with a tiger. Once the other party is out of danger, he may be the one who suffers.

"How do you trust me?" the skinny old man asked with a frown.

"What's your name?"

"The old man is frightening the dragon with fire. In those days, it was called the old man who was frightening the dragon." The skinny old man said.

Fire Dragon? Shocking Dragon Supreme? Is the name too loud? Why don't you call yourself the Evil God of Fire Cloud? Meng Xing complained in his heart, and couldn't help but think of the movies he had seen in his previous life.

[One, get out of here quickly. 】

[Second, a prison love affair with Senior Sister Liu, a passionate long kiss, until the raw rice is cooked. 】

[Three, a fierce battle with Huo Jinglong. 】

Meng Xing: "..."

Raw rice cooked rice? Still under the eyes of this bad old man, isn't this a blockbuster for others? Besides, this kind of place is so dangerous, people from the Liu family will appear at any time, I am afraid that the trouble will come before I have cooked rice with Senior Sister Liu.

Fighting with Huo Jinglong turned out to be an extremely dangerous task. Seeing that this guy really has a lot of means, it is not as simple as he said.

However, this is under the eyes of the Liu family ancestors, and the difficulty will also increase.

Although his own cultivation base has reached the fourth-grade god mood,

It is already comparable to the inextinguishable strength of the third-rank, but it will take a lot of power to grind this old antique to death.

Meng Xing chose the first option, took the key, and said, "I can save you, but you must swear to the Tao of Heaven, and you can't do anything to us, or you will be punished by heaven."

"You..." Huo Jinglong's forehead burst with blue veins. He was about to get angry, but he controlled his anger and said, "Okay, this old man promises you!"

So, according to Meng Xing's request, the other party made a few poisonous oaths full of anger.

In this world of cultivation, one believes in the way of heaven the most. Once violated, the way of heaven will definitely be punished, so I am not afraid of this old man breaking his oath.

Meng Xing opened the door for the old man, threw the key to him, and said, "You open the chain on your body yourself, and by the way, you saved everyone in the prison and caused some trouble for the Liu family. Let's go first."

"How do you go? If you don't open the way for me, I'm afraid you won't be able to go." Huo Jinglong said.

As soon as the voice fell, there was a roar outside, it seemed that the door of the prison had been knocked down, and it was obvious that someone found something abnormal in the prison.

The entire prison suddenly trembled violently, and dozens of people in the prison were awakened, dazed, not knowing what happened.

Huo Jinglong hurriedly took the key to unlock the chain for himself, and after several attempts, he opened the lock with a click.

With a choking sound, a string of chains made of special materials were dropped on the ground. Huo Jinglong got rid of the bondage and gained freedom.

"Bad old man, let's go first, you go and resist those people." Meng Xing said, he had already taken out three teleportation arrays, activated the teleportation array, and a black hole vortex appeared in front of one person.

"Senior sister, you go first." Meng Xing said, pointing to the black hole vortex.

"This..." Liu Shiyun was a little surprised, how did this go? Naturally, she had never seen such a teleportation formation.

Meng Xing pulled Liu Shiyun under the whirlpool of the black hole, and her figure disappeared instantly.

"This is the ancient teleportation formation?" Huo Jinglong asked in surprise.

"Not bad!" Meng Xing said, standing under the whirlpool of the black hole, taking the array, and his figure disappeared immediately.

"Is this kid from the Taoist sect? No, he is a martial artist of the martial arts system." Huo Jinglong looked at the place where Meng Xing disappeared, and was even more surprised.

A boy in the martial arts system actually knows how to activate the formation of Taoism, and obviously also understands the way of formation.

No wonder this kid dared to come here to save people with the strength of the pinnacle of the 9th-Rank Open Pulse Realm, and there is such a means.

And this kind of ancient teleportation formation, even the people of Taoism, I am afraid that it may not necessarily be displayed. At least in Huo Jinglong's impression, he did not see a Taoist person who knew how to use this ancient teleportation formation.

Of course, that kind of ordinary teleportation has been seen before. There are traces of that kind of teleportation. With powerful thrust, flying in the air is equivalent to Yujian flying, and the speed is much faster than Yujian flying.

Meng Xing's teleportation just now had no trace. It seemed that a special space channel had been opened, and the destination could be reached in an instant. It was many times more brilliant than those ordinary teleportation.

Therefore, Huo Jinglong was incomparably surprised in his heart, this kid seems a little complicated. A martial artist with such a low-strength martial arts system can master such a brilliant formation technique, which he has never seen in his life.

He was even more curious about Meng Xing.

Huo Jinglong didn't know that the guards outside were knocked unconscious by his use of the power of the sixth-grade spiritual refining realm. If he found the clue, he would definitely be able to detect Meng Xing's abnormality.

At this time, he had no time to think so much, ran out of the cell, and opened the iron gate of the cell for others.

Several cells were soon opened and some prisoners were released.

The iron door outside collapsed with a bang, and the figure of the Liu family's fifth-grade master who was sitting in the prison appeared.

"Huo Jinglong, you actually escaped?" The Liu family's fifth-grade master said in shock and anger.

"Hey! Of course! Willow Chuifeng." Huo Jinglong said, throwing the key to a prisoner who was released, "Go and release the others, I will block this person."

"You dare!" Liu Chuifeng roared angrily.

As soon as he moved, he punched out a punch, and the fiery red air machine was like a dragon, roaring straight towards the dragon.

Huo Jinglong snorted and smashed it with a punch. The fiery red air machines collided violently with each other. With a bang, the entire dungeon trembled violently, and some iron fences were also torn apart by the air machines and exploded. A big hole came out.

Seeing this situation, Huo Jinglong laughed wildly and threw a few punches, directly slamming open the doors of those cells, releasing more prisoners.

Although the strength of these prisoners is not very high, if they are released, they will probably give the Liu family a headache for a long time.

All of a sudden, the entire underground prison was in a frenzy. Those prisoners were all desperate, thinking that they would never be able to get out in this life, but at this moment, they were surprised and took the opportunity to fight and go out.

On the other hand, Huo Jinglong and Liu Chuifeng fought fiercely, roaring constantly, and the underground prison was in a mess as if it had suffered an earthquake.

The more Huo Jinglong fights, the stronger his strength becomes. As a master of the third-grade immortal realm, although his strength has been reduced to the fifth-grade sea-crossing realm because of the seal in his body, after so many years, the seal in his body has also been worn a little loose by him. , as long as it takes some time to unlock the seal in the body, it will definitely return to its peak.

All the prisoners were also released, and they rushed out one by one screaming, fighting with the Liu family guards who came after hearing the news.

At this time, it was still early in the morning, the sky and the earth were dark, but the Liu family was brightly lit, and everyone was alarmed.

No one thought that such a big thing would happen to the Liu family, and all the prisoners in the prison were released.

Most of these prisoners are the mortal enemies of the Liu family, and they are also ruthless and merciless.

No one wants to spend a lifetime in that kind of broken prison, numb to death.

Huo Jinglong and Liu Chuifeng also came out of the prison, and the entire prison was almost collapsed by the two of them, destroying many places.

However, Meng Xing and Liu Shiyun appeared near the Liu family and joined Yao Jianyu and Gu Qingzhuo.

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