After 10 Years of Chopping Wood, I Am Invincible

Chapter two hundred and fifty-eight, the ancestor of the Liu family

Yao Jianyu and Gu Qingzhuo were surprised when they saw Liu Shiyun appear beside them, and then saw Meng Xing also appear.

"Junior Sister Liu, I didn't expect you to be rescued!" Yao Jianyu exclaimed in amazement.

"Thank you Senior Brother Yao! Thank you Junior Brother Gu!" Liu Shiyun saw the two of them, and immediately understood that they had come to help, and couldn't help feeling grateful.

Coming here to save people is risking their lives. The Liu family is many times stronger than Zhenwuzong. It is very difficult to save people.

Thanks to Junior Brother Meng, there were so many ways to rescue her. It was unbelievable, it was like a dream.

"Didn't the fifth-rank masters in the Liu family prison find you?" Yao Jianyu asked again.

"We didn't find us, but the Liu family's fifth-grade master also found something abnormal, so we quickly escaped." Meng Xing said.

"Then let's go quickly?" Yao Jianyu and Gu Qingzhuo couldn't help but clenched their hearts.

"Don't worry for now. Let's watch the show here first." Meng Xing said with a smile.

"Good show?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw a lot of lanterns in the wall of Liu's courtyard not far away, and many people began to run, running in one direction.

Noisy voices came out from time to time, and someone shouted: "The prison is broken, go and guard the prison!"

"A death row prisoner has escaped! Hurry up and catch them! Don't let them harm the Liu family!"

The Liu family occupies a vast area, and it looks like a small town with hundreds of houses. In order to facilitate management, the prison is also built in one of the halls where no one lives.

This was originally no problem, but once the prisoners escaped, the Liu family's people were the first to attack.

At this moment, the Liu family was like a mess of porridge. The voices of the people were boiling, and the shouts of killing were constant. Even outside the courtyard wall, one could still feel the chaos, as if something huge had happened.

Soon, some prisoners were killed from the prison, jumping in the crowd, killing the Liu family.

Immediately afterwards, Huo Jinglong and Liu Chuifeng also appeared, and they fought in the sky above Liu's house. , I don't know how many people were killed.

Yao Jianyu was startled: "What's going on? You released all those prisoners?"

"It was put by the old man. That old man is very powerful. He used to be a powerhouse of the third-rank immortal realm, and he was also the master of the ancestor of the Liu family. The ancestor of the Liu family imprisoned his master and imprisoned him for fifty years." Meng Xing said.

"A powerhouse of the third-rank immortal realm?" Yao Jianyu and Gu Qingzhuo were both shocked. This kind of high-quality powerhouse is very rare. For them, this is the first time they have encountered such a high-quality powerhouse.

Liu Shiyun had a complicated expression and didn't say anything.


In the roar, the fight between Huo Jinglong and Liu Chuifeng also came to an end. After all, Liu Chuifeng was defeated by a high-quality powerhouse like Huo Jinglong, and was smashed and flew out by a punch. Both of them used fire attribute exercises. The competition is all about pure strength.

At this moment, from the depths of the Liu family, a figure stepped into the air at a fast speed, and instantly appeared in front of Huo Jinglong's eyes, but it was a middle-aged man with thick black hair.

When he saw this person, Huo Jinglong was extremely jealous, he sneered: "The guy who bullied his master and killed his ancestors finally dared to come out? Liu Miefeng, it's very good! You are among my many disciples with the most talent. Okay, now I have reached the fourth stage, and I am about to catch up with this old guy. However, do you really think that no one can cure you?"

After Liu Miefeng reached the fourth-grade divine mood, he transformed into a middle-aged man with black hair, but his real age was nearly a hundred years old.

Liu Chaofeng is also the master with a hot temper. Those who practice fire attribute exercises have a hot temper. He stared at Huo Jinglong closely and said, "You immortal, who let you out?"

"Hey! Why did the old man tell you? If you want to know, go find it yourself."

"Humph! Immortal,

Do you think that if you escape, I can't catch you back? The seal you put on me in your body is not so easy to break! With your current rank five realm strength, how can you be my opponent? "Liu Miefeng said.

"Sword Comes"

He raised his hand and clenched his fist, and punched it, like a thunderous explosion, rumbled towards Huo Jinglong.

Huo Jinglong also punched out, collided with it, and the two immediately fought together, making the world roar.

The astral energy of the two people overflowed, annihilating everything, and wherever they passed, everything vanished, and they fought more fiercely than Liu Chuifeng just now.

"Kill!" Liu Miefeng roared, punching out with a punch, and the power that the fourth-rank gods masters burst out was naturally incomparably powerful.

The same is true for Huo Jinglong, a powerful force collided with it, and the roar continued.

Meng Xing has been watching from a distance, the two masters are all bursting with fiery red energy, like a fire dragon, which is especially eye-catching in this dark night.

Comparing the strength of these two masters with his own, he found that he could completely crush them. However, if Huo Jinglong returned to its heyday, he might not be able to beat others.

Compared with the fourth-grade realm, the third-grade realm is a watershed. The third-grade realm can completely crush all the masters in the fourth-grade realm.

The masters of the high-quality realm already have magical and unpredictable power.

And Huo Jinglong was sealed with most of his cultivation, and with the strength of the fifth-rank realm, he could also be indistinguishable from Liu Miefeng, naturally because of the third-grade realm.

The third-grade immortality realm actually means that vitality is immortal, and it can continuously generate vitality, as if it is a machine that generates vitality.

Yao Jianyu, Gu Qingzhuo, and Liu Shiyun on the side were also dazzled and fascinated. This kind of battle equivalent to the fourth-rank realm was rarely seen.

After looking at it for a while, Meng Xing said, "Let's go back, lest we be seen by this Liu family ancestor and we won't be able to go back."

The others were taken aback, and when they came back to their senses, they all nodded.

Meng Xing took out three array disks and started to activate the short-distance teleportation array. The black hole vortex appeared, and they all got into the vortex and disappeared.

Meng Xing glanced at Huo Jinglong and saw that he was being slapped by the Liu family patriarch. He laughed loudly and said, "The old man is gone. Liu Miefeng, wash your neck and wait until the old man breaks it. Seal, and then kill you, a deceiver who deceives his ancestors!"

After he finished speaking, his figure flashed and flew into the distance at an extremely fast speed. The Liu family ancestor looked ugly, and hurriedly followed behind.

Meng Xing also entered the black hole vortex and disappeared. The Liu family was still in chaos, chasing and killing the prisoners.

The next moment, the four people still appeared outside the southern city of Bai'an County, Meng Xing activated the teleportation array again, and everyone returned to the original valley where Xiao Yuluo and others were waiting.

The four came back quietly, and the Liu family guards who were watching outside the formation naturally did not notice them.

Xiao Yuluo was looking forward to it, and when he saw them come back and brought back Senior Sister Liu, he was very pleasantly surprised.

Meng Xing and the others really did it, and rescued Senior Sister Liu from under the noses of the Liu family's fifth-grade masters and fourth-grade powerhouses.

As for how? Xiao Yuluo, Li Buxian, Yang Xiaochui and others were naturally extremely curious. Although they knew that they might have relied on the secrecy of the teleportation formation, it might not be easy to do it.

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