After 10 Years of Chopping Wood, I Am Invincible

Chapter two hundred and seventy-one, shocked

After killing Liu Chuifeng, Yao Jianyu and Gu Qingzhuo were already weak and weak, and their vitality had been completely drained.

Meng Xing then pulled two people, crushed a piece of jade pendant, and generated a teleportation force that brought them into a small formation nearby and disappeared.

This kind of jade pendant was also engraved by Zhuo Lingyan, and then he made some modifications according to the formation runes he knew. Can't feel it.

The way he appeared with Yao Jianyu and Gu Qingzhuo just now was to use this talisman, so he was able to kill Liu Chuifeng in one fell swoop.

The nearby formations are also small formations prepared in advance. They are arranged quickly and can conceal their traces. They also do not have the energy fluctuations of the Vast Sea Trapped Immortal Formation.

Entering the small formation, Meng Xing activated the short-distance teleportation formation, and let Yao Jianyu and Gu Qingzhuo leave here one after another. Then, he also left, and when he left, he quickly closed the arranged formation.

Those Liu family guards didn't react to this series of actions at all, they were still in shock, and it was difficult to hide the tremor in their hearts.

The Liu family had killed two rank five masters in a row. This was a major event, and it was enough to shake the Liu family's position in Qiongzhou.

Although the Liu family still has an ancestor of the Liu family, when he returns, the Liu family may be over.

"Quick, go back and tell the second and third masters that Uncle Chui is dead," said the guard leader.

Several guards hurried back to the Liu family to report.

In less than half an hour, Liu Hudu, Liu Huyin and others who were fighting the fire rushed over with trembling bodies. They were the second and third younger brothers of the deceased Liu Family Patriarch Liu Huyan, and Liu Huxuan was the fourth younger brother. The cultivation base is all in the sixth-grade golden bell realm.

Seeing that Liu Chuifeng fell to the ground, motionless, the two of them were convinced that the second strongest person in the Liu family was really dead.

"It's the few hairy boys who killed them? How could they kill a fifth-rank expert like Uncle Chui?" Liu Hudu roared.

"They have the strange methods of Taoism, and two of them seem to have also broken through to the sixth-rank golden bell. Together, they should also have this kind of strength." A guard leader said hesitantly.

"Damn! It's really terrible! When the ancestors come back, they must be smashed to pieces!" Liu Huyin also roared.

"Let's take Uncle Chui's body back, and by the way, call the fourth brother back to discuss important matters. Once Uncle Chui died and the ancestor did not come back, our Liu family is in danger." Liu Hudu said solemnly.

"Okay!" Liu Huyin also realized the seriousness of the matter.

But Liu Chuifeng's death quickly spread throughout Bai'an County. In less than an hour, powerful people in Qiongzhou knew about it. Immediately, many people who had been attacked by the Liu family were eager to move, especially those desperate bandits, and more It is so.

"Liu Huyan is dead, Liu Chuifeng is also dead, the Liu family has no rank five masters, and the Liu family's ancestor has also left the Liu family and is nowhere to be seen. This is our chance!"

"Yeah! Let's just kill the Liu family and get back all the humiliation we have suffered over the years. Half of the money that I robbed is forced to be handed over by the Liu family. Let's get all the money back!"

"The Age of Rebirth"

"Let's endure the humiliation and bear the burden, isn't it just for today? Kill the Liu family! Kill them all!"

"But, what if the ancestor of the Liu family came back?"

"The ancestor of the Liu family may never come back. It is said that he was entangled by a third-rank master. That third-rank master was his master. He deceived his master and killed his ancestors and wanted to kill his master, but his master escaped. , is preparing to deal with him."

"So that's the case! What are we worried about? Let's kill the Liu family!"


After hearing the news, many bandits in Qiongzhou had already begun to lead many robbers to kill the Liu family in Bai'an County. They also thought of a way out. If the ancestors of the Liu family returned, they would leave Qiongzhou with the money from the robbery.

Anyway, the world is so big that you can go anywhere.

The Liu family is already very rich, so if you don't snatch the Liu family at this time, when will you wait?

Liu Huxuan, Liu Dingkui, Gu Biaofeng and the others were stunned when they knew that Liu Chuifeng was also killed by those hairy boys. They had been attacking the small valley and fought with the two boys for a long time. Unexpectedly, other people secretly went to kill Liu Chuifeng.

This kind of courage is really daring. However, these people have been successful.

How did they do that? With his weak strength, he actually joined forces to kill the fifth-grade powerhouse Liu Chuifeng? Even ten masters of the sixth-grade Admiralty Realm can't kill a peak master of the fifth-grade sea-crossing realm. Why can they do it?

Is it really because of the strange methods of Taoism that the fifth-grade masters have no resistance and let them be slaughtered?

Thinking of this, Liu Huxuan, Liu Dingkui, Gu Biaofeng and others trembled in their hearts. Wouldn't it be quite easy if these guys came to kill them? The three were too frightened to stay here, and quickly left the small valley.

As for the other guards, they are naturally still surrounded by the small valley. If these people die, they will die, it is none of their business.


When Meng Xing and others returned to the small valley, Yao Jianyu and Gu Qingzhuo finally breathed a sigh of relief. They had exhausted their vitality and had already lost their strength in the first battle. They were still worried that they would be caught by the guards of the Liu family and could not escape.

As for Meng Xing, of course there is no such concern. However, he also pretended to be relieved to avoid being seen by them.

As soon as Yang Xiaochui, Li Buxian and others saw Meng Xing, they asked, "How is it? Did it succeed?"

"Of course it succeeded. Liu Chuifeng is dead, and the Liu family has no rank five masters." Gu Qingzhuo said slightly proudly.

He and Yao Jianyu killed a fifth-rank master for the second time. This is a figure equivalent to the level of the sect master of the Zhenwu Sect. Naturally, he should be proud of it, and he can boast for a while in the future.

Who can kill a fifth-rank master with the seventh-rank God Refining Realm and the sixth-rank Admiralty Realm? Almost none, never heard of it.

And they did it, which naturally shocked the world.

Although it is three people working together, it is extremely difficult to do it. It also requires three people to cooperate well and give a fatal blow at a critical time.

Among them, Meng Xing's role is indispensable, and he devised the whole process.

Yang Xiaochui, Li Buxian, Xiao Yuluo, and Liu Shiyun were naturally very shocked, and they really did it. You must know that Liu Chuifeng also had more than a dozen guard leaders from the Golden Bell Realm and Refining Spirit Realm to help this time, and he was stronger than killing the Liu family at that time. When the head of the family was stronger, the difficulty of killing him increased several times.

They really did. Among them, I am afraid there are many dangerous places.

"Junior Brother Meng, when you dealt with Liu Chuifeng just now, the sword you used was the keel sword you obtained in the secret realm of the ancient tomb last time?" Yao Jianyu asked.

"Yes. Thanks to the use of this divine sword, we have the opportunity to injure Liu Chuifeng, and then give you the opportunity to kill him in one fell swoop. If we were just a little bit off, we might have been seriously injured or killed by him instead, so It's also very dangerous." Meng Xing said, half-truth.

"Isn't this keel sword taken away by Bai Xia? Why is it still in your hands?" Liu Shiyun asked suspiciously.

Xiao Yuluo, Yao Jianyu, and Gu Qingzhuo immediately looked at Meng Xing to see how he explained.

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