After 10 Years of Chopping Wood, I Am Invincible

Chapter two hundred and seventy-two, it's none of my business

In fact, after Meng Xing stabbed Liu Chuifeng with a sword, he had already controlled him, just like the Liu family patriarch, and let him wait to be slaughtered, Yao Jianyu and Gu Qingzhuo could naturally succeed.

But Meng Xing couldn't say that he killed himself. Yao Jianyu and Gu Qingzhuo had to carry the blame, so that no one would notice him. Otherwise, why would he bother to kill Liu Chuifeng so much, just roll up his sleeves and do it, and he can kill the opponent easily.

Now most of the credit goes to Yao Jianyu and Gu Qingzhuo, and they are the only ones who have noticed. Meng Xing has become the little helper behind the scenes.

Of course, most of the reasons should be attributed to the strange methods of Daomen and the keel sword. Only with the help of Daomen treasures and the keel sword, can they easily kill the fifth-grade masters.

Although he also made a move, he also used the strange methods of Daomen and the keel sword to help.

Meng Xing said with a smile: "This keel sword was originally given to Bai Xia, but Bai Xia didn't want it, so I hid it to avoid being coveted by other sect masters. When I came out this time, I brought it with me. Here, I didn't expect it to come in handy. If there is no keel sword this time, with my strength, I really can't break Liu Chuifeng's body protection qi machine and hurt him. You two want to kill him, It's also difficult."

He didn't blink when he was lying.

Only then did Yao Jianyu, Liu Shiyun and the others suddenly realize.

Xiao Yuluo said, "You mean, you first hurt Liu Chuifeng, so Senior Brother Yao and the others can kill him?"

"Yes, if Junior Brother Meng hadn't injured Liu Chuifeng first, we wouldn't have been able to kill him," Yao Jianyu said.

"This is too dangerous. I can't take risks like this next time. We won't kill him if it's a big deal." Xiao Yuluo said with some trepidation.

"Yeah! Junior Brother, if you miss and hurt yourself, I will feel uneasy. You all went to Liu Chuifeng and the others because of me." Liu Shiyun also said.

It is conceivable that the level of danger at that time, if one is not good, may kill one's own life.

Yang Xiaochui, Li Buxian, and the others were a little scared, and they were a little too bold.

Yao Jianyu smiled bitterly and said, "In order to kill Liu Chuifeng as soon as possible, I didn't think much about it at all. Now that I think about it, I'm really a little scared."

Gu Qingzhuo nodded and smiled: "Let's do it, why do we still think so much? The big deal is the injury and the loss of his head. Eighteen years later, he is a good man again."

After 18 years, you won't be you anymore. You may be a hero, a woman, or not a human being. You really take death as fun, if it wasn't for my strength, I wouldn't play with you! Meng Xing complained in his heart.

Everyone has only one life, and the mentality of the desperado is unacceptable. When you die, you really die, and you can't enjoy anything.

When he first came across, Meng Xing was still a little adventurous, but now he is more cautious when he can, instead of being forced to do risky things.

Gu Qingzhuo said excitedly again: "Now the people of Qiongzhou, as long as they talk about who killed Liu Chuifeng and the head of the Liu family, they will definitely talk about us. We are very famous now. Maybe people outside Qiongzhou will know about it soon. To be famous in the world."

The two of you are the most famous in the world, as long as it's not me. Meng Xing thought to himself.

Meng Xing said: "Okay, let's not talk too much. Two senior brothers, you should spend two days to restore and consolidate your cultivation base, and in two days, we will go to the site of Wuzhou Jue Shen Sect to see if we can find the suzerain. ."

"Okay." Yao Jianyu and Gu Qingzhuo nodded.

"Yang Xiaochui, Senior Brother Li, you two can continue to use those guards to hone your cultivation, the opportunity is rare." Meng Xing said.

Yang Xiaochui and Li Buxian also nodded.

Meng Xing went back to the tent to rest. Although it didn't cost him anything at all, he had to pretend to avoid being seen by his fellow students.

After resting for an hour, Meng Xing teleported a short distance to a barren mountain.

Then take out the long-distance teleportation array. This kind of formation takes a little longer to activate. If someone sneaks and kills, they may not be able to teleport out, so this time, they were not used when they attacked and killed Liu Taifeng and Liu Huyan.

Of course, that kind of fixed teleportation array can also be used, but it is more inflexible, and Meng Xing does not know the magic of Taoism, nor can he arrange it.

The next moment, Meng Xing appeared in the courtyard of the capital.

Looking at the time, it was still early, so Meng Xing went straight to the outer city to see the arena competition. He is now a fourth-grade god, and he is still quite interested in the lotus seeds of the gods who can break through to the third-grade immortal realm. He doesn't know what kind of fetish.

With his current physical strength, it should be almost comparable to the third-rank, but there is no test subject, so I don't know what the real third-rank strength is.

Although Huo Jinglong is also Rank 3, his strength has degenerated to Rank 5, and he can't show the strength of Rank 3 at all.

When I came to the outer city, I found that the competition in the arena was about to end, and the masters of the dozen or so barbarians came off the stage with high spirits, like victorious roosters.

Apparently they won again.

There was a corpse on the ring, and soon a court arrester carried the corpse away.

The people around were also talking angrily. Some people were rushing up and trying to go up to fight the barbarians, but they were held back by others. They knew that it was the result of death, but it was useless to go up. .

Meng Xing was a little speechless. There are so many masters in Daqin, why are they all hidden and unable to make a move, especially the big sects like Jue Shenzong, Lei Zong, and Buddhist Zen Forest Temple. They are extremely powerful, but they are self-respecting, allowing these barbarian masters to be arrogant and domineering. , slaughter other masters.

With the strength of the sect master of Jue Shenzong, I am afraid that the strongest master of the barbarians will not be afraid, but he is dormant and does not make a move, cherishing his feathers.

I am afraid that these people have their own calculations, they are all from the old fritters, and I am afraid that they do not care about the lives of others.

Meng Xing saw that Zhou Jingyun and Zhou Linfeng were also there, so he walked over and patted them on the shoulders.

"Brother Meng, why are you here?" Zhou Jingyun said.

"Just here, let's go to Goulan to listen to the music?" Meng Xing said with a smile.

"Okay! I just went to relax. I've been in this ghost place for the past few days, and I've suffered from a stomach full of fuss." Zhou Jingyun said.

"Let's go!"

The three of them then came to a nearby Goulan, asked for a private room, ordered some food and drink, and called in two serving women.

"Brother Meng, since you had Miss Hua Rong, you don't care about such rouge fans anymore." Zhou Jingyun smiled and opened his mouth to drink a glass of wine.

Xu Linfeng, this stuffy gourd, was drinking continuously.

Meng Xing smiled and said, "That's natural. Miss Hua Rong is beautiful, and naturally makes people linger."

"It's a pity! I don't have such a blessing. By the way, Brother Meng, the barbarians are so rampant, and they have killed six or seven people in the past few days. Is there any way you can deal with them?" Zhou Jingyun asked.

"Princess Yangping also said something like this. I never thought that with my strength, I couldn't deal with them at all." Meng Xing said, took a sip of wine and sighed helplessly.

"Those masters of the big sects, all of them don't know where they died, to allow this barbarian people to make a fortune in our place, it is really hateful!"

Meng Xing's heart moved, it seemed that the people in the court were also dissatisfied with the monks of these major sects.

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