After 10 Years of Chopping Wood, I Am Invincible

Chapter two hundred and eighty third, powerless

That invisible and invisible formation makes it impossible for people to notice that the formation is there, like an invisible trap, waiting for people to enter the cave.

Unless it is through the test of qi or vitality, it is possible to find out where the formation is arranged. This formation is not the same as the tangible formation such as the smoke cage lock fog formation. If you don't notice it, you may enter it.

A master of the barbarians had strayed into it earlier, and was killed in the same way.

The barbarian leader, Kotolei, was punched so hard that he couldn't stop his figure, and it was indeed tragic enough to stray into it.

For a while, Mo Wulan, Xiong Zun, and You Tianqi also stopped fighting and looked in the direction where Kuotolei disappeared.


After a while, a figure flashed out of thin air, and a mouthful of blood spurted out, like a rain of blood falling from the sky.

The figure fell to the ground, and immediately stopped moving, blood was still spraying from his throat, and it was Kuotuo Lei.

Mo Wulan, Xiong Zun, and You Tianqi reacted together and rushed in the direction of Kuotuo Lei. At this time, they no longer cared about being shocked, and just wanted to grab the lotus seeds from the gods.

But the three of them collided quickly, you blocked me, I blocked you, just didn't want the other party to get close, just wanted to get close first.

The three of them fought again in an instant, their fists and feet added together, and the roar continued.

"Mo Wulan, the lotus seeds are mine, you are not allowed to rob me!" Xiong Zun said.

"You said it's yours, but it's yours? Why don't you die?" Mo Wulan said with a sullen aura.

You Tianqi didn't say a word, he fought with all his strength, and poured out all the unique skills of the Absolute God Sect.

The three of them fought hard, and for a while, they were evenly matched, and there was no winner or loser.


Mo Wuxue took this opportunity to approach Kuotelei's body.

Lu Bijian and the other two monster clan masters did not dare to fall behind, and shot straight towards the ring.

The two remaining masters of the barbarian race, despite their horrified expressions, also ran towards Kuotelei's corpse.

The six people quickly collided and fought.

The melee of the fifth-grade masters, although the momentum is a little smaller than the fourth-grade realm, is not weak. For most of the monks present, the fifth-grade realm is a peak that cannot be climbed.

Therefore, the battle of these six people is also extremely spectacular, one after another qi machine, one after another astral qi, like a boiling sea, rushing to the surrounding.

Many people and practitioners standing far away from the arena watched in amazement and shock. No one would have imagined that things would have developed to such an extent, and what everyone could not have imagined was that Meng Xing was able to kill a fourth-rank god. The master of mood.

Although relying on the convenience of the formation, who would use this formation? Almost no low-level warrior in the eighth-rank realm can kill a strong man in the fourth-rank realm, but Meng Xing did it, which is enough to be proud of.

Moreover, the person who killed was the mortal enemy of Da Qin, a northern barbarian.

Everyone is very excited. This is a feat. More than a dozen barbarian masters came to Daqin to make trouble, but they were all killed by Daqin's low-level masters. Are you happy?

It's simply heartwarming and hearty!

The barbarians have died so many masters, I am afraid they will be very embarrassed.

The remaining two barbarian masters were one of the fifth-rank and the other of the sixth-rank. They were originally candidates. At this moment, they just wanted to snatch the corpse of the leader Kuotelei and go back, so that they could give an explanation to the barbarian patriarch.

The fifth-rank master was fighting with others, but the sixth-rank master wanted to snatch the corpse, but he was blocked by the monster master all the time, preventing him from moving forward.

The six people fought fiercely and roared constantly.

At this moment, a figure suddenly appeared behind the barbarian fifth-rank master. With a flash of cold light, he stabbed directly into his back and penetrated his chest. After he succeeded, the figure suddenly disappeared. .


The fifth-grade expert fell down and died.

Everyone could see clearly that the person who made the shot was actually Meng Xing. In front of so many masters, he dared to attack and kill the barbarian masters.

It really shocked everyone.

"Kill another barbarian master, really happy!"

"This barbarian is finally powerless, and there is only one person left, and can't get up again."

"This young man is really amazing. He killed all the barbarian masters with one blow."

"The remaining one, I'm afraid I can't escape."


Everyone was talking a lot and was extremely excited. These days, they had suffered from a belly of grievances, and they finally raised their eyebrows today.

This young man is amazing.

At this time, some good people went out, ran around to tell the story, and spread the matter here.

"Have you heard? This time there was a Meng Ren, who was young, and he used various means to kill a dozen or twenty barbarian masters, and even the barbarian leader was killed by him. This leader was a fourth rank. Even the masters of the realm cannot escape from his palm."

"Really? What's going on? Let's talk about it carefully."

"It's like this, he used the magic of Daomen... In this way, he killed many barbarian masters alone!"

"Amazing! It's really amazing!"


Such a big event, once spread to ten, ten to a hundred people, was spread over and over in the capital in an instant. Many people began to swarm in the direction of the ring competition.

The remaining sixth-rank barbarian master saw that the only remaining master of the same clan was also dead. He was so frightened that he quickly retreated, jumped off the ring, and quickly ran away.

He knew that he couldn't snatch the corpse back, and now it was important to save his life, and he had to tell the barbarian patriarch what happened here, so he had to go back.

There was such an incredible low-level warrior of the eighth-rank realm in Daqin, who was able to kill the enemy by leaps and bounds by means of various means, and even the fourth-rank realm Kuotuo Lei also died under this person's sword. This kind of information must be passed on to him. barbarian.

This kind of person is really terrifying. If there are many such people in Daqin, it will be a huge obstacle to the expansion of the barbarians.

This sixth-rank barbarian master gave his life to run wildly, ran out of the capital, and headed northwest.

"It's a pity that the remaining barbarian master escaped."

"Run away and run away, it's not a climate!"

Everyone talked about it, watching the barbarian master escape, but no one stopped him. Rank 6 masters are not so easy to deal with.

At this time, on the arena, the battle of the fifth-grade realm masters was even more intense. One of the two monster clan masters dealt with Mo Wuxue, and the other dealt with Lu Bijian.

However, they were also guarding against Meng Xing's sudden attack. This guy was so powerful that he took the opportunity to kill the fifth-rank barbarian master in one fell swoop.

On the other hand, the three masters of You Tianqi, Mo Wulan, and Xiong Zun naturally didn't care about the death of the barbarian masters. The three of them were still fighting, wanting to kill others and snatch the body of Kuotorei.

Of course, while they were fighting, they also watched the corpse vigilantly to prevent others from snatching it. If anyone dares to snatch, the three of them will turn their heads unceremoniously to deal with the snatchers.

Suddenly, another figure appeared behind a monster expert, but Lu Bijian was his enemy.

Lu Bijian was stunned for a moment, only to see a flicker of cold light, which had penetrated the back of the monster master, and penetrated straight to the chest.

This hand was almost silent, and no one responded. After killing the person, the person retreated and disappeared.


Before the monster clan master was about to die, he roared, turned into the original form of the tiger rhinoceros, smashed to the ground, and died.

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