After 10 Years of Chopping Wood, I Am Invincible

Chapter two hundred and eighty-four, gold-level soul angel

Ten years after chopping wood, I am invincible Chapter 284, Gold-level Soul Angel

Lu Bijian was extremely horrified. If that kid attacked him like this, he probably wouldn't be able to survive.

It is simply too powerful, one hit must be hit, and it is all fatal.

"Bastard! The boy of Zhenwuzong, you give me death! My demon clan and you will never die!" Xiong Zun roared in anger, but he couldn't deal with Meng Xing when others entangled him.

"Haha! If you die, you will die! Zun Xiong, if you want to rely on people to take advantage of it, that is impossible." Mo Wulan said, punching him with a punch, and the black energy was like lightning.

You Tianqi sneered: "One of you is a demon clan, and the other is a demon. If you don't leave quickly, you are still entangled here. Wait for the masters from the capital to come, and you can't leave here. Today may be your death day."

"Don't bluff me, how many masters are there in this capital? All of them are like tortoises with their heads shrinking, they can't become a big climate!" Mo Wulan said.

The barbarians have been stirring the wind and rain here for more than ten days, and they have not seen those masters come out to stop them, and they are silent.

"No one will leave without taking the lotus seeds from the gods." Xiong Zun said.

"Lianzi of the God of Heaven must be mine!" You Tianqi roared, his body turned abruptly, and he rushed towards Kuotolei's corpse.

"It's your ass!" Xiong Zun scolded and punched him, blocking his way.

The three of them fought fiercely again, and the roar was endless.


Mo Wuxue was punched by Xiong Zun, bleeding from the corner of his mouth, he became ruthless, and the punch also hit You Tianqi's body.

You Tianqi held the sword and took the opportunity to slash at Xiong Zun with a sword.


The fierce sword qi slashed onto Xiong Zun's shoulder, and directly split a piece of flesh, dripping with blood.

Three fourth-rank masters were injured successively, and they almost lost all three.

On the other side, Lu Bijian also wanted to get close to Kuotolei's body, but Mo Wuxue and another demon master also stopped him, and for a while, it became a deadlock again.

At this time, the monster clan master slammed a few punches, shook his body, twisted his body, suddenly increased his speed, fell in front of the corpse with a swoosh, and reached out to take something out of the corpse's arms.

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"Stop him!"

"This monster is too cunning!"

Lu Bijian shouted with Mo Wuxue, then gave up the fight and ran over.

"There is no god of lotus seeds here! It was taken by that kid!" cried the demon master, already withdrawing his hand.

"What, no?"

Lu Bijian and Mo Wuxue also went to search, and they rummaged through Kuotolei's body, but they didn't find the box where they found the lotus seeds of the gods, nor did they find any treasures such as storage bags.

"Really do not have!"

"It was all played by that kid! The things have been taken away by him!"

When You Tianqi, Mo Wulan, and Xiong Zun heard this, they all stopped, and their faces were a little ugly.

They almost beat their heads and blood, but they didn't expect the goddess lotus seeds to be taken away by that kid. It's abominable, this is to make them kill each other and beat each other to the death, but they get nothing.

"I'm going to kill this kid!"

Zun Xiong was extremely angry, this kid killed a monster expert he brought, and he even made fun of them.

He ran towards the formation and hit the formation with a punch.

Mo Wulan also punched, smashed into the formation, and shouted: "Boy, come out quickly, let me kill you!"

You Tianqi was not reconciled, he slashed over with his sword, and a powerful qi burst out.

For a while, the three masters of the fourth-rank realm were played for a long time, and they were all a little embarrassed. But the three of them joined forces to bombard a few tricks. In addition to the invisible fluctuations shaking, their qi was also invisible, and they couldn't stir up many waves.

The three people shouted and bombarded for a long time. Meng Xing, who was hiding in the formation, did not respond. The three couldn't break the formation together.

Daoist Wuchen, who was watching from the arena, said in shock, "Why is this formation so powerful?

Even the bombardment of three fourth-grade masters has no effect? "

"Of course! You don't even look at who made the formation." Zhuo Lingyan said slightly proudly. In front of others, she naturally wouldn't speak like that, but in front of her senior brother, it didn't matter.

"What kind of formation is this?" Daoist Wuchen couldn't help asking.

"Hanhai Trapped Immortal Array."

"Don't lie to me, how can the Hanhai Trapped Immortal Array be so powerful? Was it transformed by Meng Xing?"

"Of course yes."

"Is there such a formation plate, and give me a pair of senior brothers?"

Zhuo Lingyan immediately threw three array plates to him and said, "Senior brother, you took my treasure, remember to give it to my sister if you have good things."

"This is natural, this is natural." Daoist Wuchen said excitedly.

Zhuo Lingyan also told him the activation rules and the rules for entering and exiting the formation. It is easy to understand the formation with Daochen Wuchen's understanding of the formation, but the people next to him are confused and don't understand the meaning at all.

The cold and noble Princess Yangping was also a little surprised when she heard this. As a learned and versatile, she couldn't understand it, but Meng Xing could actually know how to transform other people's formations. It is unbelievable that a person who has studied the formation method for many years cannot do it.

No one knows how he did it.

At this moment, two figures stepped out of the air, with extremely fast speed, and with a swoosh, they landed on the ring.

Princess Yangping looked at them and recognized that they were two gold-level soul angels from the Soul Angel Yamen, one named Li Mochun and the other named Xing Bofeng.

Xing Bofeng is Xing Yixuan's father. As a gold-level soul angel with a status second only to the overseer, his status in the government office is naturally very important, and no one dares to underestimate him.

Seeing his father coming, Xing Yixuan was naturally surprised, and couldn't help showing a smug look on his face.

But when he thought that even the fourth-rank barbarian master was killed by Meng Xing, his face became a little gloomy again. This Meng Xing was so powerful, and with the princess as his backing, it became more and more difficult to deal with him.

Moreover, the other party actually killed so many barbarian masters and solved the headache of many people in the court, and it will definitely be more reused and favored by the princess.

Xing Yixuan once fantasized about being reused by the princess, and even imagined that the princess fell in love with him and made him a concubine, and his official fortune was prosperous, he was prosperous in the imperial court, and became the object of envy of the younger generation.

Now, the object of envy has become the baseless Meng Xing. I don't know where this fellow came from, but it's so powerful.

Moreover, he also has a feud with this person, maybe he will be attacked by this person at some time, and naturally he does not want the other party to get along so well.

On the ring, Li Mochun and Xing Bofeng looked at the situation around them, and they were also very shocked. They had already learned that the barbarians had been killed by a powerful young man, and they didn't believe it at all.

Both of them have seen the power of the barbarian masters, and the masters who appear are almost comparable to the fourth-grade realm, and it is easy to kill the fifth-grade realm. One of the leaders is also a powerful Fourth Stage master.

However, these people in front of them have become corpses, a dozen or twenty people have died, and the barbarian leader, the master of the fourth rank, has also been beheaded.

At this moment, they had to believe it was true.

But where did that awesome young man go? By the way, the bronze-level soul angel who came to report said that there was an invisible formation on the ring, and the young man was hiding there, waiting for an opportunity to kill the enemy.

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