After 10 Years of Chopping Wood, I Am Invincible

Chapter two hundred and eighty-fifth, come and take it if you have the ability

Ten years after chopping wood, I am invincible Chapter 285, come and get it if you have the ability

Li Mochun and Xing Bofeng looked around and found no formation, so they were too lazy to deal with it.

The two of them stared at Zun Xiong, Mo Wulan and the others, their eyes sharp like knives.

Xing Bofeng's face was grim, and he said, "People from the demon clan and demons dare to appear here. Does this mean that I, Da Qin, are not in my eyes?"

Li Mochun said: "What are you talking about with them, just kill them! The demon clan and the demon clan are all evildoers, and they are the targets of my soul angel Yamen to arrest."


Li Mochun had already drawn out his sword, and slashed towards Mo Wulan, the sword light like a waterfall, turned into a water-silver energy, and rushed towards the opponent. He opened up the water spirit vein, and his body was full of water vitality.

Mo Wulan smiled and said, "I've long wanted to learn from the fourth-grade master of the Soul Angel Yamen."

The long knife in his hand also slashed out, and the black qi collided with the mercury qi and exploded. The two immediately fought each other, and the knife collided with the knife, which was extremely fierce.

Meng Xing also stood on the edge of the formation, watching the battle. These two rank four masters are the same as his real cultivation, but Meng Xing feels that their speed is very slow, and they are a little worse than him. This is probably because of the system attribute points he has obtained, which makes him Physical strength, physique, agility, etc. are close to or comparable to the third-rank realm.

On the other side, Xing Bofeng also pulled out his knife and fought with Xiong Zun. As for You Tianqi, because of their special status, they belong to the Absolute God Sect, so the two gold-level soul angels did not trouble them.

Suddenly, a fierce battle broke out in the arena. You Tianqi didn't attack Meng Xing's formation either, but focused on the battle. The people around are also gathering more and more, and countless people are talking and discussing what happened.


Xing Bofeng slashed at Xiong Zun with a knife, and Xiong Zun took one palm after another.

boom! boom!

What Xing Bofeng opened up was the Fire Spirit Vessel, and every slash was a fiery wave. Xing Bofeng saw an opportunity and slashed into Zun Xiong's arm with a knife, almost cutting off Zun Xiong's arm. In the burst of energy, Zun Xiong quickly retreated, avoiding the danger of this knife.

But his arm was already dripping with blood, and the blood was stopped by running the vitality to seal the seal.

On the other side, Mo Wuxue and Lu Bijian were far away from the master of the monster clan, preventing each other from attacking each other and watching the battle of the fourth-grade masters.

At this moment, a figure suddenly appeared beside the monster master, as if flashing out of thin air. The monster master didn't notice it, the cold light flashed slightly, and with a snort, a sword had pierced into his back, a blow. After that, the man disappeared out of thin air.

The speed is so fast that the fourth-grade masters are almost unable to react.


That monster clan master bled from his mouth, and then fell down. He died, and his body returned to the shape of a bear demon.

Xiong Zun was extremely angry. The two masters of the fifth-grade demon clan he brought were actually killed by Meng Xing. The other party was to avenge the last time Lang Kun kidnapped him, so he killed the demon so many times. clan master.

But he didn't dare to stay here any longer, he was already injured, and it was hard to guarantee that these people would not unite to deal with him, so he had to dodge away from here in a hatred.

Xing Bofeng didn't go after him either. If this Xiong Zun was dying, he might not be able to keep him.

Xing Bofeng just turned around and killed Mo Wulan. For the Daqin court, this demon gate is also the object that needs to be eliminated the most.

"You two come to deal with me alone? It's so shameless!" Mo Wulan shouted.

"The Demon Sect has been involved in a lot of things in the capital recently. You demon sect monsters need to be eliminated the most, so as not to harm the people." Li Mochun snorted coldly.

Two people attacked, Mo Wulan naturally increased the pressure, one was not good,

He might be killed, so he had to step back and dodge the killing moves of the two gold-level soul angels.

Li Mochun and Xing Bofeng were like shadows, rushing away.

Mo Wulan shouted to Mo Wuxue: "You go first! I'm here to resist for a while." While speaking, he dodged the charge of two gold-level soul angels.

"Be careful!" Mo Wuxue said loudly.

Mo Wulan was suddenly alert, he was about to enter that kid's formation, and his body was about to retreat quickly. Li Mochun and Xing Bofeng had each charged with a knife, and the powerful Qi made people unable to dodge.


Mo Wulan smashed out two fists, intercepting the two qi jets, but the two powerful qi jets also pushed him into the range of the formation, and instantly lost his figure.

Li Mochun and Xing Bofeng were immediately amazed. The original formation was here, but this formation was too powerful. It made people trapped in it, and even people outside could not find it.

"Brother! Brother! Come out quickly!" Mo Wuxue was so frightened that he originally wanted to escape, but he couldn't care to escape at this moment.

He knew that that guy would never let the Demon Sect go, and he was very decisive in killing people.


After a while, a figure smashed out, fell to the ground, blood spurted out of his throat, twitched a few times, and then died.

Mo Wuxue looked at it, and it was his brother Mo Wulan, who was already dead.

Li Mochun and Xing Bofeng were also extremely shocked. When they fell into the formation, they were like lambs waiting to be slaughtered. Even in the fourth-rank realm, they could not escape the poisonous hands of the eighth-rank low-level warriors.

"Meng Xing! I, Mo Wuxue, want to kill you!" Mo Wuxue roared, turned around and hurried away, not daring to stay any longer.

Li Mochun stretched out his body, chased after him with a swoosh, and shouted, "People from the Demon Sect still want to escape? Where else is there such a good thing?"

After chasing it out for more than ten meters, I saw that the other party crushed a piece of jade pendant, accelerated in an instant, rolled away like a gust of wind, and quickly disappeared.

Li Mochun frowned, this man from the Demon Sect actually has a jade pendant from the Taoist Sect, and he doesn't know where it came from. But what is certain is that the people of the Demon Sect must have colluded with the people of the Dao sect to have this kind of thing.

Li Mochun had to come back, stand on the ring, and look at You Tianqi and Lu Bijian, who were from the Jue Shenzong.

The barbarian people were almost dead and wounded, the demon clan was left with only one bear Zun who escaped, and the demon people only escaped without blood.

Now there are only two people from the Jue Shenzong. The Jue Shenzong is known as the sect of the right way, and naturally it cannot be dealt with like other people.

Xing Bofeng also stood there, looking at You Tianqi and Lu Bijian, and said, "Elder You, there is nothing for you here, please go back!"

You Tianqi wrinkled his head and said, "I'm here for the barbarian god, Lotus Seed."

"Lianzi of the gods, who is in the hands now?" Xing Bofeng said, a little moved in his heart.

"In that kid's hand." Lu Bijian pointed to the formation.

"What about in my hands? Do you guys still want to snatch it?" Meng Xing's figure appeared, standing on the edge of the formation, speaking sternly.

"Boy, you'd better hand it over, otherwise, if you offend my Jue Shenzong, you must know the serious consequences." Lu Bijian said with sharp eyes.

"Come and get it if you have the ability. If you don't have the ability, then get out!" Meng Xing said, looking like he didn't care at all.

Lu Bijian's face was a little ugly. He had also seen the means of this kid. The other party dared to kill even the fourth-rank realm, so how could he be afraid of his threat?

You Tianqi also frowned, knowing that this kid relies on the formation, and almost no one can beat him. As long as he falls into his formation, the opponent will kill without hesitation.

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