After 10 Years of Chopping Wood, I Am Invincible

Chapter 289, this is not wanting to give everyone a way to live

Ten years after chopping wood, I am invincible Chapter 289, this is not wanting to give everyone a way to live

"Learn the way of the formation?" Mo Xiuyuan was even more confused. He knew that when he was in the secret realm of the ancient tomb last time, it was said that Meng Xing assisted Lei Zong's people to decipher the formation of life and death, but Mo Xiuyuan heard it. I am afraid that more people from Lei Zong directed him to help crack the formation.

He didn't listen to Meng Xing's detailed description of the specific situation at all, but when he wanted to come, Meng Xing must have learned a little bit from Lei Zong's people, so he also accidentally entered the secret room of Emperor Jinglong and found it. The Peerless Secret Book of Emperor Jinglong.

Therefore, Mo Xiuyuan felt that Meng Xing and the people from Lei Zong of Taoism were similar in learning the way of formation, and it was like a joke to let Lei Zong's fifth-grade masters follow Meng Xing to learn.

"Yes. Brother Meng's formation method is so superb that even my saintess from Lei Zong sighs. Peak Master Mo, you have taught well, and you have taught such a powerful disciple." Daoist Wuchen boasted a few words.

Mo Xiuyuan had a wry smile on his face. I didn't teach him at all. When I wanted to accept him as a direct disciple, he didn't even want to. However, I heard that Xiao Yuluo has been teaching him.

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However, even Saintess Lei Zong sighed to herself, is Meng Xing's formation method really powerful?

Where did he learn the way of formation? How have never heard of it.

Also, didn't he follow Yao Jianyu and Xiao Yuluo down the mountain? Why did you call the Daoist Wuchen to help arrange the formation?

Mo Xiuyuan was full of questions.

Meng Xing said: "Master, please help me arrange the formation first."

Daoist Wuchen said: "Okay. It's better to be respectful than to obey!"

Daoist Wuchen immediately flew up and flew into the mid-air of Jianchi Peak, and began to arrange the formation. A huge flag flag appeared in his hand. The flag flag had complex runes. With a flick of his hand, the flag flag flew out and was inserted somewhere in Jianchi Peak.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

More and more flags flew out.

Many disciples of Jianchi Peak also began to perceive Daochen Wuchen in midair, and they were all shocked.

"Look! Who is that? Those who can fly are masters above the fifth-rank realm. This person must be in the same realm as the suzerain's cultivation."

"No! This person is a master of the Taoist sect and can fly with the sword or with the help of other treasures, but this person does not have a sword, so he is also a master of the fifth-rank realm, but he is definitely stronger than the sect master. People of the Taoist sect have various means, listen. It is said that it can summon wind, rain and thunder, which is extremely powerful."

"What is the master of this sect doing? Is this setting up a formation for us?"

"Who has such a big face to invite a fifth-grade master of Daomen?"

"I saw it just now. It was Meng Xing from the dining hall. The fifth-grade master he invited, he was with this Taoist priest at the time."

"That Meng Xing, I also know that he and Senior Brother Yao have gone down the mountain. I didn't expect to be so powerful that they could invite a fifth-grade expert."

"You don't know this, Meng Xing has done a lot of great things, I'll tell you in detail..."

Many disciples of Jianchi Peak were talking, and they were all surprised when they looked at Daoist Wuchen standing in the sky.

Luo Yao, Zhou Ruoqing, Ye Xuelian and others also came out to watch. Meng Xing went down the mountain for many days, and they knew it. When they saw the figure in the air, they immediately recognized it as Daoist Wuchen.

"Meng Xing brought Taoist Wuchen to set up the formation. Is he worried that our Jianchi Peak will be attacked by people from the Demon Clan or the Demon Race?"

"Or maybe they went down the mountain and caused a big problem and caused people who shouldn't be offended, so they need Daochen Wuchen to come to the rescue?"

"Daoist Wuchen once learned the way of formation from Meng Xing, and he admired him very much, so he was willing to come here. Otherwise, others might not be able to see Daoist Wuchen."

All three of them had seen Daoist Wuchen in Wuyang County before, so they naturally knew what happened at that time, but they didn't say much to others, so apart from them, I'm afraid no one understands the relationship between Meng Xing and Daoist Wuchen. .

at this time,

Mo Xiuyuan also took the opportunity to ask Meng Xing about things.

Mo Xiuyuan asked, "Meng Xing, why did you ask Daoist Wuchen to help arrange the formation? It's not good for us to send people like this?"

Mo Xiuyuan was a little worried and asked a Rank 5 master to help. It would be bad if he annoyed others. In the entire Zhenwu Sect, there is no one who is a Rank 5 cultivation base. Even the peak masters of the twelve peaks are not enough. It was hit by a fifth-grade expert from Lei Zong of Taoism.

Meng Xingdao: "Peak Master, now the people from the Demon Sect and the Demon Race are eyeing them, and our Sect Master is also missing. If there is a fifth-grade master, none of us in the entire Zhenwu Sect can resist it. It is really dangerous."

"Furthermore, last time in the secret realm of the ancient tomb, we also aroused the dissatisfaction of the people of Jue Shenzong. If they kill them, they will be unstoppable. That's why I asked Daoist Wuchen to help arrange the formation."

As for the beheading of Lu Bijian of Jue Shenzong, Mo Wulan, a fourth-grade master of Demon Sect, two fifth-grade masters of Yaozu, and more than a dozen masters of barbarian clan, it is naturally hard to say. He is worried that Mo Xiuyuan will be killed. terrified.

We can only wait for the news of the capital to reach here, let him digest it slowly. This kind of thing is unstoppable.

There is also the matter of the Liu family in Qiongzhou, but compared to the matter in the capital, the impact is definitely less.

But it is also necessary to prevent the ancestors of the Liu family from killing Zhenwuzong.

After thinking about it, Meng Xing said: "Peak Lord, you can gather the people from the other eleven peaks to Jianchi Peak, and build more yards in Jianchi Peak for everyone to live in. Or, set up a protective formation on Wandao Peak. Law, and some people also live there.”

Wan Dao Peak is relatively close to Jian Chi Peak and can take care of each other.

Mo Xiuyuan asked, "What happened?"

Meng Xing hesitated for a while, and decided to understand the matter of the Liu family in Qiongzhou, and let the peak masters accept it first, so that when the ancestors of the Liu family killed Zhenwuzong, they would not have the slightest defense.

Meng Xing said: "Peak Master, it's like this. Brother Yao and I went to Bai'an County in Qiongzhou and killed two masters of the Liu family in Qiongzhou."

Mo Xiuyuan's eyes widened: "You killed two rank five masters?"

"Yeah! It should have been killed by Senior Brother Yao and Senior Brother Gu. They also broke through to the sixth-grade Golden Bell Realm. I was there to assist, I used some Taoist methods to assist the two of them, and used a conspiracy to bring the two of the Liu family together. All five rank masters have been killed, and one of them is the head of the Liu family." Meng Xing said with consideration.

Mo Xiuyuan was dumbfounded and continued to ask in shock, "You really killed two rank five masters?"


Seeing that Meng Xing's expression didn't seem like a lie, Mo Xiuyuan finally believed it. After a long while, he said, "You guys are really bold, you dare to kill even a Rank 5 master!"

He really didn't know what to say. The three of them were too daring, knowing that they were facing a fifth-rank expert, who was at least two or three times stronger than the sixth-rank Admiralty Realm.

Even if Mo Xiuyuan united with the twelfth peak master, he would not dare to kill the fifth-rank master, because the fifth-rank master can definitely deal with the sixth-rank golden bell realm with a crushing attitude.

"There are other experts in the Liu family?" Mo Xiuyuan asked again.

"Yes! The patriarch of the Liu family is a master of the fourth-grade gods."

Mo Xiuyuan was silent, he finally understood why Meng Xing set up a formation on Jianchi Peak, because he was afraid that the Liu family ancestors would come to retaliate.

The masters of the fourth-rank gods, I am afraid that with a single blow, they can destroy the Jianchi Peak. That is more powerful than the two fifth-rank masters.

Mo Xiuyuan almost spit out a mouthful of old blood, it's not good to offend anyone, but it's the powerhouse of the fourth-rank divine mood, he doesn't want to give everyone a way to survive!

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