After 10 Years of Chopping Wood, I Am Invincible

Chapter two hundred and ninety, your knowledge is too low

Ten years after chopping wood, I am invincible Chapter 290, Your knowledge is too low

Come on, let's not talk about the killing of so many barbarians in the capital. Seeing Mo Xiuyuan's expression, Meng Xing was afraid that he couldn't bear it.

"Can Daoist Wuchen's arrangement be able to withstand the fourth-rank masters?" Mo Xiuyuan asked very worriedly.

As far as he understands, the formations arranged by Daomen are also somewhat related to their own cultivation. It may not be enough to trap a fourth-rank master.

"Don't worry! Peak master, if I transform it, I will be able to trap the fourth-rank masters, and ensure that the third-rank masters will come, and there will be no return." Meng Xing said.

Mo Xiuyuan felt a little unreliable. What kind of cultivation are you? Could it be that the way of formation you learned is more powerful than that of the dust-free way? Even a little modification can trap a fourth-rank master, which sounds like bragging.

But at this point, he didn't say much, and could only smile bitterly in his heart.

"You'd better let Daochen Wuchen set up a formation on Wandao Peak. I'm worried that Jianchi Peak will not be enough." Mo Xiuyuan said again.

"Okay!" Meng Xing agreed.

After a quarter of an hour, Daoist Wuchen finally set up the formation flags around Jianchi Peak, and then set up the formation base and activated the formation base.


An invisible energy enveloped the Jianchi Peak, and the vitality between the heavens and the earth rushed in, and the flags radiated energy, echoing each other, and forming a large defensive formation.

Taoist Wuchen stepped down into the air and landed in front of Meng Xing and Mo Xiuyuan, and said, "Brother Meng, fortunately not to be humiliated, the great formation has already been set up, but the protection is very weak, and you still need to make some changes."

"Okay, thank you sir!"

Meng Xing then began to inspect the surrounding flags, and Daoist Wuchen and Mo Xiuyuan also followed behind him.

Meng Xing asked, "Master, what kind of formation is this called?"

Mo Xiuyuan almost fell and fell. He didn't know the name of the formation. How could it be changed? This is humiliating in front of Daoist Wuchen!

Mo Xiuyuan couldn't help feeling blush for Meng Xing.

"Tiangang Water Spirit Formation. The largest formation I can arrange is only this formation." Daoist Wuchen said.

When Mo Xiuyuan saw that Daoist Wuchen didn't laugh at him, he immediately felt that this Daoist was well behaved.

Meng Xing said: "Tiangang Water Spirit Formation? It's almost the same as the last Tiangang Earth Spirit Formation. It should be possible."

While they were talking, the three of them had come to an array of flags. Meng Xing looked at it and felt that the energy emitted was a little weak, so he pulled it out and asked Daoist Wuchen to help him insert it into another position.

Mo Xiuyuan was a little speechless. The position of this movement seemed to be even more useless, and even the faint energy was not emitted.

He glanced at Daoist Wuchen worriedly, for fear of making Daoist Wuchen unhappy. After all, he was a rank five master, so it was not good to anger him.

But seeing that he was still smiling, Mo Xiuyuan was relieved.

"Daoist, pull out this array of flags and put them on that side. Yes, a little to the left." Meng Xing said.

Dao Wuchen made a move, and the flag flew to his hand, and then fell to the position designated by Meng Xing.

Mo Xiuyuan gave a frightened look, and almost fainted. The flags still did not emit energy. Can you stop doing this? Isn't this causing chaos for Daoist Wuchen?

So, Mo Xiuyuan watched Meng Xing messing around in horror, and he didn't know what to say, but Daoist Wuchen was very cooperative. west.

If it wasn't for the presence of Daoist Wuchen, Mo Xiuyuan would probably have scolded Meng Xing. Is there such a mess of him? Thanks to Daoist Wuchen's good self-cultivation, if not, Meng Xing would be shot dead with a slap.

A master of the fifth-rank realm, and also a fifth-rank master of Lei Zong, a great god who could not be invited by Zhenwuzong, yet treats him like this,

Isn't this roasting Zhenwuzong on the fire pit?

At this time, Daoist Wuchen moved another array flag, and with a bang, the entire array seemed to have undergone tremendous changes. The world seemed to be shaking, and there was no array flag that radiated energy. They all exude powerful energy, and they echo each other more, and the fusion is more compatible.

Daoist Wuchen couldn't help but exclaimed in surprise: "Wonderful! It's really wonderful! Brother Meng, your transformation has abruptly increased the power of this formation by a dozen times, and it should be able to resist even a fourth-grade master. The movements of those places are all places that I hadn't thought of at all. I'll have to study it."

Daoist Wuchen's expression was a little excited, just like someone who had obtained the treasure, his eyes were shining, looking at the nothingness in the air, in his eyes, he naturally saw a path of energy, forming a There are endless rules of heaven and earth, and this kind of rules of heaven and earth is enough to withstand a powerful blow from a fourth-grade master.

Mo Xiuyuan was stunned, it really feasible? Even Daoist Wuchen was shocked?

Naturally, Mo Xiuyuan also felt that the energy shrouded in the sky above Jianchi Peak was much stronger. It turned out that the flag that Meng Xing asked to move was not without gain or loss, but was really transformed. No wonder Daoist Wuchen was willing to accept him. driven.

Mo Xiuyuan was shocked and his eyes widened. It turned out that he could transform the formation in this way.

Meng Xing said: "Daoist, this power is not enough, and the rest need to be transformed."

In fact, because Meng Xing mobilized the attribute value of the formation, the entire formation formed a picture, which was depicted in his mind, and the transformation position of this formation was instantly calculated in his mind.

"Okay! That's all you have to say." Daoist Wuchen said excitedly.

Next, Daoist Wuchen followed Meng Xing's instructions and moved other formations. It took half an hour to complete the transformation of the formation of the entire Jianchi Peak, which increased the power of the whole formation. cut.

Daoist Wuchen said: "Brother Meng, I feel that even a third-rank expert can resist this great formation."

Can a third-grade master also resist? Is it so strong? Mo Xiuyuan felt his surroundings in shock.

"Well! It should be possible! But there is no third-rank master to try, and I don't know if there is such power." Meng Xing was not so sure.

However, Mo Xiuyuan almost fainted, and even a third-rank master came to try it. If the great formation was really broken, everyone would be dead.

Then, Meng Xing asked Daoist Wuchen to go to Wandaofeng to help set up the big formation, and he naturally agreed readily.

Taoist Wuchen was also fortunate to have bought a lot of materials, and it was enough to set up a large formation, so accompanied by Meng Xing and Mo Xiuyuan, he came to Wandao Peak and personally arranged the formation that Meng Xing had just transformed.

For Taoist Wuchen, it is also the best way to learn. If he does something wrong, Meng Xing can directly point out.

As a result, the entire Wan Dao Peak people stared dumbfoundedly at a martial artist who only had an eighth-rank condensed phase, guiding a fifth-rank master of the Taoist sect to arrange the formation, feeling that the three views were overturned.

"Is this really possible? The fifth-rank master was yelled at by Meng Xing, and he was not afraid that he would get angry and punch Meng Xing to death? We are not the opponents of the fifth-rank master of Taoism." Shen Baidao watched in horror.

Mo Xiuyuan immediately raised his head and raised his chest with pride in his eyes, and said, "Don't worry! Although Daoist Wuchen is Lei Zong's senior, he has no temper with Meng Xing. He still wants to learn from Meng Xing. More formations."

"Aren't you joking? The Taoist priest of Lei Zong wants to learn the formation technique from Meng Xing?"

"You don't know this, your knowledge is too low!" Mo Xiuyuan started to brag, not at all embarrassed for his low knowledge just now.


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