After 10 Years of Chopping Wood, I Am Invincible

Chapter 449, Pei Mohan: I want to defeat Meng Xing

The resilience of the second-rank powerhouse surprised everyone around him.

"Recovering so quickly, the second-grade powerhouse is really a second-grade powerhouse."

"However, Master Nemo may have doubts about life. Seeing how he was shaking with anger, he must have suffered an inhuman blow in the formation just now. Even a second-rank powerhouse like him couldn't bear it, and he almost died. look."

"Yes! Yes! Master Nemo was so high-spirited when he came here just now, and how embarrassed he is now. Comparing the two, he almost slapped himself in the face. At this moment, he may also want to cry without tears."

"Pfft! Do you think Meng Xing could be his nemesis? During the debate just now, Master Nemo was speechless, and was stunned by a scripture from Meng Xing, and then tried to write a song. The verse was crushed again by a verse from Meng Xing, pressed against the ground and rubbed against the ground, and now he has suffered such an inhuman blow. Haha! Master Nemo must have doubts about life."

"Pfft! If you say that, it's true. I'm afraid this is the first time that Master Nemo has come to our Daqin and received such a warm reception. Miserable, really miserable!"

"Haha! This time Master Nemo has really become Master Nima!"

These people were talking and laughing. Although they were talking with their voices down, Master Nemo was a second-rank powerhouse with clear ears and eyes, so he could hear clearly.

But he could only pretend that he didn't hear it. If he continued to care about it, it would make him even more unbearable.

A dignified second-rank powerhouse also needs a little face. When he achieves a first-rank in the future, these guys will naturally shut up. Who dares to disrespect him face to face? Even now, these people dare not speak to him face to face.

Master Nemo snorted and his eyes turned to the picture in Xumi mustard again.

It has only been more than a quarter of an hour since Master Nemo entered the Heaven and Earth Profound Gate Formation.

After Meng Xing entered the desert of Sumeru mustard seeds, he began to walk forward without haste or slow.

Although he didn't know what happened in the outside world, he could roughly guess that Master Nemo would definitely suffer a big loss.

At this moment, there were array patterns in front of Meng Xing's eyes. These patterns contained the principles of the ascetic formation. In his mind, the attributes of the formation were mobilized.

Immediately, the array attribute light spots formed a schematic diagram of the array, which appeared in his mind, and he quickly understood the array.

This array,

It can only trap the fourth-rank powerhouse at most, and it does not have much effect on the third-rank and above powerhouses, and it can be easily torn apart.

Meng Xing knew the formation technique, so he could easily crack it, but at the moment Meng Xing didn't crack it. Not many people knew about his formation ability, so he couldn't easily show it to others, so as not to be too sharp.

Wouldn't it be better to give this ability to Zhuo Lingyan, and let the Saintess of Leizong take the blame for him? She has a rich family background, and Lei Zong supports her behind her back, so there is nothing to be afraid of.

And I only have a small sect like Zhenwuzong to support it, and if anything happens, I have to bear it all by myself, and there is no support at all.

Um! In the future, he might be able to draw the rank one powerhouse, Master Shikong, to support him. He helped him to break through to the first rank so quickly, and he should not refuse.

At this moment, a dust storm swept through the sky, covering the sky and making it dark.

Three array disks appeared in Meng Xing's hand and flew to three places. After activation, a formation shrouded him. The sandstorm quickly covered the formation's defensive cover, but it couldn't bury him.

After half an hour, the sandstorm passed, Meng Xing took the formation, showed his figure, and continued to move forward without any embarrassment.

At this moment, everyone watching outside was stunned. Is this all right? The sandstorm had no effect on him at all?

This kid, the strength is the sixth-grade golden bell, why are there so many methods?

No wonder he was willing to make a bet with Master Nemo. It turned out that he had a plan and a plan to deal with it.

Master Nemo was miserable by him, and now the wounds on his body have recovered.

On the other side, Master Nemo stumbled and almost fell to the ground. This kid actually thought of using the formation in the ascetic formation to resist the sandstorm. Does the function of mind have little effect on him?

But the ascetic formation is not the kind of formation that can attack people anytime, anywhere, like the Tiandi Xuanmen formation, and there is room for people to use the formation, so this kid took advantage of it.

How can there be so many magic weapons on this kid? Who has researched this kind of array method for activation and evolution of array disks?

If it is the kind of commonly used formation method, it needs a formation base and flags, and it is troublesome to set up. This kid will definitely not be able to use it.

Now this array disk has become a magic weapon that can be carried around.

Master Nemo gritted his teeth and felt that something was wrong. This time his suffering might have been in vain, and the ascetic formation had little effect on this kid.

"Amitabha!" Master Shikong chanted the Buddha's name with a smile on his face. He was worried that Meng Xing couldn't bear it, and was ready to break the rules and help him at any time, but at this moment he didn't need to do anything.

"Amitabha!" Monk Jiyan also sighed in relief. It seems that he invited Meng Xing here, and he really invited the right person. No matter what difficulties he faces, he has the strength to deal with it easily.

When the people of Zhenwu Sect saw the sandstorm, Meng Xing appeared unharmed, and they were relieved and smiled.

"Haha! I knew that Meng Xing couldn't overcome any difficulties." Yang Xiaochui laughed first.

"Actually, he often uses this method. We should have thought of it earlier, but just now, I was a little anxious and concerned about it, so I forgot about it." Gu Qingzhuo said.

"Yes! However, the ascetic formation is different from other formations, and it is still in the mustard seed of Sumeru. I am afraid that Junior Brother Meng is not completely sure that he can use his formation. He should be trying it just now." Yao Jianyu said.

Everyone nodded, thinking that Meng Xing's use of this shielding formation should have a lot of luck.

Zhou Ruoqing stared at the picture in Xumi mustard with a pair of beautiful eyes, his eyes were burning, Senior Brother Meng Xing's means were too powerful, even if he didn't reveal his true cultivation, he still had a lot of spare energy to deal with this situation.

Why can't everyone discover his true cultivation? Even the first-grade powerhouse Master Shikong did not find it, nor did Xumi Jiazi reject him, which shows that his hidden methods are even more powerful, and there are almost no flaws.

Only people who are very familiar with him, and who also know Bai Xia, can discover his hidden methods.

I am the only one, and the first one. Senior Brother Meng Xing must admire my observation skills and think that I am also different.


He Zhenzi and You Tianqi had a feeling of vomiting blood. They were full of confidence and thought that Meng Xing would definitely suffer a big loss in the ascetic formation. They didn't expect that he would not be able to hurt his hair at all. This was completely reversed with their thinking. come over.

You Tianqi said with a gloomy face, "Elder, it seems that we must kill this guy as soon as possible, otherwise, he will become more and more difficult to deal with."

"Yes! The ascetic formation has no effect on him. I can only do it myself. I must kill this person, and I must kill him when he does not react. Otherwise, if he uses the formation, we will not be able to. Here's your chance." He Zhenzi said solemnly.

Pei Mohan also opened his eyes wide, feeling that it was an eye-opener, Meng Xing, this kid, is really different.

His guesses were all wrong just now. It was a pity that he might have lost a competitor. Now it seems that this competitor may be more powerful than he imagined.

Pei Mohan immediately became high-spirited. Yes, this guy is my lifelong opponent. I, Pei Mohan, must be more powerful than him. One day, I will suppress this guy who imprisoned me to the death, and let him throw himself on the ground. Bow down before me.

Pei Mohan felt that he had found his lifelong goal at once, which was to defeat Meng Xing, make him willing to be his little brother, and bow down to him.

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