In the ascetic formation, Meng Xing naturally didn't know that people outside had so many thoughts. He continued to move forward, with patches of hot yellow sand under his feet, but for a person with a good physique, it didn't have much impact.

However, there was still a lot of sweat on his forehead, like a steamer steaming, sweating like rain.

Originally, this kind of place did not have much impact on the third-rank, but the acting must be complete, and others could not see the abnormality of his physique and cultivation, so he still had to sweat.

Every time a sandstorm came, he shielded the sandstorm with a shielding formation, and then moved on.

After four or five hours, he caught up with Master Jingwu, who was still walking with difficulty.

Master Jingwu walked slower and slower, exhausted, and was so tired that he almost fell on the desert ground and didn't want to move.

When he saw Meng Xing, his eyes widened in disbelief, as if he had seen a ghost.

In particular, what made him feel incredible was that Meng Xing had no dirt on his body, as if he was spotless, and he didn't seem to be tired. He walked neither in a hurry nor slow, with a leisurely look.

Are you traveling in the desert land of Sumeru mustard seeds? Do you want to be so relaxed?

Master Jingwu has been practicing Buddhism for decades, but at this moment he can't help but want to scold his mother, and his mind is also difficult to calm down.

At this moment, a dust storm came overwhelming, the wind whistled, and the sand flew, as if it was a doomsday world.

When Master Jingwu saw it, he was immediately ready to be buried by the sandstorm.

Master Jingwu caught a glimpse of Meng Xing slowly taking out three things and throwing them in the air, and then the whole person disappeared, and the sandstorm happened to swept over his head.

Standing in the back, Master Jingwu was naturally baptized by the sandstorm, and then crawled out of the mud and sand, his face full of dirt, only showing a pair of tired eyes.

He was stunned for a moment, and when he saw Meng Xing's figure in front of him, he was completely fine, and he continued to move forward with a fresh air.

Compared with Meng Xing, he seemed to have crawled out of a sewage ditch, and he also endured the ravages of the sandstorm.

Master Jingwu wiped the mud and sand on his face very embarrassedly, and drew a few mud grooves. He wanted to cry without tears, and felt that his experience was very sad.

But it's more than trying,

No matter what, you must reach the end of the desert land. If you can't support it, Buddhism in the Western Regions will lose.

So, Master Jingwu gritted his teeth and continued to stagger forward. He only feels that he is exhausted and will fall down at any time. Even if he is a master of the fourth rank, the consumption at this moment is very large.

"No! I mustn't lose!" Master Jingwu puffed up and made up his mind secretly.

People outside were talking about it.

"Haha! Seeing the appearance of Master Jingwu, I think he looks so sad."

"His mood at the moment is probably that he wants to die. Seeing Meng Xing so neat, graceful, and unhurried, no one can stand it."

"Master Jingwu probably doesn't want to stay in that kind of ghost place for a moment. He should have been able to handle the ascetic formation with ease, but at this moment, it has become the place where he has nightmares."

"Pfft! Buddhist monks in the Western Regions may feel that this is a nightmare when they meet Meng Xing. Just look at the situation of Master Nemo, and he looked terrible just now."

"These Buddhist monks in the Western Regions deserve to be unlucky, but they met Meng Xing. And Master Nemo probably also has the heart to die. Every time he provokes Meng Xing first, he is beaten by Meng Xing every time. Face."


Meng Xing was still walking unhurriedly, but gradually distanced himself from Master Jingwu.

Master Jingwu was so anxious that he wanted to keep up quickly, but he couldn't keep up.

After another hour, Meng Xing arrived at an oasis with a high mountain on the edge of the oasis and a temple on the mountain.

Meng Xing stepped on the stairs leading to the temple, and suddenly felt a strong suppressing force, preventing him from continuing to move forward. His feet were as heavy as lead.

Going up another step, this suppression force is even greater, even if his physical strength is strong, he still feels a little unbearable.

Meng Xing went up step by step, walking very slowly. Of course, with his real physical strength, he can go faster. Now, because the cultivation base has suppressed the strength of the sixth-rank Golden Bell Realm, it is natural to walk slower.

Outside, when Master Nemo saw this scene, he immediately snorted coldly. When he got here, it was the real killer move of the ascetic formation. If he couldn't bear it here, he would completely destroy the Buddha nature and mind of murderers.

Of course, if you endure it, you will be completely inspired by Buddhism and escape into Buddhism.

So Master Nemo won no matter what, but he wouldn't say it all.

Everyone's eyes were on the picture of Meng Xing climbing the steps. He walked so slowly, it was obvious that these steps were difficult to climb, and every step was a huge test.

Can he make it through this step?

Everyone is curious.

Meng Xing continued to step forward and walked up the stairs for an hour before finally reaching the front of the temple.


"It turns out that this step is not difficult, it just takes some time."

"Yeah! It can't stop Meng Xing at all!"

"Look! That monk is also going up the steps. Look, he is actually climbing up the steps. Pfft! This posture is much more elegant than that guy Meng Xing!"

"This dog-crawling posture, you still say that it is elegant, isn't this mocking that monk?"

"I admire his perseverance. At this point, he still doesn't give up!"

"Look! Master Jingwu vomited blood! Can he hold on?"

"Master Jingwu seems to be unable to hold on, he will definitely fail!"

"No! Look at him, although he vomited three liters of blood and looked like he was about to fall, he still moved forward tenaciously!"

Everyone talked a lot, watching Master Jingwu climb up one step at a time, and finally knew that this step may not be as easy as imagined.

Meng Xing's ability to walk up may not have much to do with his consumption. If he is like Master Jing Wu, he may not be able to go up at all.

Seeing Master Jingwu like this, Master Nemo frowned slightly and switched the screen to Meng Xing.

At this time, Meng Xing had pushed open the gate of the temple and walked into the main hall of the temple.

In the center of the hall, there is a tall Buddha statue, which opened its eyes, as if staring at the people who came in.

Meng Xing couldn't help looking into the eyes of the Buddha statue, and suddenly he felt a powerful Dharma majesty projected from the Buddha's eyes, covering his whole body.

"Sword Comes"


Meng Xing felt a coercion, like a thunderbolt from the blue, resounding in his mind, his legs couldn't help but kneel down, wanting to devoutly convert to my Buddha, he had already forgotten the two senior sisters and the princess in his mind, And the flower girl in the brothel.

"No! I can't kneel! Kneel down and I'm done!" Meng Xing tried his best to maintain a trace of wisdom.

"Nemo, this bald ass, is harming me? Whether I pass this ascetic formation or not, I will be killed by my mind and controlled by Buddhism in the Western Regions?"

"Once I got here, I was also occupied by the Buddhist teachings of this Buddha statue and became a Buddhist monk in the Western Regions?"

"This Master Nemo has a bad conscience!"

"No! I have to think more about the two senior sisters, the princess, the female leader of the Huanghuo Sect, and my future wife!"

Meng Xing's legs were trembling, and he tried his best not to kneel.

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