After 10 Years of Chopping Wood, I Am Invincible

Chapter four hundred and sixty seventh, put it on the fire

The latest website: Escape! Wei Tiandao instantly had this thought, if he didn't escape, he would die.

The demonic energy he was about to pour out, he forcibly withdrew it, his body froze, a mouthful of blood spurted out, and then his body flashed, and he fled in one direction.

Wei Tiandao didn't care about other people at this time, and just roared: "Everyone, run away! When we gather the troops, we will kill this person!"

The sound came from far away, resounding through the night sky.

Many experts from the Gorefiend Sect were stunned. They didn't expect this ending. Elder Wei was a third-rank powerhouse, and he was no match for him. He had already fled at this time.

"Escape! Escape!"

"Go! Go!"

One by one, they came to their senses, and they flew away like birds and beasts.

"Ah! Ah! Ah!"

There were several screams in the crowd, and Meng Xing's figure flashed, and in an instant, all the fifth-rank masters of the Gorefiend Sect were beheaded.

Those experts from the Gorefiend Sect escaped even faster, wishing they had more legs, and soon, they were scattered like birds and beasts, and not a single one was left.

A hundred miles away from here, Wei Tiandao stopped, while repairing the injury, while waiting for his gang of men.

The big hole in his back that penetrated through his chest was slowly healing. Since he was in the third-rank Demon Tribulation Realm, his recovery was much slower than that of a second-rank powerhouse.

The second-grade powerhouse may recover in a cup of tea, and he needs three to five days.

After waiting for a while, I finally saw some of the followers of the Gorefiend Sect come here. They are still stronger, and their cultivation bases are all in the sixth-grade realm.

The number of people gradually gathered more and more, and Wei Tiandao asked, "Where is the fifth-grade master?"

"Elder Beni, the fifth-rank masters were all killed by Meng Xing!" A sixth-rank person lowered his head and cupped his hands.

"What? Damn it! It actually killed so many of our masters?" Wei Tiandao jumped like thunder, tugging at the wound on his body, and his face was black with pain.

"I'm going to kill him. I swear to kill this person and avenge the dead master!" Wei Tiandao burst into a roar.

This time it was a disastrous return,

Even he was seriously injured. If he hadn't escaped quickly, I'm afraid he would not be spared.

As for the others, I am afraid that the other party did not kill the killer, otherwise the entire army may be destroyed.

But for Wei Tiandao, a third-rank powerhouse, this is already a great shame, and it is also a fiasco that he has never encountered before.

Therefore, he vowed to take revenge.

"Let's go! Let's go back!" Wei Tiandao, with a dark face, led the crowd away.


Meng Xing withdrew the formation, revealing the figures of more than a dozen people from the Soul Angel Yamen.

Everyone looked at Meng Xing with complicated eyes. They were both shocked and in awe. Hundreds of experts from the Gorefiend Sect had come, and there was a third-rank powerhouse with a huge disparity in strength. Everyone thought it was difficult to be kind. After preparing for casualties, he did not expect Meng Xing to kill so many Gorefiend masters by himself, and even the third-rank powerhouse was severely injured by him and escaped.

No one on the scene can match this kind of strength, not even Li Mochun and Xing Bofeng, two rank four masters.

Xing Yixuan was even more shocked and stunned. He didn't expect Meng Xing to be so powerful that even a third-rank powerhouse could be seriously injured so easily.

I can't imagine it.

If it was half an hour ago, someone told him that a fifth-rank expert could injure a third-rank powerhouse, he would definitely think that this person was crazy and would speak nonsense.

Xing Yixuan's throat moved, and he lowered his head, not daring to look at Meng Xing, his heart was full of fear.

"Meng Xing, thank you! If you didn't have such a powerful strength, you have severely damaged the third-rank powerhouses, and killed so many demon masters, we would not have been spared, and we would have suffered heavy losses." Li Mochun cupped his hands and said, his face With a kind smile.

As the leader of the crowd, he naturally wanted to express his gratitude, and Meng Xing indeed saved everyone.

"Boss, you're welcome! Everyone has been tossing around all night, and it's almost dawn. Let's continue to rest for a while." Meng Xing said.

"Okay! Everyone, take a rest, the Gorefiends shouldn't dare to come. Let's go again when it's time for us." Li Mochun said.

Everyone responded and went to rest. Some tents were destroyed just now, so the two of them huddled together.

It was not until the time when everyone got up and set off for the mountain city mentioned yesterday.

After riding a horse for half a day, I came to the mountain city. After inquiring from a distance, I learned some allusions about this mountain city.

This mountain city is run by people from the Jin family. The ancestor of the Jin family is called Jin Gu, so it is called Jin Gu City.

The Jin family has been in charge of the city for more than 300 years, which is comparable to the history of a dynasty.

When everyone came to Jingu City, they found that the city wall was rough, and many places were still dilapidated and in disrepair for a long time.

However, the city is still very clean. The main road in the city is paved with bluestone slabs, and there are many people setting up stalls on both sides.

Everyone found an inn, let the innkeeper serve wine and food, and everyone began to eat and drink. The food and drinks in this place are also average, and it can’t be compared with the ones in the capital.

After eating, Li Mochun and Xing Bofeng went out with their respective men. Meng Xing, Zhou Jingyun, Xu Linfeng, and Jiang Yiting were too lazy to go out, so they stayed and sat in the inn drinking tea and chatting, watching the people on the street outside. scene.

"Boss, Xing Yixuan went too far this time, why didn't you kill him?" Zhou Jingyun said angrily.

"Xing Yixuan is for everyone's sake after all. If I kill him, it will make everyone feel unconvinced and have grudges in their hearts, and it will be difficult to explain in front of Governor Cai. Let's talk about it when I get hold of him." Meng Xing drank. Taking a sip of tea, he looked outside and said.

"It's just that this is too cheap for him." Zhou Jingyun said.

"Sometimes you don't have to kill a person to get revenge. He is speculating whether I will kill him or not, which is the biggest torment for him. When he breaks down, he will want to die himself." Meng Xing said.

"Brother Meng, are you attacking him?" Jiang Yiting laughed.

"It's not an attack on the heart. I just make him feel uncomfortable every now and then. Isn't this more enjoyable than killing him all at once?" Meng Xing said.

Zhou Jingyun smiled and said, "Then why don't you put him on the fire and roast him, wouldn't it be more tormenting for him?"

Meng Xing's eyes lit up and said, "Good idea! Just tell other people that he has colluded with the demons of the Demon Sect and wants to kill everyone. This time, the people from the Gorefiend Sect found us like this, too. The reason why he communicated with the Gorefiend Cult. When spreading rumors, it is best to find one or two people with big mouths to talk about.”

"Good idea!" Zhou Jingyun said enthusiastically.

Jiang Yiting smiled, this Xing Yixuan provoked Meng Xing, and it must be uncomfortable next time.

In the evening, when Li Mochun, Xing Bofeng and others came back, they went out to find a few disciples of the Demon Sect, but these people seemed to have disappeared and could not be found at all.

Li Mochun also went to the city lord of the mountain city and the patriarch of the Jin family.

However, Zhou Jingyun pulled a person to speak in a low voice, spread rumors, and prepared to bake Xing Yixuan on the fire.

The rumor spread quickly, and after the dinner, more than a dozen people knew about Xing Yixuan's collusion with the Gorefiend Sect and fornicating.

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Chapter 467, Put it on the fire to bake free read.

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