After 10 Years of Chopping Wood, I Am Invincible

Four hundred and sixtieth eight chapters, the practice of mind

The latest website: Soon, even Li Mochun heard the wind. Everyone was going to rest in the inn, but was called by Li Mochun for a meeting.

"Xing Yixuan, did you collude with the Gorefiend Sect, smuggle information, and tell the Gorefiend Sect where we were last night, which caused the Gorefiend Sect to make a big move against us and want to kill us?" Li Mochun asked.

Xing Yixuan's face turned green when he heard the words.

"I didn't do such a thing. I don't know people from the Gorefiend Sect, how could I have colluded with them?" Xing Yixuan argued.

"You don't know anyone from the Gorefiend Sect, so why did you make good friends with Wei Tiandao, the elder of the Gorefiend Sect yesterday, and pointed out Lord Meng? Are you trying to take advantage of the Gorefiend Sect to kill us all? Fortunately, Meng Your lord's strength is strong, otherwise, we might all be wiped out yesterday, and the people you colluded with with the Gorefiend Sect could continue to live, while others don't even know how they died." Li Mochun said coldly.

Xing Yixuan was dumbfounded, not knowing how to justify it, and panicked in his heart.

Which bastard is harming me? Xing Yixuan cursed in his heart.

Xing Bofeng came out and said, "Leader Li, have you heard any rumors? At that time, my son was also thinking of everyone. He knew that Meng Xing was powerful and could kill a fourth-rank expert, so he told him. And Meng Xing did have such strength. He lived up to expectations and severely injured all the third-rank powerhouses. We are very grateful to him. However, if we had shot at that time, he would have been seriously injured even if he didn't die."

"However, there is indeed something wrong with Yixuan, so let's do it, Yixuan, you should apologize to Lord Meng in person, and make an apology, and everyone doesn't need to get involved in this matter."

Xing Yixuan wished he wanted to kill Meng Xing. This apology was a shame for him.

But if he didn't apologize, he might have really confirmed his collusion with the Demon Sect. Once it was found to be true, everyone else would have reason to kill him.

Really looking into it, it's him who suffers.

So, Xing Yixuan turned to Meng Xing with a feeling of humiliation and said, "Meng... Master Meng, in front of the elders of the Gorefiend Sect, I pointed out that it was my fault. You don't remember the villain's deeds, and you still Please don't take offense!"

Meng Xing nodded slightly and said solemnly: "I didn't take it to heart, I hope you will remember next time, don't reveal the details of our soul angel yamen, your words that day revealed everyone's strength, which allows us to deal with blood When we are a demon, it is very disadvantageous. The enemy does not know our strength, and we can still deal with the enemy through various strategies, but once exposed, there may be very serious consequences.”

Xing Yixuan almost died of anger.

The other party said that he didn't care, but he taught him a lesson, and he deliberately overcame it, making everyone feel that it was even more wrong for him to reveal his details. Doesn't this make everyone hate him even more?

This is to put him on the fire and let everyone burn him with anger. Everyone doesn't say anything, but he must have been designated as a column that cannot be deeply acquainted with.

Xing Yixuan stared at Meng Xing fiercely, and was about to say something, but Xing Bofeng hurriedly grabbed him and said to Meng Xing: "Meng Xing said, Yixuan will definitely remember the teachings of adults."

"It's the father's fault if you don't teach your son. Master Xing, please educate your son. Otherwise, it's too late to regret it!" Meng Xing said.

Xing Bofeng lowered his face slightly, cupped his hands and said, "Yes!"

Li Mochun said: "Since Xing Yixuan has apologized, everyone's misunderstanding has been resolved, let's go!"

Everyone left.

Xing Bofeng took Xing Yixuan into his room, his face was as gloomy as the coming storm.

"Father! I'm not convinced! Why should I apologize to that guy?" Xing Yixuan said.

"We are at a disadvantage for the time being. The man can bend and stretch, but if we can't deal with this person, we can only swallow our anger and wait for the opportunity to kill this person in one fell swoop." Xing Bofeng said in a deep voice.

"However, this guy won't be around for a long time, we must have a way to deal with him."

"Father! Do you have a solution?" Xing Yixuan said happily.

"I've been thinking about it, you go back to rest first."


In a room, four people do it together, drinking tea.

Zhou Jingyun said to Meng Xing: "Happy! Tonight, I finally cleaned up this guy Xing Yixuan. He has always been defiant, but today he has to give in in front of the boss."

Meng Xing said, "It's enough to put him on the fire and roast him. But he didn't expect Xing Bofeng to be very tolerant. This person is quite shrewd, and he endured it for his son."

Jiang Yiting said with a smile: "Brother Meng, your strength is still strong. Even the third-rank powerhouse is injured, so he is naturally afraid. Otherwise, with his character, how can he tolerate it? It's not like robbing, but now let him do it, see if he dares to rob?"

Meng Xing said thoughtfully, "That's what you said too."

Zhou Jingyun said: "Boss, how did you cultivate your strength? How did you break through from the seventh-rank realm to the current fifth-rank realm after more than half a year of hard work?"

"Of course it's because of my hard work and my talent, so I broke through faster." Meng Xing said casually.

"However, why is it that I practice hard and my talent is good, but it's hard to break through?" Zhou Jingyun asked.

"That's because you have distracted thoughts. Every day you think about going to the Goulan tile shop. It's strange if you can break through." Meng Xing suddenly said.

"Is there any way to get rid of distractions?"

"Yes. Before going to bed every night, recite the scriptures I wrote for the master of Chanlin Temple twenty times to ensure that you can break through." Meng Xing said flickeringly.

Zhou Jingyun and Jiang Yiting's eyes suddenly lit up.

Meng Hulu Xu Linfeng kept drinking tea there, and his eyes lit up at this time.

"Is that the scripture that made Master Shikong of Zenlin Temple break through to the first-rank realm?" Zhou Jingyun said a little excitedly.

"Yes." Meng Xing said solemnly.

"No wonder you broke through so quickly. It's because you have studied this verse. Boss, please write this verse for us to read." Zhou Jingyun said confidently.

"Okay. This is a spiritual practice, just don't spread it out easily." Meng Xing said.

Xu Linfeng hurriedly brought a pen, ink, paper, and inkstone, and Meng Xing quickly wrote them a Heart Sutra of Panruo Paramita.

"If you do more research, you will definitely gain something." Meng Xing said.

Meng Xing thought to himself that if they did more research, would they also become monks and lose interest in women. Forget it, I am here to save their souls and let them stop going to the bar, they should be grateful to me.

"Brother Meng, can I study it too?" Jiang Yiting said excitedly.

"It's fine, we're all brothers, so of course I won't treasure myself." Meng Xing said.

The three of them went to study like a treasure, and Meng Xing also sat on the bed and began to practice the exercises.

During these days of practice, Meng Xing also feels that he is getting closer and closer to the second-grade realm. This kind of attribute vitality, the body and the heaven and earth are also more compatible, natural.

After cultivating until midnight, Meng Xing rested.

The next day, Meng Xing got up, walked out of the room, and found that Zhou Jingyun, Xu Linfeng, Jiang Yiting and others had already woken up, all in good spirits.

"Boss, the spiritual method you taught us is really good. We practiced 20 times last night, and we feel that we have made a lot of progress." Zhou Jingyun whispered.

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Chapter 468, Cultivating the Mind Method free read.

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