After 10 Years of Chopping Wood, I Am Invincible

Chapter four hundred and eighty seventh, temporarily hold the soul angel Yamen

[Ten years after chopping wood, I am invincible in the world] []

"Junior Brother, can you deal with a rank 1 powerhouse?" Xiao Yuluo asked worriedly. Liu Shiyun also looked at Meng Xing with concern.

Back then, Meng Xing was only a low-rank ninth-rank martial artist. It had only been so long before Meng Xing had to think about competing against a first-rank top-ranking powerhouse, which was unbelievable.

Both Xiao Yuluo and Liu Shiyun watched Meng Xing rise step by step from the weak, and naturally they were more emotional. At the beginning, Xiao Yuluo still forced Meng Xing to cultivate, but now Meng Xing no longer needs to be urged, and her cultivation is even more powerful than hers.

Xiao Yuluo watched Meng Xing grow up, and naturally felt a sense of accomplishment. At first, she wanted to train Meng Xing as a junior, but now this junior has become a more powerful man than she imagined.

Meng Xing smiled and said, "Although we can't deal with it at all, it's okay to protect ourselves. If a first-rank powerhouse really dares to come here, we can also call Master Shikong from Chanlin Temple to help deal with him."

Xiao Yuluo nodded, but, if the first-rank powerhouse of the Gorefiend Sect dared to come, with the speed of the teleportation formation, Meng Xing could immediately call Master Shikong for help.

Xiu'er said: "Senior brother, our cultivation base has reached the sixth-grade golden bell realm. Can we also go to Zhenwuzong to see our sect?"

Xiao He and Xiao Chan also looked at Meng Xing expectantly. They had been practicing in Yuanwu Valley for more than half a year, and they also wanted to go out for a bit.

"Yes." Meng Xing nodded. He actually didn't have any requirements for these three women. At first, he just wanted to see the cultivation effect of the Dayan Zhenjing, and by the way, he also helped Zhenwuzong train some masters.

These three women lived up to his expectations, and they practiced very hard. They soon broke through to the current sixth-grade golden bell realm. By now, the progress has been very slow, and they need more tempering and insight. It may break through to the fifth-grade sea crossing.

From Rank 6 to Rank 5, it is actually a watershed. Many people may linger in the Rank 6 realm for many years, but they can't make any progress, just like the peak master of the Twelve Peaks.

This is also the reason why Yao Jianyu, Gu Qingzhuo and the others have not yet broken through to the fifth-rank realm.

Unless there is a cheating system like Meng Xing, it can increase the chance of breakthrough by giving physical strength and physique. Of course, the exercises that Meng Xing cultivated were also more suitable for him, and they were all obtained systematically.

After everyone finished eating, they went back to rest or practice.

The next day, Meng Xing woke up from Wenrou Township and saw Senior Sister Liu curled up in his arms, Senior Sister Xiao wrapped a soft arm around him, and gently moved her arm away, then quietly got out of bed and went to the backyard. Chai is gone.

Now Pichai is extremely easy for him, and it is just an exercise to move the muscles and bones.

After everyone else got up, everyone had breakfast and chatted for a while. Meng Xing took out the array to activate it, and took the five women out of here in batches and teleported to Jianchifeng's own house.

Xiao Yuluo and Liu Shiyun took the three women, Xiuer, Xiaohe, and Xiaochan, to stroll around to get acquainted with Jianchi Peak.

"Hey! Who are the three women that Senior Sister Xiao brought, they look good!"

"Yes! Yes! If such a beautiful woman can marry one, it will be a blessing from her previous life."

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[Ten years after chopping wood, I am invincible in the world] []

The three women caused a sensation in Jianchi Peak, especially the young man who had not married yet. His eyes were shining, and he felt that his chance was coming, and they came over one by one and got close to the three women.

But soon everyone discovered the fact that the cultivation of these three women was astonishing. Except for the Tianjiao of Jianchi Peak, no one could beat these three women.

So many young men were beaten badly,

One by one all died down.

Meng Xing also inspected the great formation of Jianchi Peak, and at the same time made some adjustments to the formation flags of the great formation, so that the formation can be more resistant to the cracking of the first-rank powerhouse.

However, it is temporarily impossible to make the first-grade powerhouse unable to decipher the formation. This formation still has weaknesses, and under the strong attack of the first-grade powerhouse, it cannot be resisted at all.

The first-grade top powerhouse has reached an incredible stage, and the method of formation can no longer be completely blocked.

Some of the remedies that Meng Xing explained to Zhuo Lingyan were only able to delay, so that the formation was not so easy to be cracked, and if it could be delayed for some time, it would give people a chance to escape.

Nothing major happened in Jianchi Peak, Yao Jianyu, Gu Qingzhuo and others were retreating and sprinting towards the fifth-grade realm with all their strength.

As for the peak masters of the Twelve Peaks, they already feel that their talents in this life are just like this, and it is impossible to sprint to the fifth-rank realm, so they are too lazy to retreat, and everything is going with the flow.

On the contrary, Mo Xiuyuan found Meng Xing and asked Meng Xing to write him a Heart Sutra, intending to try to figure it out. Even the master of Chanlin Temple can break through to a first-rank powerhouse with this sutra, and maybe he can also break through.

Meng Xing stayed here for a day, and at night, he teleported to the capital and came to live in the princess' house.

The next day, Meng Xing came to the princess' mansion, asked Zhuo Lingyan for a newly carved array, and then went to Soul Angel Yamen.

Walking into the yamen and entering his office, he saw Zhou Jingyun, Xu Linfeng, and Jiang Yiting talking about the sky.

"What are you talking about?" Meng Xing laughed. He came here to fish for three days and cast a net for two days. He would come when he was interested, but not if he was not. No one spoke of him anyway.

Moreover, he is now in the second-rank realm, so he should be able to consider revealing his true cultivation.

The eldest man in the capital, his cultivation base is also the second-rank realm. If he reveals his true cultivation base, he may be able to shock everyone.

"Boss, we're talking about the barbarians and the monsters." Zhou Jingyun said.

"Oh! They have started to attack Daqin?" Meng Xing asked.

"Yeah! The barbarians and the demons are united and are preparing to attack the northwest. Kuizhou City bears the brunt of it. It may be more dangerous." Zhou Jingyun said.

"We haven't sent someone to rescue yet?" Meng Xing asked.

"Now the imperial court is in chaos, and they quarrel with each other every day. Today's emperor only cares about cultivating immortals and refining the Dao, and he doesn't care about the government at all." Zhou Jingyun said.

Meng Xing said: "We can't take care of these things, so let's leave it alone."

"That's the only way." Jiang Yiting sighed.

At this moment, a scribe came in: "Mr. Meng, Governor Cai summoned."

Meng Xing followed the clerk into the Soul Heaven Pavilion, and found that Li Mochun and Ding Chuixue were also there, as well as an unknown gold-level soul angel.

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[Ten years after chopping wood, I am invincible in the world] []

Cai Han is slowly making tea.

"I believe you have heard about the barbarian and demon clan. This time I am going to lead the army to the northwest. I have already asked the emperor for instructions, and the emperor has agreed." Cai Han said.

"This time, Li Mochun and Ding Chuixue will go with me. Meng Xing and Xue Zhengfeng will stay at the Soul Angel Yamen. Meng Xing will temporarily take charge of the Soul Angel Yamen, and Xue Zhengfeng will assist. If it is a controversial matter, Meng Xing's opinion will be used. Lord."

Xue Zhengfeng was the gold-level soul angel that Meng Xing didn't know.

Both Ding Chuixue and Xue Zhengfeng were a little stunned. They didn't expect Cai Han to believe Meng Xing so much. However, Li Mochun was not surprised. Meng Xing was indeed stronger than other gold-level soul angels in his work. This time he went to the Southern Border Gorefiend Sect to see it.

Xue Zhengfeng was stunned for a while, and said, "I have no opinion."

Naturally, he had heard a lot about Meng Xing, and although he was a little unwilling, since Cai Han said so, he naturally had no objection.

What Cai Han decides will never change.


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