After 10 Years of Chopping Wood, I Am Invincible

Chapter 488, Cai Han's expedition

[Ten years after chopping wood, I am invincible in the world] []

"This time to go to the Northwest is actually more fortunate than good. Li Mochun and Ding Chuixue, if you two don't want to go, you can give up." Cai Han said.

"How can this happen?" Meng Xing was slightly stunned.

"According to the report of the spy, the barbarian national master Morensara has broken through to the first rank. This attack on the northwest land must also be the meaning of the barbarian national master." Cai Han said.

Has the barbarian national teacher broke through to the first rank? This... Except for Meng Xing, everyone else was shocked.

However, Meng Xing was also a little surprised. The last time he went to the northwest, he heard that the barbarian national division might be attacking the first rank, so after he killed the barbarian commander, the barbarians stayed dormant and did not continue to attack Daqin.

I didn't expect that this barbarian national teacher was really successful, but why couldn't I sense it? Um! He has just broken through to the second-grade realm, and only the second-grade realm can sense that the barbarian national teacher must have been promoted before.

By now, Meng Xing knew of three first-grade powerhouses, and there were more and more such powerhouses.

One by one, they sprang up like bamboo shoots after the rain. This also shows that those sleeping "gods" are about to wake up, and the world is becoming more and more dangerous.

Li Mochun and Ding Chuixue looked at each other and said together, "I would like to go there!"

Cai Han nodded and said, "That's good! Meng Xing stays, everyone else can go first."

When Li Mochun, Ding Chuixue, and Xue Zhengfeng left, Cai Han pointed to a wooden box beside him, and said, "There is the seal of the governor here. If you need anything, you can use it."

Do you really believe me? Aren't you afraid that I will take away the Soul Angel Yamen? Meng Xing thought to himself.

"Okay." He nodded.

"Also, pay more attention to Prince Kang, this person seems to be thinking of ways to deal with you. The chaos in the southern border is actually a trick that Prince Kang and the Gorefiend have united to deal with you, and Prince Kang also sells it. After Xing Bofeng, they planned to cooperate with the inside and outside to kill you, but I didn't expect that they underestimated your strength." Cai Han said.

Meng Xing said, "I guessed this too."

"Yeah! With your cleverness, you can definitely guess it. However, this Prince Kang is getting more and more depraved, and he dares to unite with the Gorefiend Sect. If you can catch him and deal with him, now The emperor will not say anything." Cai Han said.

You bastard actually encouraged me to kill the royal family and relatives, and you were far away from the capital, and you left yourself clean.

Meng Xing was speechless, and after a while, he said, "I will do my best."

"Okay! You can go." Cai Han waved his hand.

Meng Xing walked out of the Soul Heaven Pavilion and came downstairs, but saw Xue Zhengfeng standing downstairs waiting.

"Mr. Meng, let's work together this time, and please give more advice from Mister Meng." Xue Zhengfeng said with a cup of hands.

Meng Xing patted him on the shoulder and said with a smile, "I have a lot of things to do, so I only come here occasionally. I mainly rely on Sir Xue for your help."

Xue Zhengfeng nodded and said, "I will do my best."

The two talked for a while and then separated. Meng Xing returned to his office.

"Boss, what is the matter with Governor Cai looking for you this time?" Zhou Jingyun looked up at Meng Xing and asked.

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[Ten years after chopping wood, I am invincible in the world] []

"Let me temporarily take charge of the Soul Angel Yamen. Cai Du will mainly lead the army and go to the northwest region to support." Meng Xing said.

"Temporarily in charge of the soul angel Yamen?" Zhou Jingyun, Xu Linfeng, and Jiang Yiting were all a little stunned, and then overjoyed.

Meng Xing temporarily took charge of the Soul Angel Yamen,

It shows that Governor Cai trusts him very much, and he wants to train him as an heir.

Otherwise, how could Governor Cai let Meng Xing come to take charge temporarily? Even if he goes to the northwest region, the soul angel yamen can still operate normally, and he can also control it from a long distance, and there is no need to temporarily let people take care of it.

"Gene Era"

"Boss! Congratulations! Congratulations!" Zhou Jingyun said.

"Congratulations Brother Meng, you will definitely become the governor of Soul Angel Yamen in the future!" Jiang Yiting also smiled.

Meng Xing smiled and naturally understood what they meant. However, they didn't know that Cai Han actually wanted to use him as a gunman, and wanted him to find an opportunity to kill Prince Kang.

Although it also has the meaning of cultivation, it also has to pay a great price. But this world has always been like this, to get something, you have to give something.

But Meng Xing didn't take the position of the director of the Soul Angel Yamen to heart. This situation is a little small. I want to be a top-ranking person, how can I compete for this position?

It is better to be a peerless strong man who is free and easy to have the emperor's old man pointing fingers on his head all day long.

Meng Xing stayed here for a while, then returned to his yard and teleported back to Jianchi Peak.

On this day, Cai Han led the army to expedition, Meng Xing returned to the capital to see him off, and the present emperor also came to see him off.

Meng Xing saw the current emperor Xuan Ye for the first time. He was a middle-aged man with a gloomy face and dark eyes, but his spirit was very good. He wore an imperial robe and had a dignified expression.

However, Princess Yangping didn't look like him at all, obviously more like her mother.

After a set of red tape, Cai Han got on the horse, led the army, and walked out of the capital in a mighty manner, heading northwest.

Meng Xing returned to the Soul Angel Yamen, and the people in the Yamen knew that he was the temporary governor, and everyone was very polite.

Zhou Jingyun and Xu Linfeng, who were following behind, were strutting their heads high and raising their eyebrows.

When they followed Meng Xing, there were many people who were not optimistic, talking behind their backs and making irresponsible remarks.

Now, no one dares to say so, but many people are envious of the two of them and can't wait to treat them.

Sitting in the office, the official brought tea, Meng Xing took a few sips and said, "Brother Jiang, the three of you will go check Prince Kang's affairs together. If there is any trouble, please let me know. However, try your best to Don't touch their people, lest you lose your life at their hands."

"Okay!" Jiang Yiting said.

"Boss, are you going to attack Prince Kang?" Zhou Jingyun asked.

"Yeah! The last trip to the Gorefiend Sect was actually done by Prince Kang. The prince Xing Bofeng said was actually Prince Kang." Meng Xing said.

"Okay! Prince Kang dares to deal with us, we don't need to be polite to him. Although he is a prince, does he dare to pierce the sky?" Zhou Jingyun said.

Meng Xing said: "You just need to check their movements, you don't need to do anything."

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[Ten years after chopping wood, I am invincible in the world] []

The three of Zhou Jingyun walked out, Meng Xing sat for a while, and left the Soul Angel Yamen.

Not long after walking down the street, Meng Xing frowned. There were three people behind him. Could it be that because Cai Han left the capital, these people started to feel confident?

Don't they know that they can kill the third-rank masters, and it is useless for them to follow themselves?

Meng Xing didn't pay attention to it either. He took a look at it before talking about it, so he walked for a while, came to his house, and sent it to the princess.

Everyone knows his house, but few people know about the princess' house.

The next day, Meng Xing continued to come out of his house, walked for a while, and found that those people were following him again.

Dare these people stay here all night.

Walking to a remote place, Meng Xing instantly appeared in front of the three people, kicking them to the ground one by one.

"Who asked you to follow me?" Meng Xing said.

"Yes... it's the prince!" one of them said painfully.

Meng Xing kicked so hard that he broke his ribs.


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