after an hour,

The result of the check is out.

·Blood routine: white blood cells increased by 2 times...

·X-ray: There is free gas and water under the diaphragm...

So far,

It can be diagnosed: the little girl Lele’s acute peritonitis and intestinal perforation!

"Doctor Lin, what should I do?"

Mother looked distressed, with tears in the corners of her eyes.

Lin Feng pointed to the X-film: "This X-film has already pointed out the location of the intestinal perforation...Wait later, we need to make a small hole in the abdomen, clean up the concentrated liquid, pull out the intestines, cut off the perforation, and then restart it. Stitch..."

After my mother listened, her face turned pale.

"To be operated on... she is still so young... oh oh oh..."

"That's no way. The child's perforation is in the small intestine, and it can only be opened... But you can rest assured, I try to make the opening a little smaller, and the stitching will be finer, so that it will not leave a scar on the child... "

What else can my parents do after listening?

I can only follow Lin Feng's orders.

"Surgery can't be done right now, first admitted to the hospital, then the child's fever will be relieved, and the operation will be performed at night..."


"Doctor Lin, can my daughter still eat? Her grandma made her favorite soft-boiled eggs..."

Lin Feng: "???"

Poached egg?

His face suddenly became serious.

"Did the child eat candy-heart poached eggs the day before yesterday?"

"Yes, my daughter's favorite is the heart-wound poached eggs. I eat two every morning..."

"Give me this poached egg... take it for bacterial culture..."


Both the child's parents were dumbfounded.

What's this about poached eggs?

Lin Feng explained: "Eggs are likely to be contaminated with Salmonella. What you said just now is a poached egg with a soft heart, right? The heart of the egg yolk should be undercooked, and the Salmonella has not been killed...Then Bella's mother will eat it. After that, it may multiply in the intestines and develop gastroenteritis... and eventually lead to perforation, spread to the peritoneum, and finally cause acute peritonitis...¨々..."

ps: Salmonella is very heat-resistant. Even if it is heated to 70°C, it takes 5 minutes to eliminate it.

"It turned out to be our sweet-hearted poached egg?"

"But... this sweet-hearted poached egg has been eaten for more than a month, and there have been no problems..."

However, no matter how they don't believe it, Lin Feng still feels that the heart-wrenching poached egg is the ultimate killer.

Soon, the poached eggs were cultured in the laboratory...


In the evening, the patient Lele was given a laparotomy.

Open the view...

A lot of pus appeared in front of Lin Feng and other doctors and nurses.

The suction device sucks the pus away, and then it is cleaned and disinfected with antibiotic saline...

Then I quickly found the small intestine perforation. The perforation was about 0.3cm and laughed. The small intestine around the perforation was inflammatory and edema.

The pus is sent to the laboratory for bacterial culture...

Then cut off the tissue around the small intestine perforation and send it to the pathology department for pathological examination...

Then, sew up the perforation with two stitches to make up...

End the operation...


Next, we have to wait for the bacterial culture of poached eggs and pus, as well as the culture of tissues...

Only by finding the cause of the little girl Lele’s small intestine perforation, can she completely cure her disease.

In the afternoon of the next day,

All the results are out.

·Salmonella was cultivated in the pus of the little girl Lele's abdominal cavity.

·Salmonella was also cultivated in the yolk of sugar-core poached eggs.

So far,

unambiguous evidence!

The little girl Lele ate soft-core poached eggs, was infected with Salmonella, and suffered from hemorrhagic necrotizing enteritis, which eventually led to perforation of the small intestine and then contracted peritonitis.



In the hospital, many children are infected with Salmonella.

Don't give your children sweet-hearted poached eggs.

Raw eggs are easily contaminated by Salmonella. Water, milk, eggs, and meat products are all food materials that are easily contaminated by Salmonella.

To avoid infection, it is best to wash your hands and avoid food contamination...




Lin Feng went to the dining hall for dinner.

Before I got there, I saw a lot of people around the hospital.

Hanging banners.

"The doctor rushes to death!"

"Give back my son's life!"

Seven or eight banners...

There are also more than a dozen powerful family members.

Lin Feng was taken aback.

"`"Medical dispute? "

"Organized professional violent medical dispute team?"

Lin Feng looked at the strong men outside, no matter how they looked at it, they were all professional teams doing things.

However, this matter does not need to be managed by Lin Feng, because the medical department and security department have already sent people to coordinate and maintain law and order. It is estimated that the police will come soon.

Came to the dining hall to eat,

It didn't take long before the gossip medical staff began to talk about it.

Lin Feng quickly learned about the medical dispute.

It turned out to be a chief physician-level doctor who made a low-level mistake during the operation and was caught by his family.

"Zhang Guoxiang?"

Lin Feng knew this doctor.

It is famous in Harmony Hospital-"smelly hands"! !

The surgical strength is terrible!

However, many patients see that he is the chief doctor and will run to him for surgery.

(Good for King)

This Guoxiang has problems with 10 operations and 8 operations.

Lin Feng just wants to say one thing to this kind of doctor: please don't worry about doing scientific research, don't use your life to practice your hands.

Here, I want to talk about "hospital rankings".

In fact, the national hospital rankings.

According to the above arrangement, scientific research occupies a large proportion and weight in this ranking (research is based on the number of papers published and the so-called SCI score.)

However, doctors can do scientific research and see doctors are two different things.

There are a lot of doctors who do scientific research, and publish a lot of sci papers every year, but when they go on the operating table or see the patients, they rush to the street.

So cited,

To some extent, it will only get harder and harder for Chinese people to see a doctor every year when they are ranking hospitals.


ps: End of today.......

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