When the people in the dining hall were talking about gossip...

An old doctor came in.

The dining hall was suddenly quiet for several degrees.

It is the gossip who is advocating Director Guoxiang.

If the Lord is here, then other people don't dare to gossip, so quickly change the subject.

The doctor opposite Lin Feng is a B-ultrasound doctor in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology.

"Today I met a very special expectant mother... She is pregnant with two babies..."

"What's this? Isn't it just twins?"

"Don't worry... this mother-to-be is not an ordinary twin, but one big and one small, one is 8 weeks old, and the other is 6 weeks old..."


Several doctors and nurses were sprayed in the audience.

"Isn't it? A baby every two weeks? Is there such a special case?"


"Can you make a mistake? It's actually the same week?"

"Yes, can you make a mistake?"

There was a lot of discussion.

The obstetrician and gynecologist laughed and said: "These two babies are definitely not together, because the mother-to-be also asked me to do a B-ultrasound two weeks ago. At that time, there was only one 6-week-old baby, and there was no other embryo or gestational sac... …"

Abdominal B ultrasound can see a 5-week gestational sac, but the gestational sac is too small at 4 weeks, and it is difficult to see a 4-week gestational sac on a b-ultrasound.


There is a problem.

Why is there a situation of one big and one small 167?

Why can I get pregnant again after pregnancy?

It stands to reason: After a woman is pregnant, a series of hormone levels will change in the body. This hormone change will inhibit ovulation, so that she will not get pregnant again and protect pregnant women (tens of thousands of years of genetic optimization? Survival of the fittest?).


There are always expectant mothers with special physique, which is more awesome.

This kind of pregnancy is medically called superfoetion.

There are not many similar cases in the literature, and the probability of recurring pregnancy is only about one in a million.

In 2017, there was a very famous surrogacy incident.

A couple in our country, find another group of white + black couples for surrogacy. After the surrogacy, the white + black couple continued to play games and became pregnant.

As a result, two children appeared.

At that time, the couple in our country was very excited because they had two babies, so they gave double the surrogacy fee.

In a flash, 10 months passed and the baby was born.

As a result, a black baby, a yellow baby.

Then, after doing DNA, the truth was discovered.

At that time, my husband and wife wanted to get back the doubled surrogacy fee, but (aicd) the other party refused, so they went to lawsuit, and then went to the news, which caused a sensation in the world.


Regarding the medical accident, the hospital finally took a step back and lost money.

The family members left with satisfaction.

Later, I learned that these people were not professional medical dispute teams, but the patients' family members, who belonged to the local clans. After hearing the news, they ran to the hospital with outrage.

The hospital lost money, and the family members stopped making trouble.

As for how Dr. Zhang Guoxiang handled it, I guess it didn't matter in the end. After all, all hospitals across the country attach more importance to scientific research than to clinical practice.

Scientific research talents are the most precious (manual dog head).


a new day.

Lin Feng continued to work,

At 10:12 this morning, when the 18th patient,

Encountered a special patient.

·Child, 3 years old, male...

The hand of the little boy is very distinctive.

One hand, normal growth.

But the fingers of the other hand (right hand) are only one-third the size, about 1.5 cm.

"Doctor Lin, help me see my son, his hands...oooooo...what else to do in the future..."

The parents who are servants of the wind and dust have come all the way from other provinces.

I have heard that Lin Feng is very good, and I want to cure his son's illness here.

Lin Feng looked at this hand,

· Right hand 2-5 fingers with dysplasia,

There are two diseases, corresponding to this characteristic:

·Poland syndrome (Poland syndrome): a rare syndrome that contains a variety of deformities, more common in men, about 98%, more on the right side, features: absent pectoral muscles, absent ribs, and can be combined with fingers at the same time Absence, brachydactyly deformity, carpal hypoplasia, pectus excavatum and spinal deformity, and sometimes r-chamber is absent.

·Achondroplasia (achondroplasia) is also known as dystrophic dwarf with achondroplasia: Features: short limbs, but the trunk and head are normally developed, and intelligence is rarely affected. It is not difficult to do according to the typical figure, appearance, reduced limbs, and trident shape of the fingers Out of diagnosis.


The characteristics of the second disease don't match this one.

It should be: "Bolan syndrome".

"Come and show me..."

Lin Feng pulled up the child's shirt.


Obviously, the patient's right (ipsilateral) ribs and costal cartilage are dysplasia, and the chest is collapsed.

Confirmed with Poland syndrome.

Family members of the patient: "Dr. Lin, this is my son...?"

Lin Feng: "It's "Bolan Syndrome"..."

Then explained...

Mother: "Doctor Lin, can my son be cured?"

Lin Feng shook his head: "Currently, there is no early surgery to lengthen the phalanx. Maybe later or in the older age, the phalanx will be extended to improve the function and appearance of the hand, or there may be new technologies available at that time. "

"As for the breast development, surgery can be done at that time. If the "pectoralis major muscle is defective", then "Latissimus dorsi flap transfer coverage", if "Ipsilateral latissimus dorsi is weakly developed", then "Free flap transplantation" Or prosthesis implantation"...These are all body correction..."

Although Lin Feng gave the answer.

But obviously the little boy's parents were not satisfied.

After all, the solutions Lin Feng gave were symptomatic rather than permanent. They wanted to find a solution once and for all.

But how is this possible?

The etiology of Poland syndrome is unclear, and it may be caused by abnormal pectoral muscle bud development during fetus.

The treatment method is also passive treatment, treating the symptoms but not the root cause.

"Thank you Doctor Lin..."

The patient's parents took the little boy and left in disappointment, saying thank you before leaving.

Lin Feng sighed. Although he wanted to help, he really couldn't help it.


at this time,

An operating room.

An operation is in progress.

·Patient, female, Chen Yufang, 35 years old,

·Because of uterine fibroids, uterine fibroids resection.

·This is the second operation. The first operation failed to remove all, so the second operation was performed.

With a sound of the chief knife, Zhang is the chief of Obstetrics and Gynecology.

This operation is actually not difficult, and for the experienced Zhang Zhuzhi, it is easy to catch.


An accident happened!

Halfway through the operation, Dr. Chen, an anesthesiologist, found that the patient's blood oxygen saturation and blood pressure began to drop!

· Blood pressure has dropped to 50mmHg/40mmHg,

· Blood oxygen saturation dropped to 85%

The operating room was messed up. .

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