No-sword style: One hundred and eighty trouble winds!

Facing the fierce attacks of the imperial sister Sandasonia and Marigodru,

Rock closed his eyes slightly, and recalled the sword technique used by Zoro in his mind.

Although this is Zoro's three-sword style sword technique, he has been practicing the basics of swordsmanship with Teacher Taotu for many years.

Even without the one-sword style swordsmanship rewarded by the system, his own swordsmanship is already very strong.

At this time, he made a gesture with both hands without a sword.

In an instant, a powerful slash burst out directly!


The huge tornado formed by the slash slashed towards Sandasonia and the two.

Even though Rock did not take it too seriously, it still caused a lot of trouble for Sandasonia and the two.

As animal-type devil fruit ability users,

Sandasonia and Marigod's bodies after the transformation were too large, so even if they used the observation Haki, they could not avoid the slash.

Helplessly, the two could only withstand Rock's slash.

After all, in their eyes, Rock is now a huge threat.

Over the years, they have never seen anyone who is immune to Sister Snake Princess's petrification ability.

In addition, this mysterious man is very powerful.

He must not be allowed to get close to Sister Snake Princess easily!

The two royal sisters strengthened their determination and almost used their ultimate strength.

Boom- boom- after two loud noises.

Both Sandasonia and Marigorude were overwhelmed by the powerful slash.

This also made the two of them intuitively feel Rock's powerful strength.

You know.

The opponent used a slash, but did not even use a knife!

Using his hand as a knife can be so powerful, and his strength can be seen!

Because of this.

Sandasonia was directly confused.

According to the information she learned.

The former elite navy Draculas·D·Rock should be in a state of severe injury from the poison!

Could it be that the intelligence of the World Government and the Navy Headquarters was wrong! ?

There was no time to think too much.

Although this slash caused a lot of pressure on the Sanda Sonya sisters, they quickly stood up again.


At this moment.

Rock was about to step onto the high platform, and he was less than ten meters away from their sister!

"The world's most beautiful woman, Pirate Queen Boa Hancock"

"You really deserve this title."

Although he was so close,

Rock did not go directly to the side of the Pirate Queen.

He just wanted to walk to the Pirate Queen step by step. This is interesting. The Pirate Queen also obviously fell into Rock's trap and could not guess the latter's intentions at all. Facing this situation, she was even a little flustered. This is a very rare thing. After all, she is the Pirate Queen. She hasn't felt flustered in her heart for many years.

"Damn man, get out of here!"

Just as Rock was about to step onto the last step and reach the Pirate Queen's place, behind him, the royal sisters Sandasonia and Marigorude attacked again.

Although they didn't know what happened specifically, they had already discovered that something was wrong with their sister.

No, it was more than just something wrong!

It was simply abnormal!

Of course, the more this happened, the more Sister Snake needed their help.

Men were absolutely not allowed to get close to Sister Snake!

At this time, Rock also felt the attacks from the two royal sisters behind him, and he naturally didn't want to hurt the latter two.

But at the same time, he didn't want to be disturbed by the two sisters!

Buzz - in The moment Rock turned his head, the mental shock that almost condensed into substance burst out instantly!

The extremely powerful impact force directly knocked out the two royal sisters, Sandasonia and Marigorude!

At this moment, everyone in the audience felt their spirits tremble.

Even the deep blue eyes of the Pirate Queen Boa Hancock flashed with a deep shock!

One in a million, the qualifications of a king, the domineering domineering!

And it is a very powerful domineering domineering!

The Queen sighed in her heart. As the Amazon Lily Emperor, she, known as the Pirate Queen, naturally also possesses the domineering domineering.

However, Rock's domineering domineering is obviously stronger than hers....


Just as the whole audience was immersed in shock.

Rock suddenly thought to himself that it was not good.

It turned out that as Sandasonia and Marigorude were knocked unconscious by his domineering aura, the huge bodies of the two royal sisters began to fall uncontrollably in the same direction.

In the process,

Marigorude's snake-haired incarnation-the Flame Serpent God ran wild, not only causing her own clothes on her back to catch fire, but also ignited Sandasonia's clothes on the back!

This is not a trivial matter.

To put it in a small way, it is too indecent for the royal sister to have her clothes burned in public.

To put it in a big way, Sandasonia and Marigorude have the slave mark of the Sky Dragon's Hoof on their backs.

That is the biggest secret of the three Boa sisters, and they never want outsiders to know.

They definitely don't want to uncover the scars hidden for many years under the gaze of thousands of people.

Although Rock didn't think it was a shame.

As he said to the Pirate Queen, Like this.

Those who should feel guilty are the high and mighty Celestial Dragons.

But he also understands the three sisters of the Empress.

The brand on their backs, the scars deep in their hearts, are still bloody to them.

At the same time.

The Pirate Empress also discovered this, and her beautiful face was obviously flustered.

She wanted to stop it from happening, but it was too late to save it.


Just when the Empress was at a loss.

There was a gust of wind.

In just one second.

Rock appeared on the backs of Sandasonia and Marigorude one after another, because he couldn't find any other fear.

In desperation, Rock tore his shirt into pieces, divided it into two pieces and covered the brand on the backs of the two imperial sisters.

This process was extremely fast, so the thousands of Nine Snake Clan citizens around didn't see anything at all. They just thought Rock was a real gentleman.

In addition, more people looked at Rock....Drooling.

That's right.

As citizens of Daughter Island, they have never seen a man with his upper body exposed.

Are all men in the world as attractive as Rock! ?

At this time, on the other side of the high platform.

The Pirate Queen, who saw everything, finally flashed a deep touch of emotion in her beautiful deep blue eyes.

She has never looked at any man straight in the eye.

But now.

For some reason.

In her eyes, there is only Rock, as if there are only the latter and her in this world!

Ah, what is this feeling, so strange!

The Pirate Queen's pretty face flushed, her heart was a mess, and she didn't know what to do.

And soon.

Rock finally stepped onto the high platform and came in front of the Queen.


The empress slightly opened her smooth lips, and there was a tremor in her cold voice.

Just when the thousands of people present thought that Lady Snake would severely punish Rock, the next moment the empress said something that shocked them for three hundred years!

"Rock, I'll be waiting for you in the bedroom.".....

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