Grand Line.

Amazon·Lily Kingdom.

Empress's bedroom.

After some efforts, Rock not only entered the palace of Amazon·Lily Kingdom openly, but also went straight into the Empress's bedroom.

Of course, don't think too much.

The reason why the Empress invited Rock to her bedroom was mainly because she decided to tell Rock something.

It was her past experience.

For so many years, the sisters have always been very taboo about what happened during that period.

But for some reason.

Rock gave her a very different feeling.

This man clearly knew what the mark behind her meant, but he didn't mean to discriminate or ridicule at all. Instead, he kept enlightening her.

Coupled with other things, she finally decided to tell Rock about her past.

Of course.

All this was known only to the Empress herself, Rock and her two sisters.

At this time, the citizens of Amazon·Lily Kingdom had no time to care about these.

Just the fact that Rock entered the Empress's bedroom itself.

For the entire kingdom, it was already huge news.

After all, this was a great event.

The kingdom has an iron rule that prohibits any man from entering the country, let alone entering the empress's bedroom!

Even this news alarmed New Grandma Guroliosa, who rarely went out....

""Rock, do you really not think my experience is shameful?"

At this moment,

Boa Hancock's deep blue eyes kept flashing.

She told her story, and took the initiative to remove the shackles that had been on her heart for so many years.

After getting Rock's affirmative answer, she felt a comfort she had never felt before, as if the painful memory had finally been released.

"Hancock, did you run into a navy ship on your way back?!"

After untying the knot in the heart of the Pirate Queen,

Rock did not continue to mention the Celestial Dragons incident.

There is no point in saying more.

The experiences of the three Boa sisters are indeed pitiful and innocent.

In the holy land of Marijoa, there are tens of thousands of equally innocent slaves.

If there is a chance in the future, Rock will help the Queen to personally avenge the Celestial Dragons and completely eliminate the shadow in her heart.

However, the top priority now is to find a way to go to Marinford and save Robin and Nami.

Before that,

Rock also has to tell Luffy about the situation of Fire Fist Ace and Robin and Nami.

I hope that guy will not lose control after learning the truth.

Fortunately, after tonight, a new wave of system rewards It will be credited to the account.

And according to Rock's estimation.

After each system reward is credited.

The system will soon trigger the sign-in task again.

I just don't know where the next sign-in task will be.

If it is the headquarters of the Navy, Marinford, the reward should be very generous.

After all, once he appears in Marinford, he will inevitably be involved in the war on the top.

In addition, how to get to the headquarters of the Navy is also a big problem.

That's why he asked the Empress if she encountered any naval warships in the sea outside the Daughter Island.

If I remember correctly, in the original plot.

The one who came to recruit the Empress seemed to be the Vice Admiral Flying Squirrel of the Navy Headquarters!

"How do you know? There is indeed a navy ship in the open sea."

"It's Vice Admiral Flying Squirrel of the Navy Headquarters. He's here to recruit me to go to the Navy Headquarters to participate in some war."

"But I am not interested and have already rejected it, Rock....If you have nothing else to do, you can stay here for a while. I will accompany you....I will accompany you to see the beauty of Daughter Island."

The empress answered Rock's question seriously, and then her tone became a little shy. She didn't know why.

She didn't want to let the handsome man in front of her out of her sight.

What a strange feeling.

"Is it really a flying squirrel?"

When mentioning the Vice Admiral Flying Squirrel of the Navy Headquarters, Rock's mouth instantly curled up into a cold smile.

He didn't even notice that something was wrong with the empress.

Flying squirrel.

If Rock made a list of the people he hated, Vice Admiral

Flying Squirrel of the Navy Headquarters would definitely be in the top three!

Originally, the Celestial Dragon Xia Lulia Palace was one of the people Rock hated the most.

But now Xia Lulia Palace, who is wearing eternal shackles, is already considered Rock's person.

After all, as long as Rock is willing, he can know at all times, and can even control Xia Lulia Palace's behavior at will.

For example, at this moment.

Xia Lulia Palace is cramming acupoint massage knowledge in the holy land of Marijoa.

The next time they meet, Rock will let this unruly man massage his feet in public!

That scene, just thinking about it makes me feel refreshed!

The proud Celestial Dragon beauty kneeling to atone for her sins should be very exciting.

However, what makes Rock a little confused is that in his perception, Xia Lulia Palace seems to be in a controlled state in her heart...Like it?

Rock didn't stay in the Empress' bedroom for too long. He applied for a room in the palace and left temporarily.

After all, Luffy was still waiting outside.

As for Rock's request, the Pirate Empress was overjoyed.

She wanted Rock to have a rest in the palace, but she was too embarrassed to ask. Unexpectedly, Rock took the initiative to ask.

The Empress immediately arranged for Sandasonia to arrange the most luxurious room for Rock.

However, not long after, the Empress received a piece of"bad news"!

According to Marigord's report, ten minutes ago, Rock and Straw Hat Luffy asked Margaret for a small boat and left the port.

"What? Rock left! ? Didn't he promise me that he would live in the palace?"

Hearing this news, the Pirate Queen instantly lost her composure. It seemed that she was angry.

The world's most beautiful woman's beautiful face began to turn red, her body began to heat up, and she fell ill in bed after just a few minutes.

This frightened Sanda Sonia and others.

They quickly sent people to invite the most knowledgeable New Grandma Guroliosa in the kingdom to treat the Queen......

At the same time, off the coast of Daughter Island.

When the Empress fell ill on the bed.

Rock and Luffy were rowing a small boat, constantly and quietly approaching the navy warship that was staying on the sea.

At this time, the sky was getting darker, and the setting sun was only a line in the sky.

This caused the patrolmen on the navy warship to be limited by their vision and failed to find Rock, who was very experienced in combat.

Of course, Rock was not here to kill people this time.

Otherwise, with his and Luffy's strength, facing a warship led by Vice Admiral Flying Squirrel of the Navy Headquarters, there was no need to be so careful.

The reason why he came out before dark was to investigate the situation.

And estimate the possibility of hiding in the navy warship and going to the navy headquarters.

After all, even if the Pirate Empress was willing to help them, there was no way to take him and Luffy to the navy headquarters.

The navy was extremely cautious about the upcoming war.

This time, the King summoned the Seven Warlords of the Sea, and only the Seven Warlords of the Sea themselves were summoned, and the rest of the outsiders were not allowed to follow.

So to go to the Navy Headquarters.

Rock still had to find a way himself......

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