[Ding, congratulations to the host for completing the task of signing in for one night at Amazon Lily Palace!】

【Rewards are being distributed!】

【Reward: Skill: Poison Immunity received!】

【Reward: Perfect Grade Navy Six Styles: Moon Step received!】

【Reward: Devil's Blessing Heart X0.5 received!】

【Reward: 60 billion Baileys received!】....

The morning sun is just rising.

The warm sunshine is shining on the sea.

Rock is in a good mood as he looks at the beautiful scenery of Daughter Island in the morning and listens to the pleasant sound of the system reminding him that the reward has arrived.

The only drawback is that the situation of Nami and Robin is still unknown.

However, since they are detained in the Navy Headquarters, there should be no problem for the time being.

After all, this is the most critical moment for the Navy Headquarters.

From the Admiral Buddha Sengoku to the most ordinary marines, it is estimated that everyone is in a state of high tension.

Of course, even so, it cannot be delayed for too long.

Who knows if the World Government will have any new arrangements.

If things go as expected, the extremely evil world that happened in the Sabaody Archipelago has begun to spread through the news.

This kind of news that is enough to shock the world, those"emperors" in the underground world will never cover up for the World Government.

At most, under the pressure of the World Government and the Navy Headquarters, they will modify the truth of the matter.

"What? Rock, you are lying to me."

"How could Ace be caught by the navy?"

Before going to find the Empress,

Rock finally told Luffy about the situation of Fire Fist Ace.

He didn't tell him yesterday because he was afraid that this kid would be impulsive and alert the enemy.

Now that they are about to go to the Navy Headquarters, Rock naturally has to tell Luffy in advance, and even if he doesn't say it, Luffy will know it soon.

After learning that Fire Fist Ace was caught by the navy and will be publicly executed at the Navy Headquarters, Marineford,

Luffy's first reaction was shock and disbelief.

But when he took out the life paper left by Ace and looked at the slowly burning life paper, Luffy had to believe this fact.

Ace is really in danger.

"Not only Ace, but also Nami and Robin were captured by CP0 in the Sabaody Archipelago."

"According to the information provided to us by Admiral Kuzan, the two of them are likely to be executed together with Fire Fist Ace at the Marine Headquarters."

Rock continued to tell Luffy about the current situation.

When Luffy learned that Nami and Robin were also captured at the Marine Headquarters, his expression suddenly became more gloomy.

The Marine Headquarters?

Not only his brother was captured, but also his partner!

"Nami and Robin were captured because of me, it is my duty to rescue them"

"I will seek help from the Pirate Queen in a moment. If the Seven Warlords of the Sea help us, it will be much easier for us to do things."

As he said this, Rock took out the stone statue of the Navy Commodore that he had captured from the Navy warship last night, and planned to take it to the Pirate Queen.

The one who tied the bell must untie it.

Although he was immune to the Queen's petrification ability,���But it cannot remove the petrified state for the petrified person.

"Yes! We can definitely rescue Ace, Nami and Robin, just like when we were on the Judicial Island. Although the other partners are not here, we must never give up on anyone!"

Luffy held down his straw hat and nodded heavily to agree with Rock's words.

After knowing the situation of Ace, Nami and Robin, he had already made up his mind.

Straw Hat Luffy will never give up anyone he recognizes.

Even if he is alone, he will never give up, not to mention that Rock is here.

After these battles.

Luffy has fully recognized Rock's strength.

And in addition, Rock has been a navy for many years. With the latter, Luffy is confident that he can rescue everyone!.....

Amazon Lily Kingdom.

The Imperial Palace's Forbidden Area, the Pirate Queen's Bedroom

""Guruliosa, you mean, you want me to expel Rock and Straw Hat Luffy immediately?"

At this moment, the face of the Pirate Queen Boa Hancock was full of displeasure and anger.

Because just now, the previous emperor of the kingdom, Granny New, came to the palace with a piece of the latest big news.

She was asked to expel Rock and Straw Hat Luffy immediately! ? ?

If Rock was not in the palace, she didn't want to make herself too violent in the impression of the former.

Otherwise, she would have kicked Granny New out with a fragrant kick.

Straw Hat Luffy was fine. But that old guy actually dared to ask her to expel Rock!?

It's simply unforgivable!

"Snake Queen, this matter concerns the safety of the kingdom. This is not the time for you to act willfully!"

"Although I don't know why you are attracted to Draculas·D·Rock"

"However, we absolutely cannot leave Rock and Straw Hat Luffy on the island. Once the Navy or the World Government finds out, the entire Amazon Lily Kingdom will face a catastrophe!"

New Granny Guluoliosa's wrinkled face was filled with anxiety.

There was really no way.

This matter was too serious, otherwise she would not have deliberately provoked Snake Princess.

But now is not the time for Snake Princess to be willful as the emperor of the kingdom.

According to the big news report in the morning

‘Navy Traitor 'Draculas·D·Rock, along with the Straw Hat Pirates, massacred the Celestial Dragons in the Sabaody Archipelago, committing a heinous crime that shocked the world.

Currently, some members of the Straw Hat Pirates have been arrested and will be publicly executed at the Marine Headquarters, Marineford, along with the Captain of the Second Division of the Whitebeard Pirates, Flaming Fist Ace, to serve as a warning to others.

The other main culprit, Draculas·D·Rock and Straw Hat Luffy are still at large, and the World Government and the Navy Headquarters are searching for them.

When Granny New saw this big news, she was shocked.

Once the World Government and the Navy Headquarters learned that Rock and Luffy were hiding on the Daughter Island, it would be a devastating disaster for the Nine Snakes.

Moreover, as far as she knew, there was only one battleship led by a vice admiral of the Navy Headquarters in the calm sea area outside the Daughter Island!

Because of this, she hurried to find Snake Princess and advised her to expel Rock and Luffy immediately to avoid endless troubles.

"Stop talking, I won't listen"

"I will not listen to the Navy's call, and I will never expel Rock." The

Pirate Queen's attitude was very firm, and her arrogant look made it seem as if she would attack directly if she disagreed with him.

"Wow, it's so lively early in the morning, but it sounds like they are talking about me?"

Just when the Pirate Queen and Granny New Guroliosa were competing with each other and were in a stalemate, a tall and strong young man walked in holding a stone statue.

At this moment, seeing Rock's figure, the Pirate Queen's peerless face instantly turned red.

Granny New and other core figures of the Daughter Island also looked at Rock with surprise and admiration.

After all, the one who was walking slowly was a person who dared to kill the world's noble Celestial Dragons in the street!.....

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