Amazon Lily Kingdom.

In the Queen's bedroom.

Granny New Guroliosa and the royal sister Sanda Sonya and others looked at the young and handsome man who was walking slowly with trembling eyes.

It was hard for them to imagine.

There was actually someone in this world who dared to kill the world nobles, the Celestial Dragons.

And this person was right in front of them!

As the previous emperor of the Amazon Lily Kingdom.

Granny New Guroliosa was well-informed and knew very well the"supreme" status of the Celestial Dragons in this world.

Even though countless people and slaves died directly or indirectly at the hands of the Celestial Dragons every year, most of the Celestial Dragons regarded human lives as worthless.

But the status of the Celestial Dragons and the World Government has never been shaken.

Even as long as the Celestial Dragons were hit, the navy had to send out the admiral.

Such power would be feared by the entire sea!

In addition to Granny New.

The royal sister Sanda Sonya and Marigorud were also surprised, and there was an inexplicable recognition and admiration in their eyes when they looked at Rock.

After all, no one in the entire kingdom knows the horror of the Celestial Dragons better than the three sisters.

"This must be Granny New, don't worry, Luffy and I will leave the Amazon Lily Kingdom soon, and we will never let the Nine Snakes suffer innocently."

Rock put the statue of the Commodore on the ground, then looked at Granny New and explained seriously.

He heard the conversation between the Pirate Queen and Granny New before coming in.

To be honest.

Granny New's approach was nothing wrong.

From the perspective of the Amazon Lily Kingdom, he and Luffy were indeed a huge hidden danger.

If they were discovered by the World Government and the Navy Headquarters, the entire kingdom would be in an extremely dangerous situation.

So Rock didn't think there was anything wrong with Granny New's approach, and he also didn't want to implicate the Daughter Island.

The only thing that he didn't expect was that the Pirate Queen would actually protect him so much, could it be........

Rock looked at the Pirate Queen and happened to meet her affectionate blue eyes.

This made Rock's heart tremble.

Oh no, I'm afraid I'm in trouble with the love debt of the world's most beautiful woman!

"That's great. I admire your behavior very much. In decades, I have never seen a young man like you. It seems that the future on the sea will be very exciting!"

"However, you should leave as soon as possible, the Amazon Lily Kingdom needs peace."

New Granny Guroliosa said in a heavy tone.

She really admired Rock.

Such a fearless young man was indeed very rare.

But as she said, the kingdom needed peace, and Rock's existence might plunge the kingdom into an abyss of no return.


Facing the harsh words of Grandma New,

Rock was about to speak, but he didn't expect a gorgeous figure to suddenly move.


"Damn old thing, I am the emperor of the kingdom, right? With me here, who dares to chase Rock away! ?"

With a loud bang,

Granny New, who was leaning on a snake-shaped cane, was kicked out of the window by the empress.

Then, the empress, who had just finished speaking harshly, walked to Rock's side and said with a slightly embarrassed look:

" not worry...Where is my concubine?...Where is your home?"


?" Rock was also shocked when he saw the abnormal behavior of the Pirate Empress, the most beautiful woman in the world and one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea.

At this moment, the Empress's demeanor, tone and feeling were completely different from her cold and aloof look yesterday.

The emotion came too quickly, and even though Rock was mentally prepared, he was still a little flattered.

Not only Rock.

The surrounding royal sister Sanda Sonya and others were even more confused.

No way.

The most beautiful snake princess sister, was so easily won over by others?!

Hey, sister, you are the most beautiful woman in the world!

""Hancock, I need you to do me a favor."

Rock did not discuss further with the Empress.

As a normal man, he naturally could not resist the beauty of the world's most beautiful woman, not to mention that the Empress was one of the few infatuated people in the world.

But now the situation of Nami and Robin was unknown, and he was not in the mood to think about other things for the time being.

""Hancock, did Rock call my name? Ah! I'm so touched!"

Hearing Rock's words, the empress almost fainted, but Rock supported her in time.

This was a big deal, the empress's beautiful face was instantly covered with red, and she was ashamed as anything.

Such a scene shocked Sanda Sonya and others around, and everyone looked as if they had seen a ghost.

Who would have thought that the Pirate Empress, who has always been known for her arrogance, actually has such a shy side!?

"You tell me, Rock, as long as I can do it."

After being moved for a while, the empress finally calmed down a little and asked Rock:

"Let's remove the petrified state of this navy first. Don't worry, there will be no problem."

"In addition, the Navy Headquarters is forcibly recruiting the Seven Warlords of the Sea. I hope you can agree to this recruitment."

"This is not only for your people, I also need your help."

Rock did not hide it, and directly informed the Pirate Queen of the information about his partners and Luffy's detention.

And the Queen did not hesitate at all.

In fact, when the world's most beautiful woman heard Rock say that he needed her, she had already made a decision.

Isn't it the Navy Headquarters?

If Rock needs her, then of course she has to go!

Just when the Pirate Queen said that everything would be done according to Rock's words.

It happened that New Grandma Guroliosa also came back. When she saw that the Queen agreed to go to the Navy Headquarters, she couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, and at the same time her opinion of Rock changed a lot.

After all, for the Amazon Lily Kingdom.

Hiding���The news about Rock and Straw Hat Luffy was only likely to be leaked, but if the Empress refused the forced conscription by the Navy Headquarters, it would inevitably lead to a huge disaster.

Therefore, in her opinion, Rock had helped her and the entire kingdom solve a huge problem this time.

Soon, under the Empress's operation, the petrified state of the Navy Commodore was lifted and he regained his life.

"King, the Seven Warlords of the Sea, the Pirate Empress! ?"

Because the Empress was able to restrain her charm this time and hid behind Rock, she did not cause much damage to the Commodore.

But even so, the Commodore still saw the Empress at first sight.

After all, the world's most beautiful woman is too beautiful.

But the next moment, the Commodore discovered Rock's presence, and his expression became extremely stiff.

"Haha, Commodore Barrons, look at your expression. Have you forgotten who I am after not seeing me for a few days?"

Rock looked at Commodore Barrons, the tool he had chosen, and sneered.

"You, you!!! Rock, why are you here, with the Shichibukai?!"..............

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