At this moment.

Commodore Barrons' eyes were wide open, and he looked at the familiar yet strange young man in front of him with horror!

He didn't know why he was here. He didn't know why Rock was here!

This was Rock!

Before he was petrified.

The headquarters had just sent a message to Vice Admiral Flying Squirrel.

Former Navy Colonel Rock, together with the Straw Hat Luffy gang, killed the Celestial Dragon Charlos Saint in the Sabaody Archipelago.

And escaped from the siege of Admirals Aokiji and Kizaru.

If the naval branches find the whereabouts of Rock and the Straw Hat Gang, report to the headquarters immediately!

In this news.

What shocked the navy the most was not that Rock killed the Celestial Dragon.

After all, most of the navy knew that Colonel Rock lost his naval career that was about to soar like a rocket because of a word from the Celestial Dragon!

So Rock's killing of the Celestial Dragon, although shocking, was not unpredictable.

What surprised Barrons and other navy the most was.

Rock and the Straw Hats were able to escape from the encirclement of two generals!

Even the fastest general, Kizaru, was among them!

In addition, Rock was poisoned and injured before, but he was still able to repel Vice Admiral Flying Squirrel.

Now, Barrons, a mere brigadier general, was facing such a ruthless person. How could he not be terrified! ?

"Don't be nervous, Brigadier General Barrons."

Rock looked at the frightened Brigadier General Barrons coldly, and slowly sat down on the luxurious chair that the empress had someone bring for him.

Seeing this scene, Barrons was sweating profusely.

What happened!?

How could the extremely spoiled Pirate Queen look at Rock so lovingly?


What Rock is sitting on now seems to be the dragon throne of the Amazon Lily Kingdom!?

Although Barrons was only petrified for half a day, he felt that the world seemed to have undergone earth-shaking changes.

"Without further ado, Brigadier General Barrons, I need you to do me a favor. After the favor is done, I will give you a huge sum of money."

"You can also choose to refuse. Of course, in that case, you may become a stone statue for the rest of your life, or be chopped into eight pieces and thrown into the sea to feed the fish."

Rock didn't say much to Commodore Barrons, and went straight to the point and stated his intention.

This Commodore Barrons was not the kind of person who would die for the so-called"justice". Faced with this situation, he knew what to do.

Sure enough.

After Rock finished his plan.

Barrons, who knew that he had no choice, immediately chose to accept it.

As for whether Barrons would regret it halfway, Rock was not worried at all, because both he and the Pirate Queen could take Barrons' life in an instant.


""Admiral, good news! The Seven Warlords of the Sea, the Pirate Queen, has accepted our call and is about to board our warship!" A naval colonel on a naval warship in the Calm Sea urgently reported to Admiral Flying Squirrel of the Navy Headquarters.

"Finally, there is good news. Inform those who have not been petrified to be alert and make sure that the Pirate Empress is on board alone. In addition, patrols should be stepped up. If there is anything wrong, notify me immediately!"After hearing that the Pirate Empress agreed to the call-up, Vice Admiral Flying Squirrel of the Navy Headquarters finally smiled.

However, at this time, his eyes were wrapped in thick bandages, and his body had multiple injuries, which greatly reduced his combat effectiveness.

Regarding the attack last night.

Flying Squirrel considered many possibilities, but in the end he could not find an accurate answer.

After all, the mysterious man disappeared directly in the sea after committing the crime last night.

Although he was somewhat suspicious whether it was the work of the Pirate Empress.

But he had no evidence, and secondly, there was no man in either the Nine Snakes Pirates or the Amazon Lily Kingdom.

What's more, as long as the Pirate Empress was not mentally ill, she should not have done anything to him.

In view of the current serious situation.

The Navy Headquarters has not yet The faction couldn't afford to send more people, so even though Flying Squirrel was badly injured, he could only continue to complete the task of recruiting the Seven Warlords of the Sea, the Pirate Empress.

Fortunately, the Pirate Empress agreed to the recruitment, otherwise he really didn't know what to do next.

After all, he is now in a half-crippled state, and if he takes action, he probably won't be able to beat the Pirate Empress.


The Perfume Serpent of the Nine Snakes Pirates sailed towards the navy battleship with great fanfare.

Although Flying Squirrel was seriously injured, he still came to the deck to greet the Pirate Empress.

He had to be cautious with dangerous figures like the Seven Warlords of the Sea.

In addition, he also needed the Pirate Empress to restore those petrified marines.

Especially Commodore Barrons.

Now that he is blind, he needs a Commodore to supervise the navigation of the battleship.

"How come there is an extra blind man after not seeing him for just one day?"

"It's a pity that you don't have the blessing to appreciate my beauty!"

The Pirate Queen Boa Hancock officially boarded the Navy battleship from the Perfume Serpent, and teased the Flying Squirrel as soon as she came up, and posed beautifully by the way.

At this moment, except for Vice Admiral Flying Squirrel who was blind, the other marines present were dumbfounded, and some of them even turned into stone.

And at this moment, while everyone's attention was on the Queen,

Rock and Luffy instantly rushed onto the Navy battleship and hid in a cabin specially used to store petrified marines.

To be on the safe side, after getting the guarantee from Commodore Barrons, the Queen turned him into a stone statue again. Anyway, the battleship is in a mess now. As long as Barrons and other marines are restored together, no one will find out.

Rock also specially called Luffy to change into an ordinary marine uniform.

"Pirate Queen Boa Hancock, why did you only agree to release some of the marines from petrification?"

"There are too many people, I am annoyed, why are you���Opinion?"

"Humph, then please restore Commodore Barrons. I am not in good condition now. We encountered a terrorist attack last night. Commodore Barrons will temporarily take charge of the daily affairs of the battleship on my behalf."

After some efforts by the Flying Squirrel, the Pirate Queen finally released Commodore Barrons and several other rookie marines from their petrified state.

Then, under Barrons' arrangement,

Rock and Luffy disguised themselves as rookie marines and were able to enter the Pirate Queen's luxurious cabin on the pretext of serving the Pirate Queen.

Thus, the first step of Rock's plan to sneak into the Navy Headquarters was officially launched.

When the Queen saw Rock in his navy uniform, the world's most beautiful woman once again turned into a little fangirl.

She had never seen such a handsome navy man.

If it weren't for the light bulb of Straw Hat Luffy, she would definitely not be able to resist throwing herself into Rock's arms!

"Hey, Rock!"

"What's wrong, Luffy?"

When the battleship officially set sail for the Navy Headquarters.

In the cabin, Luffy suddenly patted Rock on the back.

"You told me before that Ace is currently imprisoned in the Undersea Prison, right?"

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for triggering a new sign-in task. The level of this task is: Supreme! 】 . . . . .

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