At the edge of the port of Marinford.

On the Navy G9 base warship.

When the door of the exclusive cabin opened.

Navy Admiral candidate Taotu looked at the tall figure in front of her and stood there for a moment.

At this time, the sun was shining through the gap into the cabin.

Taotu pursed her red lips excitedly.

This tall figure, familiar attire, although she lowered her head and couldn't see the face clearly, she must be....


Just when Taotu thought that the man standing in front of her was Rock, whom she had been worried about for the past few days, she suddenly narrowed her eyes and found something wrong.

Even if Rock came back, he would not wear the same navy uniform as before.

Moreover, although the sun blocked her eyes, the more she looked at the figure in front of her, the more she felt that he was very annoying!

"damn it!"

"Kaji, are you sick! ?"

At this moment, the Navy Admiral candidate Momotogi was furious, and a finger gun swept towards the calf of the man in front of him. The latter's calf broke instantly, and his height suddenly shortened by more than half a meter!

"Hey, this is the stilt I specially asked someone to make. Gion, I know you are worried about that guy Rock, so you dressed up as him."

""Since I am so thoughtful, please accept my 98th proposal. I really mean it!"

Seeing that his carefully dressed up outfit failed to please the beauty,

Navy Admiral Candidate Chaton Kake simply stopped pretending. He took off his stilts and put on his vice admiral cloak.

Then he took out a bouquet of roses and half-knelt to propose.

This was his 98th proposal to Momosato.

For this reason, he even dressed up as the criminal Rock.

You know, he is not an ordinary vice admiral, but a candidate for the Navy Admiral like Momosato! So it is an honor for the latter that he dresses up as Rock!

What's more, the current Rock is no longer the pride of the Navy, but a criminal, a thoroughly evil criminal!

"I reject!"

"I've been very upset lately, can you please stop causing trouble for me! ?"

Faced with the 98th proposal from Chaton Kaji,

Momosaki still decisively rejected it, and there was a lot of disgust in her beautiful eyes.

She didn't like this shameless guy at all.

This time, he dressed up as Rock, which made her speechless.

""Alas, I was rejected again, but I won't give up."

Kaji smiled bitterly and shook his head, obviously knowing that he would be rejected.

He came here not only to propose marriage this time.

More importantly, he was here to complete the task of testing Taotu.

Because of the attack on the flying squirrel, some high-ranking members of the navy suspected that Rock was behind it.

And currently, the person who is closest to Rock in the navy headquarters is Taotu, who is the latter's kendo teacher.

So he came to test Taotu.

Fortunately, nothing was found.

"Hey, General Sakaski, I have already tried to find out, Gion does not know Rock's whereabouts."

"I say, it's just Rock, he won't cause much trouble. Our attention should be focused on Whitebeard, General Sakaski!"

"Got it. I'll keep an eye on Momosagi, but it seems she's going back to the G9 branch."

After leaving Momosagi's battleship,

Chaton Kake immediately reported to Admiral Akainu, who was adjusting the defense, through Den Den Mushi.

Then Akainu ordered him to continue to keep an eye on Momosagi's movements.

After hanging up the Den Den Mushi, Chaton Kake smacked his lips indifferently. He obviously didn't take Rock seriously.

After all, in his opinion, Rock is just a criminal who has a little strength but has not yet become a big shot.

But it must be said.

In this war, Admiral Akainu is really the busiest, acting like the successor to the Navy Marshal......

"Rock, you must be careful, otherwise I will be heartbroken."

At this time, the battleship of Vice Admiral Flying Squirrel of the Navy Headquarters was docking at Marinford.

In the exclusive luxurious cabin of the Seven Warlords of the Sea on the battleship, the Pirate Queen was looking at Rock with concern, and a hint of reluctance flashed in her beautiful blue eyes.

"Don't worry, I'm very familiar with the Navy Headquarters. But you, Hancock, must not conflict with the Navy casually."

Rock looked at the world's most beautiful woman in front of him and said with a smile.

It should be said that the gentle Pirate Queen is an absolute deadly poison to all real men!

Of course, the Queen's gentleness is only limited to him, Rock.

For others, the Queen is still the extremely arrogant Pirate Queen!

""Luoke cares about me, ah, I'm so touched!"

Hearing the concern in Luoke's tone, the empress was deeply moved again and almost fell down again.

"Ahem, Hancock, regarding Brigadier General Barrons, are you sure he can't be freed from petrification within three days?"

The navy warship is about to dock.

Now is not the time to cultivate feelings with the Empress.

In order to avoid the recurrence of incidents like Nami and Robin being captured by CP0 in the Sabaody Archipelago,

Rock carefully considered all the details this time. He even transferred the most important"puppet" in his hand to Marinford.

He was afraid that some accidents would happen, causing himself and his friends to be in a desperate situation.

Although Commodore Barrons helped them a little, he is a navy man after all.

Now that he has arrived at the headquarters of the navy, he may choose to expose Rock's existence in order to seek credit or avoid being liquidated after the incident.

Once this happens, not only Rock himself, but also the Pirate Empress, Luffy in Impel Down, as well as Nami and Robin, will all be finished.

So Rock asked the Pirate Empress to petrify Commodore Barrons with force and ensure that he cannot be removed from the petrified state within three days.

Anyway, the Empress's reputation is arrogant and domineering, so she can just find a reason to prevaricate.

The Whitebeard Pirates are about to attack, and the Navy will never embarrass the Seven Warlords of the Sea because of this matter

"Yes, without my ability to release it, he will definitely not be able to recover within three days. Once he is interfered with by external forces and forced to restore his life state, he will die instantly."

The Pirate Queen is serious.���Nodding.

She would naturally do her best for what Rock asked her to do.

Moreover, she knew that Rock was also protecting her!


After getting the affirmative answer from the Empress,

Rock was temporarily relieved.

Now his layout has been initially formed.

The next step is to complete the branch check-in tasks issued by the system before the upcoming war on the top.

According to the system,

Teacher Taotu should be in Marinford at this moment.

However, the G9 base under the jurisdiction of Teacher Taotu is located at an important node where the New World is interrupted, so it should not need to return to the Navy Headquarters to participate in the war on the top.

And Teacher Taotu returned to Marinford, probably to inquire about his affairs!

"One of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, Boa Hancock, we have arrived at the Marine Headquarters. Please exit the cabin and land immediately!"......

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