"Her Majesty, Shichibukai Boa Hancock, the Marine Headquarters has arrived, please leave the cabin and land immediately!"

Just as Rock and the Pirate Queen were temporarily saying goodbye to each other, the voice of Vice Admiral Flying Squirrel of the Marine Headquarters came from outside the cabin.

Upon hearing this, a hint of cruelty flashed in the beautiful eyes of the Pirate Queen.

Damn guy.

Just knowing how to ruin the atmosphere.

Next, it's time for her and Rock to kiss goodbye.

Damn it, sooner or later I'll chop this guy into eight pieces and throw him into the sea to feed the fish, to avenge Rock!

""Here they come!"

Although she was resentful, the Pirate Queen knew that she couldn't be exposed at this time, otherwise it would definitely affect Rock's next move.

Soon, the Pirate Queen walked out of the cabin accompanied by Rock, who was disguised as an ordinary marine.

On the deck, the blind Vice Admiral Flying Squirrel was still leading the team.

"Hmm? Why is there no trace of Commodore Barrons?"

Even though he was blind,

Flying Squirrel, as a vice admiral of the Navy Headquarters, still noticed that Commodore Barrons seemed to be missing.

"That impetuous marine has offended me, and I will petrify him for three days as punishment." The

Pirate Queen had a cold face and an extremely cold tone. It was obvious that she didn't want to waste any more time talking to the flying squirrel.

However, even such a cold Pirate Queen still attracted the attention of countless marines around her.

Their eyes seemed to be fixed on the Queen, and they couldn't move away at all.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, after landing on the land of Marinford,

Rock found an opportunity and disappeared in the crowd who came to watch the Pirate Queen.

"Rock, be careful, I will do everything I can to help you."

After the Pirate Queen found out that Rock had disappeared, her beautiful face was full of tenacity.

Although she didn't know why, now she was willing to give everything for Rock.


Maybe this is the storm of love!......

"Who is coming over there? It's so noisy."

On the warship of the Navy G9 Branch Base,

Admiral candidate Taotu heard the roar of the mountains and the sea on the other side of the harbor and was very curious.

"It seems that the Pirate Queen from the Seven Warlords of the Sea has arrived at the headquarters, the world's most beautiful woman."

The slender and charming Alice responded.

But the female admiral's expression clearly showed a trace of yearning.

The world's most beautiful woman.

I don't know if she is more beautiful than the charming Vice Admiral Taotu and her...How much more beautiful would the most beautiful woman in the world be?

"Huh, the Seven Warlords of the Sea?"

"The so-called system of the Seven Warlords of the Sea that allows legal plunder is simply a disgrace to the Navy."

Momotogi snorted coldly, obviously dissatisfied with the inaction of the Navy Headquarters.

The Navy defines itself as the banner of justice!

But in recent years, the Navy's actions have increasingly run counter to true justice!

Now it has even degenerated to the point where a word from a Celestial Dragon can destroy a future star of the Navy.

It's ridiculous.

"Alice, let's go. There's no need to stay in Marinford any longer. Although Rock is a bit reckless, he won't come to Marinford to mess around."

"After all, our opponent this time is the most powerful one among the Four Emperors of the New World. The next war will be an unprecedented war!"

After thinking for a while,

Taotu decided to leave the Navy Headquarters and return to the G9 Branch Base.

After the Rock incident, she was a little disappointed with the Navy Headquarters.

Recalling the scenes of Rock practicing swordsmanship under her, her heart ached.


Just as Rear Admiral Alice received the order and went to the command cabin to launch the battleship.

At the edge of the deck, where Taotu was, a wave of water suddenly splashed on the sea.

Then, under Taotu's beautiful eyes, a young figure in a navy recruit uniform with a tall and strong figure quickly climbed onto the deck and patted the water off his body.

"Hey, Mr. Taotu, long time no see!"

At this moment,

Taotu, the admiral candidate, was stunned for a moment.

She stared at the familiar yet unfamiliar handsome face of the young man in front of her with her beautiful eyes, and opened and closed her red lips. She couldn't believe it for a long time.

"Ro, Roque!?"

"Ah, it's me, Teacher Taotu, I'm sorry to make you worry about me!"

Rock scratched his head with a smile, feeling embarrassed but also very touched.

Looking at Teacher Taotu's look, he knew that the latter must be very worried about his safety.

In the navy for so many years,

Teacher Taotu is one of the best people to him.

After all, a few years ago, he ate and drank for free at Teacher Taotu's G9 base and practiced swordsmanship for a long time.

He was still young at that time. He always said that he was afraid of sleeping alone, and every time Teacher Taotu would soften her heart and accompany him.

Just like Teacher Zefa and Chief of Staff Crane.

Taotu is the one in the navy who really thinks highly of him and is willing to treat him sincerely.

So when he saw Taotu at this time,

Rock was very moved and even a little aggrieved

"Silly boy, it's good that you're okay. You didn't do anything wrong. Teacher Taotu feels sorry for you!"

Taotu's beautiful eyes were red at this time. She gave Rock a warm hug regardless of his wet clothes.

She knew that Rock must be very aggrieved.

But now that things have come to this, all she can do is to comfort Rock as much as possible.

Once the incident of killing the Celestial Dragon happened, Rock's relationship with the Navy was completely severed.

""Luo, Luo Ke, you're back!?"

Just as Taotu was comforting Luo Ke

, Rear Admiral Alice also returned. When she saw Luo Ke, she was instantly overjoyed.

Looking at the entire navy, her favorite was Junior Brother Luo Ke.

""It's good that you're back, it's good that you're back!"

After they met, Alice also went up to Rock and gave him a bear hug.

This made Rock feel suffocated.

After all, although Alice was not as tall as Teacher Taotu, her weapon was not small.

��The key is that every time he hugs him, this guy jumps and rubs his head.

It's very annoying.

"Alice, now is not the time to reminisce. Drive at full speed, leave the port, and drive to the Gate of Justice first."

After calming down,

Taotu quickly reacted.

This place is simply a den of dragons and tigers for Rock.

Although she didn't know Rock's intention of coming to the Navy Headquarters, at least he couldn't stay near the port of Marinford for too long.

Otherwise, once he was discovered, even she, the candidate for admiral, would not be able to protect Rock.

After all

, it is said that even the Celestial Dragon Xia Lulia Palace, who has a blood feud with Rock, is in Marinford at this moment!.....

"Hmm? Gion is leaving?"

At the same time,

Chaton Kaji, who had been paying attention to the situation of Momosato's battleship, found that the former's battleship moved and seemed to be leaving the headquarters.

Soon, he found that something seemed wrong.

Even if it was to leave Marinford and return to the G9 branch base.

Momosato didn't have to order the battleship to go so fast, right? It seemed that the horsepower was full?

What's going on.

Is there something strange, or is Momosato afraid that he will propose again!?

Oh, yes!

Chasing after him to propose at this time, doesn't it seem very sincere!?

Navy Admiral Chaton Kaji showed a wretched sneer.

Then he dispatched a speedboat and quickly chased after the Momosato navy battleship........... ps: Dear friends, this book will be recommended the day after tomorrow, please support it.⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐Good reviews~

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