When Rock followed Momosagi back to the Marine Headquarters in Marinford, major events were also happening in other areas of the sea.

An unprecedented war was about to come, and the entire sea was shrouded in the strange and turbulent atmosphere of war.

New World.

The Four Emperors Kaido suddenly launched a"war" against the Whitebeard Pirates, but was stopped by another Four Emperors Red Hair Shanks.


The strongest Four Emperors Whitebeard Pirates suddenly disappeared from their territory, and the entire Whitebeard fleet disappeared, as if evaporated from the face of the earth.

Impel Down Undersea Prison.

This prison, known as the world's number one, broke out in a huge turmoil under the leadership of the suspected Straw Hat Luffy and the Joker Buggy.

For this reason.

Magellan, the director of the Impel Down, contacted the Marine Headquarters and took the criminal Fire Fist Ace to Marinford in advance.

The World Government and the Marine Headquarters announced again.

Criminal Flame Fist Ace, Devil's Child Nico Robin, and Little Thief Cat Nami will be publicly executed tomorrow at the Marine Headquarters in Marinford!

The news shook the world.

All kingdoms and regions are paying close attention to the situation at the Marine Headquarters.

Some ambitious people are declaring everywhere.

A new era is coming!......

Marine Headquarters, Marinford.

Only 6 hours left before the public execution!

The sun has not yet risen.

An uninvited guest suddenly came to the cell where Robin and Nami were imprisoned!

Under the protection of several CP0 elites, the Celestial Dragon Xia Lulia Palace suddenly came to this cell.

Although the guards at the gate had received orders not to allow anyone to enter the cell at will, facing Xia Lulia Palace, who now has a high status among the Celestial Dragons, the guards did not dare to stop her.

"You wait outside, I will go in by myself."

At this time, Xia Lulia was wearing a large navy justice cloak, covering the bloated Celestial Dragon costume, which made her look much more capable.

She ordered CP0 with a cold look.

""Noble Lady Xialulia Palace, the prisoners are criminals, so let us accompany them."

The CP0 captain suggested cautiously.

The core leaders of the Celestial Dragons were furious about the Sabaody Archipelago incident that just happened, and the CP organization was also punished. (Without knowing Rock's intelligence in advance)

This time they naturally have to be extremely cautious in protecting Xialulia Palace.

After all, this person not only inherited his father's status, but also experienced the Sabaody Archipelago incident. Perhaps because he experienced life and death, his ability has been greatly improved, and he is highly valued by the Five Elders.

"Just two toothless cats held by seastone"

"Do you think I can't even handle two imprisoned female pirates?"

Faced with CP0's request,

Xia Lulia Palace looked unhappy.

In the next second, she even raised the black muzzle of the gun and pointed it at the CP0 captain who spoke. The latter immediately broke out in a cold sweat and could only stand aside obediently, not daring to disobey.

Soon, Xia Lulia Palace entered the cell.

At this time, Robin and Nami did not rest.

In fact, facing the current situation, they will be on the execution platform tomorrow. Not to mention Nami, even Robin can't close his eyes and fall asleep.

"Damn pirates, you killed my brother and made my father suffer. Now it's finally your turn!"

Celestial Dragon Xia Lulia looked at the miserable appearance of Nami and Robin and said in a cold tone.

"Celestial Dragons?"

Nami raised her head, facing the so-called Celestial Dragons, she showed no fear at all.

The situation was bad enough, so naturally there was nothing to be afraid of.

"Rock spared your life so that you could atone for your dirty history. Now that you are here, it seems that it was a mistake not to kill you."

Robin also looked at Xia Lulia Palace and said in a calm but fierce tone:

"Hehe, Draculas·D·Rock? He didn't kill me, maybe it was a mistake..."

When the Celestial Dragon Xia Lulia mentioned Rock, her expression was obviously paused, as if she had been shocked by something.

"I just came to see how you look before you die. It won't be long before I cheer for your heads to fall off!"

Xia Lulia Palace did not stay in the cell for too long.

After saying this, she turned around and left.

However, when she turned around and her cloak fluttered, a string of seastone handcuffs keys hanging around her waist suddenly appeared.

At this moment,

Nami quickly stretched her long legs out of the iron bars and stole the key hanging on Xia Lulia Palace's waist at lightning speed.

Xia Lulia Palace was so skilled that she didn't notice it at all and walked out of the cell directly.

Of course, Nami and Robin didn't notice it.

When Xia Lulia Palace left, she had a mysterious smile on her lips.

""Nami, you're amazing!"

After getting the key to the seastone handcuffs, Robin was obviously surprised.

Although they still couldn't escape directly with only the key to the handcuffs, this did not hinder the great role of the key.

Once there was a chance to escape, they could unlock the handcuffs at any time, and the chance of escape would be greatly increased!......

At the port of Marinford.

Navy G9 branch warship.

At this moment, there are only 4 hours left before the public execution!

It was dawn.

Rock finally woke up in Teacher Taotu's cabin.

Of course, don't think too much.

In order to let him rest well, Teacher Taotu deliberately squeezed in with Major General Alice to sleep.

【Ding, congratulations to the host for completing the side quest!】

【Rewards are being distributed——】

【Ding, reward: Devil's Blessing Heart X1.5, arrived!】

【Ding, the reward, the perfect grade navy six-style finger gun, has arrived!】

【Ding, reward·system storage space 9999998x10000000m³, arrived! 】

After waking up.

The system prompt sounded in Rock's mind at the right time.

At the same time.

After Rock applied a devil's blessing heart to himself.

He clearly felt that his body had changed.

Although he couldn't tell the details, it was indeed very different from his previous physique.

The most intuitive feeling was that he knew very well that he could eat two devil fruits now!

That's right, two!

After getting the branch reward.

Rock's heart was ignited with a raging fire of excitement.

He couldn't wait to swallow the two god-level fruits into his mouth!

I just don't know if the god-level fruits will taste better than ordinary devil fruits.

After confirming his physical condition.

Rock glanced at the time, just right.

At this time, all his planned arrangements have been prepared.

It should be said that it feels very good to have a loyal Tianlong undercover, at least it reduces a lot of risks for him.

It was already dawn.

The Navy Headquarters began the busiest preparation stage.

At the same time, the Seven Warlords of the Sea also began their first gathering at the Navy Headquarters! At this moment , there are only 3 hours left before the public execution.


PS:The first show has begun, and I would like to ask for your support, five-star reviews, urging for updates, and giving small gifts. Your support is the driving force of Xiaohuo!

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