As the sun gradually rose, countless elite naval forces lined up at the Marine Headquarters in Marinford, ready to fight at any time.

At this time , there were only 2 hours left before the public execution began!

At the same time, inside the Marine Headquarters building, several notorious pirates, the Seven Warlords of the Sea, also gathered in the exclusive lounge, waiting for the start of the war.

"Rock, you must be safe and sound, otherwise I will not be able to survive...."

At the window of the lounge,

Pirate Queen Boa Hancock looked at the tense scene outside the window with a worried look on her face.

She hadn't seen Rock since they arrived at the Marine Headquarters.

Fortunately, there was no special movement.

Rock should not have been exposed.

But even so, she was still a little worried.

After all, this was the Marine Headquarters.

What if something went wrong with Rock?

Then she would not be able to survive.

Is this the storm of love! ?

"Dear Sirs, does anyone know about Blackbeard Marshall?·D·"Is Teach's whereabouts?"

Just as the empress couldn't help but worry about Rock's situation, a navy captain walked in at the door of the King's Seven Warlords' exclusive lounge , looking quite flustered. Half an hour ago, Blackbeard Marshall, one of the King's Seven Warlords,

·D·Teach suddenly disappeared. He was looking for information as ordered.

However, his words seemed to fall on deaf ears.

There were five people in this exclusive lounge, but no one answered him at this moment!

The awkward atmosphere lasted for several seconds.

The captain of the navy couldn't help sweating profusely on his forehead.

Facing the five pirates who were notorious in this sea.

Even though he was in the headquarters, the captain of the navy felt like sitting on pins and needles, like a thorn in his back!

After hesitating for a moment, he clenched his fists and took two steps forward again.

The matter was of great importance.

No matter who the other party was, no matter how notorious he was, he couldn't back down!

"Hey! The Seven Warlords of the Sea Hawkeye Mihawk, Sky-Dark Demon Donquixote Doflamingo, Pirate Queen Boa Hancock, Tyrant Bartholomew Bear, Gekko Moriah!"

"You have an agreement with the navy after all. We are in the same camp. This attitude is really inappropriate! ?"

The navy captain mustered up his courage and finally attracted the attention of one of the Shichibukai.

"Fufu......"Marine, who do you think you are talking to?"

The sinister laughter of Tenyasha Doflamingo was heard, and the whole lounge environment suddenly became extremely irritating.

The next moment, the navy captain was shocked.

Because he found that he had become like a puppet and lost the ability to control himself!

"Fufufufufufu, are you scared? It's too late!"

Doflamingo licked his lips like a venomous snake.

Then he tapped his fingers in the air and began to control the poor navy in front of him like a puppet.

The navy captain drew the sword from his waist, but the blade was facing him.

At this moment, he was extremely desperate.

In front of the absolute strength of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, he could not resist at all.!

"That's enough, Don Quixote, he's just doing his duty!"

"Oh? Hawkeye Mihawk? It's unexpected that a guy like you would plead for the navy!"

Just when Doflamingo was about to kill the lieutenant,

Hawkeye behind him suddenly spoke.

Doflamingo sneered and looked back at Hawkeye, but he had no intention of stopping.

"In that case, there is nothing we can do!"


Seeing that Doflamingo had no intention of stopping, the world's number one swordsman, Hawkeye Jorako Mihawk, directly drew out the Black Blade Night, one of the Twelve Supreme Swords.

Then he cut the silk thread wrapped around the captain with a light slash, saving the latter.

The captain was immediately as if he had been pardoned, and after looking at Hawkeye with gratitude, he stumbled away.

""Fufufufu, what do you mean, Hawkeye!?"

Doflamingo's expression was stiff at this time. Although his expression showed no joy or anger, he was actually a little surprised.

Such a casual slash could actually cut his line.

Is this the strength of the world's number one swordsman?

No wonder the world's great swordsmen are chasing Hawkeye.

It seems that this world's number one swordsman is far beyond the reach of ordinary great swordsmen.

"Although I am not here to fight, I don't mind fighting you before the war begins, Don Quixote!"

The world's number one swordsman Hawkeye stood there quietly, his hand on the handle of the black knife Night. Although he did not make any extra movements, his momentum was extremely terrifying.

At this time, the other three kings and seven warlords of the sea also looked over, obviously surprised by Hawkeye's momentum.

"Fight with you? Fufufu...Not interested!"

Faced with the world's number one swordsman with terrifying momentum, Doflamingo finally chose to give in.

After all, fighting with Hawkeye would not benefit him at all.

Doflamingo would not do anything that would not benefit him.

This time he came to the Navy Headquarters to reap the benefits. He suffered a lot in the Sabaody Archipelago incident a few days ago.

But what surprised him was that in this world, there actually appeared pirates who dared to kill Celestial Dragons!


Straw Hat Luffy.

It seems that the coming new era will be very exciting!

In the new era, how will the high and mighty Celestial Dragons deal with themselves?


While the Seven Warlords of the Sea were in their exclusive lounge, waiting for the war to begin,

Rock was also waiting for the war to come, so that he would have a chance to rescue Robin and Nami.

In addition, although he did not leave the battleship rashly at this critical moment, Rock also learned that the Seven Warlords of the Sea Blackbeard Marshall·D·The news of Teach's disappearance.

Naturally, Rock had no good feelings towards this Blackbeard.

But now his main goal was to rescue Nami and Robin, so he naturally had no time to take care of other things.

Time passed by minute by minute.

Rock's mood became more and more excited.

The war at the top!

He not only wanted to rescue Nami and Robin. He also wanted to make this war at the top a springboard for him to become famous in the world!

Since the World Government is indifferent, the Navy Headquarters is willing to be a running dog.

Since it has become the enemy of the World Government and the Navy Headquarters.

Then Rock doesn't mind fighting it to the death!

"Junior Brother Rock, the headquarters has begun to assemble for the final time"

""Devil's Son Nico Robin, Little Thief Cat Nami, and Fire Fist Ace have been taken to the execution platform!"

Finally, Rear Admiral Alice brought Rock the latest information.

The three admirals, the Seven Warlords of the Sea, and all the core forces of the navy have begun to head to the port of Marinford.

As the prisoners to be beheaded, Nami and the other two were also escorted to the execution platform.

"Finally, it’s started!"......

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