Boom - at this moment.

When the Moby Dick jumped out of the sea and landed steadily inside the port of Marinford.

The entire Navy Headquarters fell into silence for a moment!

Even the face of the Navy Marshal Buddha Sengoku flashed a look of astonishment.

Obviously, no one expected the Whitebeard Pirates to appear in this way!

But none of this matters anymore!

Since the Whitebeard Pirates have appeared.

Then the next unprecedented huge war is inevitable!

After seeing the appearance of the Moby Dick.

The expression of Fire Fist Ace also changed obviously. While excited, he was also very worried about his father's physical condition.

On the other side.

Nami and Robin also had beautiful eyes flashing because of the appearance of the Whitebeard Pirates, and a glimmer of hope ignited in their hearts.

They have the key to the seastone handcuffs in their hands. If there is a suitable opportunity, they are not without the possibility of escape, but the possibility is very small.

But as long as there is hope, it is good.

At the same time.

Rock stood behind Nami, shaking his head helplessly.

Oh my God, these two beauties are not locked up stupid! ?

I mean.

Can't I look back? ?

In order not to attract the attention of Marshal Sengoku on the high platform not far away, and the three admirals of the navy below the high platform.

Rock did not dare to make too many other movements for the time being, and could only stand quietly in place, side by side with another soldier in charge of execution.

However, Nami and Robin did not notice his appearance at all.

Although it is understandable, it is more or less helpless.

If Nami and Robin did not know in advance that he was behind.

Then when the time is right, when he wants to rescue people, it is very likely that there will be chaos due to poor coordination.

In desperation.

Rock had to take a risky move.

He took out a Bailey from the system space and held it in his hand, and then quietly showed it in the direction of the sun.

And the next second.

Nami, who was still paying attention to the Moby Dick, suddenly looked like a cat seeing a mouse. A gleam of light flashed in her beautiful eyes, and then she tilted her head to look at the coin in Rock's hand!

"Good guy, you are indeed a money-grubber!"

Rock couldn't help but complain when he saw that Nami noticed Bailey at the first time.

But it should be said that Nami's tilted head is still very cute.

Although her pretty face is a little dirty, it can't hide the beautiful beauty of the girl.


At the same time,

Nami was stunned when she saw Bailey in Rock's hand, and then she subconsciously looked up.


At this moment.

When Nami saw Rock's familiar face, her pretty face froze and she almost cried out, but fortunately she reacted in time and held back her voice.

But even so, Nami couldn't calm down at this moment!


It was Rock!

Rock came to save her and Robin! ?



At this time, Rock saw Nami's pitiful look and was about to cry, and his heart softened, but now the time is not ripe.

At least he had to wait until the three admirals left the chair under the platform before he could save people.

Otherwise, with the three admirals, especially Akainu, there, the probability of successfully saving Nami and Robin is not high.

So he signaled Nami to be quiet and not to make a fuss. After getting the instruction, Nami nodded heavily.

She knew that Rock must have paid a lot of hard work and effort to save them to this point!

For Rock, and for herself and Robin.

Nami forced herself to suppress her excitement, took a deep look at Rock, and quickly turned back to continue to pay attention to the situation on the field as if nothing had happened.

In addition.

While turning back, Nami signaled Robin, who looked back, but was discovered and stopped by the soldiers beside him.

Bang- the soldier in charge of the execution took the handle of the knife and hit Robin on the head, and warned:

"Don't look around, don't be anxious, it will soon be time for you to be executed!"

After saying that, the soldier looked at Rock suspiciously.

He had never seen this person before.

Was he also transferred from the holy land of Marijoa!?

Although he was a little confused as to why there was a temporary replacement, the situation was urgent now, and the soldier did not think much about it and retracted his gaze.

This caused the soldier to not notice the monstrous anger in Rock's eyes.

Hit Robin's head in front of him.

Good! Good! Good!

If I don't kick your head like a ball later, I won't be named Draculas!

Rock was extremely angry.

But he didn't know.

Although Robin was hit, she was very happy in her heart.

Because, even if it was just a glance, she did see Rock!

What kind of mood that was, Robin herself didn't know, but she was very excited, and at the same time she was a little worried about Rock's safety.

After all, the current situation of the Navy Headquarters can be described as extremely dangerous! dang! dang! dang!

After Rock managed to let Nami and the others know of his existence.

A shocking metal collision sound came from the Moby Dick.

At this moment.

All members of the navy were concentrating, as if waiting for a terrible existence to appear.

The next moment

The Four Emperors Whitebeard Edward Newgate appeared on the deck of the Moby Dick and glanced at the welcome.

When this man who was known as the strongest man in the world appeared, even though the navy had gathered unprecedented strength, they still felt a strong pressure.!

"We haven't seen each other for decades, right?!"


Marshal Buddha Sengoku's face was sweating. If possible, he would never want to go to war with Whitebeard.

But now that things have come to this, neither the Navy nor the Whitebeard Pirates have room to retreat!

"Gulal......My dear son, is he okay?!"

"Sengoku, your navy makes me very unhappy.!"

The Four Emperors Whitebeard was not afraid of the 100,000 elite navy troops, and his expression did not even take the navy seriously.

After a simple"greeting" with Sengoku, Whitebeard turned his attention to the Fire Fist Ace on the execution platform.

"Be patient, Ace, it won't take long!"


Seeing Whitebeard,

Fire Fist Ace was extremely excited and called out"Daddy" crazily.

The next moment, without too much nonsense, the Four Emperors Whitebeard launched an attack and personally opened the prelude of the war!



At this moment, the Four Emperors Whitebeard punched horizontally.

Wherever the two fists hit, the space actually cracked inch by inch, which was extremely terrifying!!!

"What's going on?....The atmosphere cracked!"

""Look, it's so scary! The height of the sea!"

When Whitebeard's attack caused the space to shatter, the sea around Marinford began to experience huge turbulence.

Rock looked at the crazy scene around him, and a desire to fight ignited in his heart.

If nothing unexpected happened, the admirals of the navy would soon take action to stop Whitebeard.

And that would be the moment he was waiting for!..........

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