"coming soon!"

"The earthquake that guy just caused is going to turn into a tsunami!!!"

"The user of the Tremor-Tremor Fruit, the Four Emperors Whitebeard, Edward Newgate!"

At this time, when the legendary pirate Four Emperors Whitebeard launched an attack, he personally opened the prelude to the war.

Looking at the huge commotion in the sea around the Navy Headquarters Marinford, the Navy hero Garp standing in the Navy team also looked quite serious.

There are not many pirates in this sea that can cause panic in the Navy, but Whitebeard is definitely one of them!

"All members of the navy must not be careless. In the end, we may be the ones who lose this war!"

"The man in front of me has the power to destroy the world!"

After the navy hero Garp, the navy marshal Buddha Sengoku also shouted through the loudspeaker to remind the navy. As soon as

Sengoku finished speaking

, with a series of strange loud noises, huge waves suddenly rose on both sides of Marinford.

The waves rose into the sky like an ancient giant beast, as if opening its"bloody mouth" to swallow the navy headquarters!

"Is this the power of the Tremor-Tremor Fruit? The momentum is indeed terrifying!"

Rock looked at the shocking scene in front of him and couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

The seaquake caused by the Tremor-Tremor Fruit is comparable to the power of nature. It is indeed an extremely powerful devil fruit ability.

If Whitebeard was not already old and had an old illness, and was later stabbed by Haodaer, the navy might not be able to keep Whitebeard!

Of course, the premise is that those who should slack off should slack off, and those who should paddle should paddle.

""Admirals, act quickly!"

After lamenting the huge battle caused by the power of the Tremor-Tremor Fruit,

Rock immediately turned his gaze to the three admirals of the navy sitting below the highest execution platform!

These three symbolize the existence of the highest combat power of the navy.

Facing the seaquake caused by Whitebeard, they will surely act soon!

At the same time, as if sensing Rock's gaze, the admiral Aokiji sitting outside glanced in the direction of Rock without any expression.

Then the next second, when the tsunami that covered the sky was about to engulf the headquarters of the navy, Marinford,

Aokiji, one of the three highest combat powers of the navy, moved.

His figure flashed in an instant.

When he reappeared, he was already in the sky, and on both sides of him was the extremely terrifying tsunami!

"It's Admiral Kuzan!"

Seeing Aokiji take action, all the navy officers shouted and watched.


Ice Age!!!

At this moment.

Admiral Aokiji activated his ability in mid-air, and the sky-high cold air burst out instantly. The temperature of the entire navy headquarters dropped a lot at this moment!

And in just a moment!

The tsunami on both sides of Marinford that was enough to engulf the island was directly sealed by ice and turned into two huge ice walls!

""Aokiji, you little brat!"

Whitebeard sneered at Admiral Aokiji in the sky, obviously very dissatisfied with the latter.

What admiral of the navy? In front of him, he is just a little brat!

""Ice·Two-thorn Spear!"

After solving the threat of tsunami,

Admiral Aokiji continued to attack. He waved his hands and three ice spears condensed in front of him, and then shot towards the Four Emperors Whitebeard below!

Facing Aokiji's attack,

Whitebeard punched the air directly.



As the Four Emperors Whitebeard punched out, the space broke again. The three ice spears were shattered by the powerful space-shaking force before they got close to Whitebeard.

Then, the shocking force did not decrease at all and continued to blast towards Aokiji in the air!


""Ala la la!"

When the shock was about to come, the body of Admiral Aokiji turned into ice in an instant, and then was shattered by the shock and fell directly to the ground!

After Aokiji turned into broken ice and fell to the ground, he quickly recovered his shape.

Then, with Aokiji as the center, an extremely cold breath quickly spread out!

Only a few seconds later, the sea surface in the harbor of Marinford was completely frozen.

Rock looked at the scene in front of him, and his heart was suddenly a little excited.

Admiral Kuzan's move to freeze the harbor provided a battlefield for the navy and the Whitebeard fleet!

As expected.

After the harbor was frozen.

As a large number of pirates rushed to the shore, the two sides began to fight.

The war between 100,000 elite navy and Whitebeard's fleet finally officially began!

And after the war started.

Navy Admiral Kizaru also disappeared from his seat and turned into a beam of light and rushed into the sky.

Yasakani no Magatama!

Following Admiral Aokiji.

Kizaru also took the initiative to attack the Four Emperors Whitebeard!

At this time, Rock looked at Kizaru's rather"serious" eyes, and couldn't help laughing in his heart.

Admirals Kuzan and Kizaru were indeed very active and proactive at the beginning of the war.

But what about later?....

Swish! Swish! Swish! Swish!

The beams of light fell like a rainstorm.

Admiral Kizaru's Yasakani no Magatama had the largest range of attacks, and its power was also terrifying.

However, just when the marines thought that Admiral Kizaru's Yasakani no Magatama could cause some trouble to Whitebeard, suddenly, a large bird burning with blue flames in the sky suddenly blocked the beams of Yasakani no Magatama and intercepted all the attacks! At this moment, all the marines felt the powerful strength of the Whitebeard Pirates!

"Phoenix Marco!?"

"Oh~ The Whitebeard Pirates are really scary!"

Admiral Kizaru said with an indifferent expression that they were so scary, and then he and Aokiji looked at each other and stopped attacking. Anyway, they have already shown their skills, it's time to take a break!

"Gulala, guys, go ahead and rescue Ace!"

As the Four Emperors Whitebeard waved the supreme sword, Kusugawa Kirei, and issued an order to attack, the pirates on the battlefield became more motivated. So what if they were the navy? They were the Whitebeard Pirates!

Buzz - just as the pirates were gaining momentum, a deep blue slash suddenly slashed towards Whitebeard like an ancient dragon!

"Hmm? Hawkeye! ?"

At this moment, even Doflamingo, one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, changed his expression.

Unexpectedly, Hawkeye was actually going to join the battle?! On the second execution platform on the other side,

Rock couldn't help but marvel at Hawkeye's terrifying slash.

He is indeed the world's number one swordsman.

Although this slash was blocked by Diamond Joz, a cadre of the Whitebeard Pirates, its power is undeniable!

A simple flat attack is far beyond the reach of ordinary great swordsmen!

Of course,

Rock just sighed slightly, he didn't have time now Thinking too much.

As Phoenix Marco and Diamond Joz blocked the attacks of Admiral Kizaru and the world's number one swordsman Hawkeye respectively, at the beginning of the war, the Whitebeard Pirates were gaining the upper hand, and the pirates' momentum was gradually growing.

And this was exactly the opportunity Rock had been waiting for.

Sure enough

, not long after, the last admiral of the navy, Akainu Sakaski, could no longer sit still and went down to join the battle.

At the same time, almost at the same moment when Akainu went down,

Rock quickly took out his famous sword, the Ghost.


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