Navy Headquarters, Marinford!

Just as the last admiral Akainu was about to join the battle, on the second execution platform, suddenly, a bloody slash flashed across the sky!

Then, a bloody head rolled down from the platform!

"Nami, Robin, now is the time!"

At this time, Rock killed the soldier in charge of the execution with a knife, and then reminded the two women in front.

Hearing the reminder,

Nami and Robin did not dare to hesitate at all, and directly took out the handcuffs keys"stolen" from the Celestial Dragon Xia Lulia Palace, and unlocked each other's handcuffs.

At the same time, many naval masters also discovered the changes on the second execution platform.

"Rock!? How could it be you, damn it, how could you appear here!?"

Marine Admiral Buddha Sengoku stared at Rock who was rescuing the criminals with his eyes wide open, his expression full of surprise.

No matter what, he never thought that Rock, who had committed a very heinous crime, would dare to appear in Marinford!?

And at this time!

Doesn't Rock know that it is undoubtedly a sea of fire and swords for him as a criminal to go to the Navy Headquarters at this time!?

In addition to the Navy Admiral Buddha Sengoku, other strong men on the battlefield naturally discovered Rock's existence.

It's just that the different camps have different positions, resulting in completely different ideas at the moment.

The Navy hero Garp looked at Rock not far away with an indifferent expression, and did not have the slightest intention of taking action.

After all, Rock is now rescuing Luffy's partner.

The Navy Lieutenant General Crane's expression was more complicated.

Originally, she, like Zefa, had high hopes for Rock, but who knew that things would develop to this point.

However, she did not blame Rock, but expressed understanding.

She was just surprised at Rock's courage to appear in Marinford at this time, and expressed regret for Rock's upcoming ending.

Under the current circumstances.

Rock's open appearance at the Navy Headquarters to rescue the death row prisoners has violated the bottom line of the Navy Headquarters and the World Government!

If Rock is allowed to leave safely today.

Then the Navy and the World Government will lose face!

Some of the Navy's senior combat forces will never allow Rock to leave.

That's why she felt sorry. Rock is afraid that he will die today!

"Rock!? Damn Kake, he is so useless, he was killed by a little kid?!"

At this moment, when Admiral Akainu saw Rock's existence, he was furious.

He finally guessed the truth about the phone call from Chaton Kake not long ago!


Chaton Kake, who was a candidate for admiral, actually capsized at the hands of a little kid like Rock!?

It must be related to Momosagi!

Thinking of this,

Akainu also glanced at Momosagi, the candidate for admiral of the navy who was standing by and watching on the battlefield, and his heart suddenly became even more angry.

The justice of the navy is almost being discredited by these hateful guys!

But now is not the time to clean up the internal situation.

Moreover, without evidence, he can't do anything to Momosagi, who is a candidate for admiral.

Then Akainu turned his gaze to Rock, his eyes full of murderous intent.

Since you dare to show up, then be prepared to die, Rock!

"Borsalino, what are you still looking at?"

At this time, Akainu saw that Rock was ready to take the two criminals away from the execution platform. He knew that he would not have time to rush back, so he shouted in the direction of Kizaru.

"Oh~ What a trouble!"

Admiral Kizaru's eyes drifted, and his tone was quite helpless. He had already done his best, so why was there still something to do? It was rare for him to have some rest time....

However, Rock actually dared to appear here, there was nothing we could do!

The strange thing was that the kid had no self-awareness!

Swish - just as Rock took Nami and Robin and jumped off the platform, preparing to take advantage of the chaos to run to a relatively safe area.

A beam of light instantly gathered in front of Rock and the other two.

At this moment, the hope that had ignited in Nami and Robin's hearts was instantly extinguished!

Navy Admiral!

It's the Navy Admiral!

The memory of being almost wiped out by the Navy Admiral twice filled Nami and Robin with fear.

They wanted Rock to leave first and leave them alone, but Rock didn't give them a chance at all.

At the moment when Kizaru appeared.

Rock pushed Robin and Nami to the ground quickly.

At the same time.

Surrounded by hundreds of navy soldiers.

A domineering"toy" muscle truck suddenly appeared and expanded a hundred times in an instant, directly knocking dozens of unlucky marines who couldn't dodge in time to death.


Nami and Robin landed steadily on the cab of the 'Muscle Truck' and were able to land safely!

"Nami! Robin! Sit tight, don't worry about me!"

"Optimus Prime, Autobots, charge me!"

While facing Admiral Kizaru, Rock used his mind to control the actions of the toy 'Optimus Prime'.

The most urgent task now is to get Robin and Nami to safety as soon as possible.

This way he can complete the task as soon as possible and get the system reward.

"Oh~ He is really a kind and loyal man?"

"However, Rock, who has terrible courage, have you ever been kicked by light?!"

Admiral Kizaru did not chase Nami and Robin, but locked onto Rock.

Anyway, he did not capture the two female pirates of the Straw Hat Pirates, so he would not care about the escape of the prisoners.

""Stop talking nonsense, Admiral Kizaru!"

Faced with the slow and threatening words of Admiral Kizaru,

Rock was a little confused about the admiral's temper.

But one thing was certain.

That is, although Kizaru would let the Straw Hat Pirates go easy on him, he might not let him go easy on him.

So he didn't dare to be careless at all.

Instead of letting Kizaru take the initiative, he might as well take the initiative himself!

One-sword style·��Moon Goddess evades!

At this moment.

Facing the aggressive Navy Admiral Kizaru, Rock directly swung out the strongest slash he could achieve at the moment!

Although there was only a small amount of Overlord Haki wrapped around.

But when this slash was swung out.

Not only did Navy Admiral Kizaru's eyes flash with shock and panic!

Even the entire Marinford battlefield was looking at it sideways!


When the slash burst out like a blood moon, the surrounding space roared and shook!

At this moment, most of the strong men present looked in the direction of Rock and Kizaru in surprise.

Even Hawkeye, the world's number one swordsman, flashed a hint of surprise when he saw Rock's slash!

What a powerful swordsmanship!

I didn't expect that besides Roronoa from the East China Sea, there would be such a talented swordsman among the young people!

Just when most of the strong men present were shocked.

After the blood moon slash, the golden light was reshaped.

The figure of Admiral Kizaru appeared in front of Rock again. Except for a torn corner of his clothes, there were no other injuries!

At this moment, many strong men felt quite sorry.

Such a young strong man might fall in this Marinford!

"What a terrible blow, Rock!"

"Then, let me let you experience the feeling of being kicked by light!".....

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