New World, somewhere in the sea!

When the battle between the fleet of the former Navy Admiral candidate Momosaki and the Navy pursuit fleet began.

The entire sea was instantly covered by countless shells.

In the world of pirates, ship shells do not have much deterrent power for those strong ones.

But for ordinary marines and pirates, it is still very lethal.

At this time, the two sides bombarded each other with desperate shells, and they have essentially divided into two camps that are fighting to the death.

Although Momosaki's subordinates were once part of the navy, they have no room for maneuver since they made the choice.

Because they chose to follow the most hated enemy of the Navy Headquarters and the World Government at present, no one else!

"Fire, sink these traitors, and wash away the shame of the navy!"

Compared with Taotu's team, the navy's fighting spirit is not weak at all.

After all, in the eyes of the navy soldiers, this battle is a just battle for the navy to clean up its house. More importantly, our side is not only large in number, but also led by Admiral Kizaru.

No matter how you look at it, the advantage is mine!

The credit that is delivered to my mouth, naturally I must fight for it bravely.

However, because the offensive of Taotu's fleet was also very fierce, the two sides fought back and forth for a while, and there was a stalemate.

This situation did not change until one person took action personally!

"It's Admiral Kizaru, great, it's Admiral Kizaru who's taking action!"

The battle started about ten minutes ago.

Seeing that the opponent's resistance was very tenacious,

Admiral Kizaru, one of the highest combat forces and the person in charge of this pursuit, finally took action! Kizaru

, who was originally standing on the deck, suddenly turned into a golden light and disappeared on the spot.

When he reappeared, Kizaru was already standing on a cannonball that was bombarding Momotogi, and came leisurely!

"General Kizaru, charge! Destroy those traitors!"

Kizaru's high-profile appearance directly and effectively raised the morale of the marines.

Although the three admirals who symbolized the strongest combat power of the navy did not perform particularly well in the previous war on the top of Marinford, this did not actually have any substantial impact on the prestige of the admirals within the navy.

The reason is simple.

In addition to the real military achievements, the title of the strongest combat power of the navy is enough to explain everything!

Except for very rare cases, whenever the admirals of the navy take action, there is almost no task that cannot be completed.

Not long ago in the Sabaody Archipelago, those so-called supernova pirates were kicked and killed one by one by Admiral Kizaru!?

So as soon as Kizaru took action, most of the marines were convinced that this war would definitely be won!

Even if the enemy on the opposite side was a former candidate for the admiral of the navy.

But the candidate is not a real admiral of the navy!

Boom- finally.

Under the gaze of thousands of navy, the admiral of the navy, Kizaru, who made a great appearance, broke through the enemy's artillery defense line in one breath.

In front of a man who can travel at the speed of light, how can a mere artillery shell hurt him at all!?

"Yo~ Gion, you don't seem to be panicked at all?"

At this moment.

Admiral Kizaru flicked his finger, and several laser beams eliminated all the soldiers around Momosaki.

But what made Kizaru feel strange was that

Momosaki's expression was a little bit wrong?!

Although Momosaki's strength was not weak, there was still a gap between him and him. Facing his attack, it was absolutely impossible for her to be so calm.

Could it be a trick?

A terrible thought flashed through Kizaru's mind.

There was no way.

The memory that Rock left on him in the war on the top was too deep.

Even he had to sigh.

If the accident involving the Celestial Dragons had not happened, if Rock had stayed in the navy, he would probably have been able to withdraw early. Rest for a few years.

Because that brat is too scary.

Ever since the incident in Impel Down a few days ago, Rock has disappeared for several days without any news.

Could it be that he is waiting for someone in the dark?!

Thinking of this, Admiral Kizaru could not help but alertly use his Observation Haki to explore the area within a radius of one kilometer. He did not find anything wrong, so he was relieved.

Is this right?

Rock is not a god.

The action of the World Government and the Navy Headquarters this time is top secret. Except for Marshal Sengoku who formulated the plan and the Admirals of the Navy, only a very small number of core senior officials of the World Government have the right to know.

No matter how perverted Rock is, it is impossible for him to know everything in advance! ?

"Kizaru, you still have a chance to leave now, don't say I didn't warn you!"

At the same time.

Momosuke also keenly noticed Kizaru's hesitation, and immediately provoked him.

She knew that Kizaru had confirmed the situation.

This battle was inevitable.

But she was not panicked at all.

The Navy and the World Government thought they had won.

But the facts will soon prove that a new era is finally coming!

Whoosh -

Momosuke's voice has not fallen.

Kizaru's attack came straight to her position, and the speed was daunting.

It was obvious that Kizaru was serious this time.

However, Momosuke is naturally not a weakling. With a wave of the famous sword at her waist, she resolved Kizaru's attack.

Then Kizaru opened fire at full power , he planned to get rid of Momosabushi in the shortest possible time.

According to the strategic deployment.

Their three generals led three military forces to launch devastating attacks on different combat targets at the same time.

The more difficult one to deal with, and also the place where Rock is most likely to appear, is naturally the island where Zephyr is.

The island is personally under the charge of Akainu, the commander-in-chief.

His mission is to get rid of Momosabushi as soon as possible, and then carry Momosabushi's head to support Akainu, and finally complete the strategic goal of getting rid of Zephyr.

That's right, the strategic goal of the World Government and the Navy Headquarters in this war is not to eliminate Rock.

���It is to eliminate Rock's strongest helper, the former admiral, Zephyr!

It's not that the Navy and the World Government don't want to get rid of Rock directly, but because of the latter's current strong strength.

Even if the three admirals act together, they may not be able to eliminate Rock 100%, so the intention of destroying the latter first is obviously more realistic. No matter how strong Rock is, he is still one person after all, not enough to have a devastating impact on the World Government and the Navy Headquarters.

However, with Zephyr, things will be different!

As long as Zephyr, Taotu and the Pirate Queen Boa Hancock who was removed from the Seven Warlords of the Sea can be eliminated.

Then it means that Rock will not become a huge threat in a short time. Other people or forces who want to cooperate with Rock or surrender to Rock must also consider whether they can afford the price!

Boom boom boom - it's said that it was too late, and Kizaru took action.

The battle between the Navy Admiral and the former Navy Admiral candidate is about to break out!

Although Taotu is obviously weaker than Kizaru, the gap is not a punishment from heaven. For a while, the latter can't quickly get rid of Taotu.

Just when Taotu was beginning to show signs of defeat, something unexpected happened that made Kizaru shudder!——......

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