Boom boom boom - just when Admiral Kizaru was rarely focused on the battle and wanted to get rid of Taotu in the shortest time.

A thunder roar suddenly came from the sky.

The admiral, who symbolized one of the highest combat power of the navy, trembled in his heart, and even his body stiffened unconsciously!

In his heart, a strong sense of uneasiness arose!


How could there be thunder in such cloudless weather! ?

Things are already very obvious, okay! ?

Don't play it like this, he finally got serious for once, and stopped paddling. Is he going to capsize in the ditch? ?

At this moment.

Admiral Kizaru didn't care what happened. He immediately chose to leave the battle and turned into a golden flash to retreat away!

But how could Taotu let Kizaru do what she wanted.

Her long-prepared attack burst out directly, and the powerful domineering burst out and hit Kizaru directly.

Taotu's attack directly interrupted Kizaru's dodging rhythm.

And it was at this moment when Kizaru had to pause.

A beam of azure light descended from the sky and completely enveloped Kizaru!

Boom— the extremely powerful power wave spread out instantly.

In just a moment, the entire nearby sea area was in turmoil, as if the sea base was pierced by some powerful force, and a terrifying wail was heard!

"What, what is this!?"

"Admiral Kizaru!! ? ? ?"

Listening to the sound that seemed to come from hell, looking at the huge lightning column falling from the sky!

At this moment, everyone present felt their scalps tingling!

Especially the navy.

Some people who reacted quickly, especially those veterans who had participated in the war, have begun to frantically think about how to escape!

After all, isn't this scene obvious enough?!

This thunder!

This formation!

Apart from the culprit who destroyed Marinford, the King of Hell Rock, whose bounty is as high as 3.6 billion berries under the age of 18, who else is there!?

Thinking of what happened in Marinford.

Everyone They all felt creepy unconsciously.

It is no exaggeration to say that after that battle, Rock has become the fear in the hearts of countless marines!

Therefore, the marines who were originally full of confidence and high morale, and believed that they had the advantage, made a complete 360-degree turn at this time.

The original self-confidence disappeared, and was replaced by fear!

Boom - the thunder beam lasted for about 1 minute before finally beginning to dissipate.

Then a golden light quickly returned to the navy camp.

It was the navy admiral Kizaru.

But Kizaru's situation at this time was not very good.

The Cloak of Justice was almost completely destroyed, His clothes were tattered, and even his hair was tangled by the lightning.

Seeing Kizaru like this.

The marines were stunned.

Is this still the elegant Admiral Kizaru?!

On the contrary, Momosaki and others almost laughed to death pointing at Kizaru.

Looking at the entire ocean, there are not many people who can make Admiral Kizaru so embarrassed.

But Kizaru himself obviously didn't care about this.

At this time, he put away the contempt and vulgarity in his eyes, and looked up at the sky with unusual seriousness.


Roar - with a roar.

A thunder dragon roared down from the sky.

Rock stood on the thunder dragon, Coming on a dragon, the scene was terrifying.

Boom - when Rock landed steadily beside Taotu, the thunder dragon blasted straight towards the navy fleet.

This thunder dragon made of 90 million volts of thunder directly destroyed three top navy warships and killed thousands of marines!

Compared with Rock's appearance, Kizaru's appearance by stepping on the cannonball seemed a bit childish.

But now no one would bother about these.

With the appearance of Rock, the tension of the battlefield rose by orders of magnitude in an instant, and the navy was all terrified.

Especially when Rock made Kizaru suffer a big loss with just one move!

"It's you, Rock, you're getting more and more terrifying!"

At the same time,

Admiral Kizaru quickly stabilized the situation and arranged for his deputy to report the situation to Akainu immediately, and then faced Rock.

He never thought that Rock would actually appear here.

After all, no matter from which aspect, the importance of Momosaki is incomparable to that of Teacher Zefa.

Only Teacher Zefa can give the strongest help to Rock's intention of forming a new navy.

And the most important thing is that although Teacher Zefa was once a navy admiral, he is old after all, and he still has many old injuries on his body, and his strength is greatly reduced.

Facing a top powerhouse like Akainu who is known for his destructive power, Teacher Zefa is estimated to not last long.

So is Rock planning to sacrifice Teacher Zefa just to save Momosaki!?

"Don't worry about it. It's really boring to see people like you worrying."

"Admiral Kizaru, I can give you a chance to leave the navy and join the new navy as an admiral. Not only will you have less work to do, but I can also double your salary!"

At this time, Rock saw that Kizaru seemed to be struggling with something, and immediately joked.

He knew that Kizaru wanted to delay time.

But isn't he the same?!

This time, he will give another big gift to the Navy Headquarters and the World Government!

"Oh~ Double the salary? I heard you are very rich, Rock!"

On the other side, Kizaru has received Akainu's reply.

What surprised him was that an incredible event also happened on Akainu's side!

Zephyr's fleet disappeared!!!

Except for some scattered marines, there was no one on the island.

This situation was unexpected for both Akainu and Kizaru.

There is only one possibility that can explain it.

Intelligence leak!

Time is running out, Akainu has no mind to worry about it. Compared with the strategic goals set by the World Government and the Navy Headquarters, he prefers to eliminate Rock directly.

So when Akainu directly gave Kizaru an order to let the latter hold Rock, he immediately rushed to help.

At this time, the sea area where Rock, Kizaru and others were located was not far from the island where Zephyr was before, so Akainu could arrive soon.

However, just as Kizaru was planning to hold Rock and wait for Akainu's support, a fleet soon appeared on the flank of the navy fleet.

"So fast!?"

Kizaru looked over there suspiciously.

""Teacher Zefa!?!"

Seeing the fleet approaching quickly, Kizaru discovered that it was actually Teacher Zefa's fleet!?

What does this mean!?

He had already escaped, why did he come back to die?!

This old man didn't really think that Rock could save his life!?

"Teacher Taotu, everything is going according to plan and the real show is about to begin!"............

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