On the battlefield.

The admiral of the navy attacked Rock madly while shouting at Kizaru.

The current situation is extremely bad for the navy.

Akainu never thought that he would fall into the trap.

It was obviously a secret battle plan against Rock and Teacher Zephyr.

How come Rock seemed to know everything in advance?!

Did a traitor leak the news! ?

But this is almost impossible!

This battle plan is top secret of the World Government and the Navy Headquarters, and very few people know about it.

Only Marshal Sengoku and the three admirals in the Navy Headquarters know the specific plan.

It can't be that there is a traitor among the high-ranking Celestial Dragons in Marijoa?!

If there is only one possibility, it can only be Kuzan, right?!

Akainu thought quickly in his mind, but he didn't dwell on it for too long.

Because the top priority now is to resolve the crisis!

He really can't take down Rock for a while.

But resolving the crisis, or minimizing the impact of Rock's words just now, is still very likely.

��Teacher Zephyr, who is old and injured, is the best breakthrough!

As long as Kizaru can get rid of Zephyr, even if some navy members are ready to move, they will not easily choose to follow Rock.

After all, in terms of foundation and influence, within the navy,

Rock cannot be compared with teacher Zephyr.

Therefore, as long as Zephyr and Momosaki are eliminated, and the Daughter Island can be destroyed, the navy is not without the possibility of a comeback!

Boom boom boom - as the battle continued to intensify,

Navy Admiral Kizaru did have some advantages.

Momosaki wanted to go for support, but was stopped by the Navy Admiral Candidate Chaton Kake who came.

At this moment, the advantage of the battlefield seemed to tilt towards the navy again.

And seeing Chaton take action,

Rock's eyes flashed with murderous intent.

Before, during the war at the top, he chose to keep Chaton alive for various reasons.

Unexpectedly, this guy actually dared to appear in front of him.

"Rock, your wishful thinking is going to fail. Without Zefa, no matter how good you are at talking, you can't shake the foundation of the navy. It's a foolish dream to want to build a new navy!"

Seeing that the advantage was turning around,

Akainu also coldly provoked Rock.

"Let me tell you one more thing"

"The Pirate Empress who pursued you so wholeheartedly that she was willing to give up her status as one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea will soon disappear in this ocean along with her country!"

"So, wake up, in the face of absolute justice, any criminal will be killed!"

Akainu kept provoking Rock, trying to find the latter's flaws.

However, what surprised Akainu was that

Rock's expression and state were terribly stable, and even the way he looked at him was a bit like looking at a clown?!

What's going on!?

Akainu was very confused.

But soon, he found something wrong.

Because as the situation worsened.

Kizaru obviously stopped slacking off and began to do his best to send Zefa teacher on the road.

But the strange thing is.

Except for the fact that Zefa teacher was slightly sluggish at the beginning of the battle.

The two have been fighting until now.

Zefa teacher has not shown any signs of losing, and even more courageously, and has turned from defense to active attack!

And the strength of the attack and the strength of the domineering, where is there any sign of aging!?

Even in his prime, it was only like this!?

But Zefa teacher obviously had countless old injuries on his body, and his body was His strength has declined seriously!

So what's going on now, is Mr. Zephyr on drugs! ?


With a loud bang.

The powerful admiral Kizaru, who possesses unparalleled speed, was actually knocked back by the"old" former admiral Zephyr with one punch.

With the super strong armed color domineering bursting out, Zephyr showed physical strength and super strength that were inconsistent with his age!

At this moment.

Except for Rock and Taotu, the two people who knew the inside story.

Everyone who saw or watched the video Den Den Mushi was deeply shocked!

No one expected it.

The old Zephyr still possessed such a powerful combat power, which is probably not weaker than his peak period back then.

In other words, Mr. Zephyr, who has a very high reputation within the navy, has a strong appeal and has also restored the combat power of the admiral level of the navy! Dracula, who defeated the admirals in a row in the war at the top·D·Rock, former admiral Zephyr with the strength of an admiral, former admiral candidate Momotosagi, and the Pirate Queen Boa Hancock.

These four top powers.

Plus Rock's agreement with the Four Emperors Whitebeard Pirates.

It can be foreseen that a force that is enough to make the Navy Headquarters extremely daunted has already appeared!

If some generals of the Navy branch are still hesitant after receiving Rock's"invitation" and Zephyr's"call".

Then when Zephyr showed his peak combat power, most people have made a decision!

As long as Rock can successfully survive this crisis.

The establishment of the new navy will be unstoppable.

The foundation of the Navy Headquarters will suffer a heavy blow!

"Wow~ What a terrifying power, Zephyr-sensei!"

After being knocked back by Zephyr's punch,

Admiral Kizaru couldn't help but sigh with a gloomy face.

You know, he didn't hold back at all in the battle with Zephyr-sensei.

In other words, Zephyr-sensei has indeed returned to his peak state!

This is not a good thing for the navy!

"Hahaha, I can recover to my peak state thanks to Rock, but Borsalino, you still rely too much on the power of the fruit, otherwise I wouldn't have caught you so easily!"

At this time, Zefa's state was very hot.

He himself didn't expect that after drinking the potion given by Rock, he actually recovered to his peak state.

"It's you again, Rock!!!"

When Akainu heard Zefa's laughter in the distance, his expression suddenly became extremely gloomy.

He now really doubted whether Rock was a human being. How could he always do such incredible things?

"Don't bark Akainu, this time, you lose again!"

Looking at Akainu's frustrated look

, Rock couldn't help but sneer, and then a flash of blood flashed in his eyes.

Zefa's performance is over.

Next, it's Rock's time!

"Defeat? It's too early to say that. All navy members, launch a general attack!"

Even now, Akainu obviously has no intention of stopping.

Under his orders, the navy fleet under his command began to rush towards the Taotu fleet, the Zefa fleet and some surrendered navy warships.

In this mission, the fleet led by Akainu is the most powerful. Not only are they all top-level navy warships, but the marines on board are also the elite elite.

In Akainu's view, although the top-level combat power can't do anything to Rock and others for the time being, it would also be a deterrent if the opponent's bottom-level soldiers could be slaughtered!


Akainu didn't know at all.

This just gave Rock the most perfect opportunity to show his divine power!

Death Curse: Undead Rage Break!......

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