At this moment.

When Admiral Akainu issued an order for the entire army to attack.

The naval fleet affiliated with Akainu began to approach and attack the enemy.

As the most radical of the three admirals of the navy.

This naval fleet affiliated with Akainu, even if looking at the entire naval headquarters, can be called the elite of the elite.

And the most important thing is that the marines of this fleet follow Akainu to pursue absolute justice, so even if their enemies are former colleagues, they will not hold back at all!

As the gunfire flew, the naval fleet gradually approached.

The soldiers affiliated with Taotu, Zefa and the soldiers who had just surrendered suddenly felt like they were facing a great enemy.

In fact, they are also elites, but whether in terms of equipment or comprehensive strength, they are undoubtedly still behind this troop affiliated with Akainu.

It is no exaggeration to say that even if Akainu does not take action, this naval fleet can easily destroy a small or medium-sized country!


Just when the soldiers of our side were facing a great enemy and even made the decision to die in battle.

Something unexpected happened!

Rumble- with a roar of thunder.

The terrifying azure blue lightning beam resounded through the sky.

Under Rock's 300 million volt thunder attack, even Admiral Akainu had to temporarily avoid the sharp edge and retreat to the rear!

And at this gap.

Rock's figure flashed and appeared directly in front of his own fleet, facing the aggressive Akainu fleet alone.

At that time, the navy fleet belonging to Akainu just sailed to the sea area where the Yellow Monkey fleet was before.

There were still many bodies of dead marines floating on the sea.

However, the bodies of those colleagues did not stop the advance of Akainu's fleet. Even if some bodies were smashed by warships, no one paid attention!

"As expected of Akainu's trusted team, this is good too!"

At the same time,

Rock's eyes swept across the entire naval fleet and Akainu who was rushing over here, and then a flash of blood flashed in his hand.

Then, a blood-red energy burst out from Rock's body.

The next moment, the hundreds of corpses surrounding the naval fleet almost burst into dazzling blood-red light at the same time!

Following closely, there was a violent fluctuation of super energy explosion!

""Oh no! What kind of power is this! ? Retreat! All troops retreat!"

At the same time as he felt the unusual energy fluctuations, Admiral Akainu shouted hysterically, trying to get his fleet out of the sea full of death.

However, it was too late!

Death Curse: Wrath of the Undead!

At this moment, as Rock used the newly developed ability of the Death Fruit, all the corpses floating on the sea finally turned into super bombs in an instant, setting off a horrific explosion!

Boom boom boom boom - when violent explosions sounded one after another, the horrific power directly turned that area into a fiery cemetery.

All the naval warships in that area were torn apart by the explosion.

The naval elites on the warships also suffered heavy casualties.

And this is not the end at all.

While Akainu, Kizaru, and even Zephyr and Momotosagi were all extremely shocked. What

's even more terrifying is... It happened!

Before the explosion subsided, the bodies of the marines who had just been killed turned into flesh bombs again, and horrific explosions continued!

Explosions occurred one after another.

The sea area where the incident occurred at this moment has become a real hell.

Until the last person was killed and an explosion occurred, the entire naval fleet was wiped out.

Even the naval warships were blown to ashes, and no one survived!

When the smoke drifted to the sky, everyone present slowly came to their senses.

At this moment, even those soldiers who had chosen to follow Rock unconsciously looked at the latter with a strong sense of terror in their eyes!

At the same time, they were also extremely excited and excited in their hearts.


The new commander they chose to follow!

Is the king of hell.


""Damn it, Rock!!!"

At the same time,

Admiral Akainu's veins popped up all over his body, and endless anger filled his body and mind.

He couldn't accept it no matter what.

His elite fleet was so easily destroyed by Rock, not even a slag was left!

What kind of method is this!

Isn't the ability that Rock relies on thunder?

What was that weird ability just now?

How could such a perverted person appear on this sea!

"Akainu, I told you, you lost again this time!"

"Not only you, but also the World Government, the Navy Headquarters, and those high and mighty Celestial Dragons, are waiting for the judgment of the new order!"

At this moment,

Rock was standing alone in the air.

He knew that his actions just now would shock the world again!

In fact, even he himself was a little surprised at the horror of the power of the Death God Fruit!

The Death God Curse, Wrath of the Dead, was almost an unsolvable ability in war. As long as a corpse appeared, a huge explosion attack could be generated, and then a new corpse would appear.


With enough physical strength

, Rock alone could even destroy millions of enemies!

Coupled with the powerful ability of the Thunder God Fruit, even he himself felt a little unsolvable, let alone Akainu!?

"Yo~ Sakaski, the situation is not favorable. If you don't leave now, you may not be able to leave!"

Seeing that things have come to this point, the navy is doomed to fail.

Navy Admiral Kizaru directly chose to withdraw from the battle with Zefa, and then quickly came to Akainu to remind him.

Just as he said.

The war has reached this point.

The original plan that was sure to win was completely lost, and the Navy Headquarters did not make any special deployments for unexpected situations.

So as the situation has developed to this point, there is no need to delay any further.

With the strength and wisdom shown by Rock.

If they continue to entangle like this, he and Akainu may fall into a dangerous situation.

After all, no matter how strong the admiral of the navy is, he is not invincible!

"Rock, I, Akainu, swear that I will catch you!"

"Meteor Volcano!"

After listening to Kizaru's reminder,

Akainu's expression changed again and again, and finally he had to admit the fact that he was defeated again.

Immediately after saying the harsh words,

Akainu blasted out Meteor Volcano again, covering the area where Rock and others were.

Then he turned around and fled quickly with Kizaru!

All these scenes were recorded by journalists not far away.

The big news that two admirals of the navy were dispatched but eventually fled in a panic was bound to shock the entire sea.

After Akainu and Kizaru escaped,

Rock did not choose to pursue them.

Instead, he solved the threat of Meteor Volcano first, and then turned his attention to the admiral candidate for the navy, Chaton Kake, who was fighting with Momosabu!..............

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