
At this moment.

With a thunderous sound resounding through the sky, the entire battlefield came to a standstill for a moment!

"Ah, did Sakaski and Borsalino fail?!"

Admiral Aokiji looked at the young figure that fell from the sky, with shock in his eyes.

It was Rock!

According to the guys of the Navy Headquarters being taken over by the World Government,

Rock and Zephyr should be fighting with Akainu and Kizaru.

How could they suddenly appear here?!

Did Akainu and Kizaru really fail?

Aokiji had countless guesses in his mind, but he still couldn't figure out why Rock appeared here.

Logically speaking, Akainu and Kizaru seemed to have no possibility of failure!

Or, was it that Zephyr had been dealt with, and Rock escaped here?

"Humph, kid, you're here just in time!"

The devil's heir Douglas Barrett snorted coldly when he saw Rock appear.

He had just thought about leaving this place.

But now that Rock, the kid, has appeared, the situation should change soon.

""Rock!? You finally came to save me, ah~ I'm so touched!"

At the same time, the Pirate Queen Boa Hancock, who was fighting fiercely with the Seraph S-Snake, naturally discovered Rock's arrival.

It is no exaggeration to say that the world's most beautiful woman almost fainted with excitement when she saw Rock for the first time.

Fortunately, her opponent S-Snake was very strong and could not afford to let her down.

But this did not affect the Queen's joy at all!

"It's Rock! He's finally here!"

Nami, who was at the port, also saw Rock appear. After all, the latter's appearance was somewhat majestic, and it was impossible not to pay attention.

After seeing Rock,

Nami's panic was obviously reduced by more than half. Except for being a little excited, she no longer had the fear just now. Ever since she met Rock, the latter has always been super reliable!

"Rock, be careful, that is a humanoid weapon made by the World Government imitating the Seven Warlords of the Sea. Not only the appearance, but also the strength is very terrifying!"

Compared to the Empress and Nami, the son of the devil Nico Robin is obviously more rational. She is worried that Rock will suffer if he does not know the situation, so she immediately reminded Rock loudly.

"Humanoid weapons, Seraphs?! The World Government is really generous!"

Rock, who arrived at the Island of Daughters at this time, quickly took in the current situation on the battlefield.

He really didn't expect that the World Government would use four Seraphs to attack the Island of Daughters.

Judging from the two Seraphs fighting against Enel and the Empress, these Seraphs do have strength close to that of the Seven Warlords of the Sea.

For example, Hawkeye's clone S-Hawkeye who is fighting against Enel.

The sharpness of his sword and style is really 70% to 80% of the charm of the world's number one swordsman.

Of course, unless the world's number one swordsman Hawkeye himself is here, otherwise a fake clone is really not a big threat in Rock's eyes!

"S-Bear, S-Shark, target updated to criminal Hell King Draculas·D·Rock, action level, kill without mercy!"

At the same time.

Zhan Taomaru, the captain of the Navy Science Corps who has control over the Seraphim and the Pacifist, issued the latest combat order as soon as he discovered Rock's existence. At this moment, Zhan Taomaru was still quite confident.

He knew that Rock was very powerful, even powerful enough to rival the Navy Admirals.

But his Seraphim was no ordinary person.

As a secret weapon used by the World Government and the Navy Headquarters to replace the Seven Warlords of the Sea.

He just didn't believe that two Seraphim could not hold back one Rock!?

Boom - as Zhan Taomaru's combat order was issued.

The two Seraphim, S-Bear and S-Shark, which were originally killing the Nine Snake Clan female warriors wantonly, immediately turned around and quickly attacked Rock.

In addition, the remaining four Pacifist robots also surrounded Rock.

"Humph, arrogant guy, this time I'll let you have a taste of high-end technology!"

Seeing this scene, Zhan Taowan couldn't help but sneer.

He knew that with just two Seraphim and the Pacifist, it was unlikely that Rock would be able to do anything, but as long as he could hold the latter back and put an end to his arrogance, it would be enough.

"Rock, be careful, these guys are not much different from the real Seven Warlords of the Sea!"

Seeing the two Seraphs attacking Rock at the same time, the Pirate Queen couldn't help but remind him with concern.

Of course, she absolutely believed in Rock's strength, but she still wanted to care about the latter.~

"Yeah hahaha, come on, Rock, don't let me feel that I followed the wrong person!"

Enel did not forget to tease while dealing with S-Yak.

Back then on the infinite land, he was suppressed by Rock, and later he was coerced and lured by the latter, so he came to the blue sea.

As a result, he was forced to be involved in a war as soon as he arrived here, and his opponents were so strong!

Well, I don't know if he can get the title of Thor in this blue sea.

"Clones of Bartholomew Kuma and Jinbei?"

At this moment.

Rock looked at the two Seraphim attacking him, and a solemn look flashed in his eyes.

He didn't think that these two Seraphim were difficult to deal with. He was a little surprised at the level of technology mastered by Vegapunk and the World Government.

The eternal shackles he used to restrain the Palace of Charlize should not be discovered!?

Boom - just when a trace of worry flashed through Rock's mind.

The attack of the Seraphim S-Shark came brazenly.

As a clone of Sea Knight Jinbei, S-Shark's fishman karate is very powerful.

It directly blasted a deep pit in the area where Rock was standing.

But it did not cause any harm to Rock.���


Rock did not deal with the S-Shark directly, but disappeared from the spot.

When he reappeared,

Rock had already arrived above the head of S-Bear.

At this time, S-Bear, who had copied the ability of Tyrant Bear, was activating the ability of"Meat Ball Fruit".

This was exactly why Rock took the lead in attacking S-Bear.

Compared with the ability that S-Bear possessed

, S-Shark, which only had explosive physical output on land, did not pose the slightest threat to Rock.

On the contrary, S-Bear was more threatening.

When S-Bear found that Rock appeared above his head, he reacted instantly and shot a white bear paw bubble at Rock.

However, everything was too late.

Since Rock had taken action, how could he leave any room for maneuver.

Boom boom - with the sound of thunder roaring throughout the sea, a huge ball of lightning exuding a breath of destruction came from Rock's hand and hit the Seraph S-Bear fiercely!

Wherever the ball of lightning passed, even the air became restless and boiling!!

Thunder Method·600 Million Volts·Thunder Welcome!!!

Boom boom boom boom——

As the ball lightning burst out with brilliant blue arcs, this sea area seemed to have become a thunder forbidden area!

And the Seraph S-Bear was the first to bear the brunt and was engulfed by the extremely terrifying thunder current!..............

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