"Borsalino, speed up, the Navy can't afford any more failures!!"

In the sky of the Grand Line.

A golden stream of light moved rapidly from the New World, rushing towards the Calm Sea where the Daughter Island was located.

After escaping from the battlefield in the New World.

At the suggestion of Admiral Akainu.

Akainu and Kizaru did not return to the Navy Headquarters, but planned to go to the Calm Sea to help another Admiral Aokiji attack the Daughter Island.

Just as Akainu said.

The Navy Headquarters needs a victory in a battlefield.

Otherwise, this war initiated by the Navy is likely to cause huge losses to the foundation of the Navy.

Although the operation is now doomed to complete failure.

But if Rock's loyal follower, the Pirate Queen, and the Amazon Lily Kingdom can be completely eliminated.

The Navy can more or less regain some face!


Even though Kizaru's speed is already very fast now, even causing his body to be a little overwhelmed.

But Akainu still urged Kizaru to speed up.

Because what he can think of, Rock may also think of.

If Rock takes a risky move and rushes to the Island of Daughters, it will not be so easy to completely destroy the Island of Daughters at that time.

After all, no matter what, the strength of that kid Rock is indeed terrifying to a certain extent.

And in order to prevent the New World pirates from taking the opportunity to cause trouble when they take action, especially the Whitebeard Pirates who just escaped from the War of the Top.

The Navy Headquarters simply does not have any extra forces to support.

If Sengoku and Garp leave the Navy Headquarters base now, then the Navy Headquarters that has just moved will definitely be destroyed again by the Whitebeard Pirates.

By then, the Navy Headquarters will have no face to continue to stay on the sea.


Everything that comes next can only rely on the combat power provided by their three admirals of the navy and the world government.

"Oh~ Don't worry, Sakaski, even though I have to drag you along, it's impossible for that brat Rock to reach Daughter Island before us."

"It's not even certain whether he will go to the Daughter Island. Isn't he afraid that we will go back and deal with Zefa-sensei and Momotobu?"

Faced with Akainu's request.

Kizaru could only twist his face to express helplessness while maintaining his top-speed charge.

He's already very fast, okay?!

Although he needs to pull Akainu's arm, as long as Akainu is not afraid of pain, it won't affect his speed at all.

The speed of that kid Rock is indeed terrifying.

Looking at the sea, in terms of speed, only Rock can be compared with him, Kizaru.

But he really doesn't believe that Rock can be faster than him after he goes to Daughter Island for support!

What's more, Rock may not go to Daughter Island.

After all, compared with Teacher Zefa, how important can a mere Pirate Empress be?!

So Kizaru is not worried at all.

If he doesn't slack off, in terms of speed alone, he is the well-deserved ceiling on this sea!

However, Kizaru didn't know.

At this time, Rock was even killing all around on Daughter Island.

With the high mobility of Megatron combined with the boost of thunder, Rock flew all the way to the sky island and arrived at Daughter Island in advance in a perfect parabolic motion!......

Calm sea.

Daughter Island.

On the battlefield.

As the arcs in the sky gradually dissipated.

When people looked at the place where the ball lightning exploded again, everyone couldn't help but gasp.

In addition to the large area of the ground being blasted by thunder and full of holes and charred.

The super secret weapon created by the World Government based on the Seven Warlords of the Sea Tyrant Bear, in an attempt to replace the Seven Warlords of the Sea.

One of the Seraphim, S. Bear, was completely destroyed in Rock's first attack!

Only half of the body was left, crumbling!

At this moment.

Whether it was Admiral Aokiji, Devil's Heir Douglas Barrett, Zhan Taomaru, or the Pirate Queen, Robin Nami, etc.

Everyone was obviously shocked and speechless!

Everyone knew that Rock's strength was very strong and domineering, and could even be compared with the admirals of the navy who symbolized the highest combat power of the navy!

But even so.

Rock's attack to destroy S-Bear just now was too terrifying!

After all, as the secret weapon of the World Government, the S-Bear is as powerful as the former Seven Warlords of the Sea, Tyrant Bear!

Moreover, even among the former Seven Warlords of the Sea, Tyrant Bear's strength is definitely at the top!

However, such a powerful clone Seraph was destroyed so easily by Rock! ?

Doesn't that mean that even the real Tyrant Bear is no match for Rock! ?

"Yeah, hahahaha, hey, hey, you're using a small lightning strike right away, aren't you being too ruthless?! Rock!"

The first person to react in the audience was Enel.

As the user of the Thunder Fruit, after he and Rock became familiar with each other, the two of them had a lot of exchanges, especially in the development of thunder abilities.

Rock's spherical lightning just now was a simplified version of his most powerful move.

Even for Rock, it was one of the most powerful means of attack at the moment.

So Rock directly slapped a lightning strike, and the Seraph was unable to dodge, and naturally could not withstand the bombardment of thunder of up to 600 million volts!

"Stop talking nonsense, work hard, show your strength, do you still want to be the God of Thunder! ?"

After killing the Seraphim S-Bear,

Rock first put the remains of S-Bear into the system space, and then flashed to Enel's side.

He had just fought with Akainu, and rushed to his daughter at full speed. He had just used Thunder Welcome, and his physical strength had been consumed by more than half.

In order to avoid accidents,

Enel needs to cooperate with him to get rid of the remaining Seraphim as soon as possible.

In fact, in his opinion, the strength of the Seraphim is indeed not weak, but to some extent, there is still a certain gap from the original body.

For example, if his opponent just now was the real Tyrant Bear, then the latter would never be killed so easily.

In addition, S-Snake Girl, who is fighting with the Empress, has already shown a losing trend.

And this is just the Empress in normal state. Once the Empress enters the rampage state, S-Snake Princess will most likely lose faster.

Of course, this does not mean that these Seraphim are not powerful.

On the contrary , as long as they are not directly against the original body, these Seraphim are still quite dangerous.

"Ah, damn Rock!"

As Rock flashed and ran towards Enelu, the captain of the World Government's Science Corps, Zhan Taowan, finally reacted.

At this moment, his state can only be described in one word.

I want to cry but I have no tears!

If I had known that Rock was so perverted, I would not be so impulsive.

Every Seraph is very precious!

"S-Snake, S-Kitty, S-Shark, immediately disengage from the battle and escape!"......

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