When Qiao Jin returned home, he was chased by people at home.

What did you learn from going fishing with Mu Xiangshan?

What can be learned from fishing?

This is a question of confusion.

Qiao Jin didn't say anything about Guo Jieshi, but simply listened to Mu Xiangshan on the way back.

When Guo Jieshi was young, he and he were still playmates, because his father helped in his house.

Later, there was an accident in Mu Xiangshan's house, and Guo Jieshi's father helped him for a while, and Mu Xiangshan has remembered it ever since.

Guo Jieshi's family moved out because of their livelihood, and Mu Xiangshan had already left at that time.

He later went to the Guo Jieshi family when he came back, but he didn't find it.

The reason is that Guo Jieshi went too far, and changed his name to Guo Jieshi after listening to the master’s words. His father had passed away a long time ago. Mu Xiangshan was quite regretful. When he said to Qiao Jin, "I was also a benefactor, I didn’t expect I didn't even see the last side."

The old man is also a little melancholy. After all, in life, there are always some people who have helped you.

He can remember for a long time, and he can see his character.

It was a while ago when he saw Guo Jieshi. If it weren’t for the old guy to show off his deeds in the house, Mu Xiangshan would not recognize him. Guo Jieshi was also very old. He didn’t remember the past events so clearly, nor did he recognize Mu. Xiangshan.

Mu Xiangshan always feels strange.

People say that the more you lack, the more you show off. Guo Jieshi is not short of money. What he shows off is the filial piety of his children.

Every day I talk about what my grandson bought, what he said, what did he do, what did his granddaughter buy, what he said and what he did, everyone in the club will listen.

At that time, Mu Xiangshan thought it was pretty good, indicating that Guo Jieshi had a good old age.

Later, other old people told him meaningfully that when Guo Jieshi made his fortune in Xiangdu, it was said that the methods he used were not particularly good. He has suffered some retribution in his later years. He doesn't know it. His family is probably not peaceful. And this retribution is not the cause of Guo Jieshi, but Guo Jieshi has to bear it.

He is so old, Mu Xiangshan wondered who could harm him?

Later, he heard the restless rumors in Guo Jieshi’s family. He also felt that Guo Jieshi’s state was not right. He thought that when Guo Jieshi’s father was still helpful to him when he was young, he approached Qiao Jin to see if he could see what was wrong. .

Unexpectedly, it was obvious that Guo Jieshi was poisoned.

This can be creepy.

And it's not just poisoning. What if something else happens in this house?

Mu Xiangshan doesn’t believe in those very much, and he also knows that Xiangdu’s ghost place has always been notoriously chaotic, and there are countless various witchcraft factions. In the days when Xiangdu was a star, you could hear news about many actresses going wrong. , And the rumors of witchcraft in Southeast Asia are almost on par.

Even a few well-known wealthy people look to experts in this area to see Feng Shui.

Mu Xiangshan didn't understand those, but felt that if Guo Jieshi was in Xiangdufa's home, if there were these rumors, it would prove that some things were not groundless.

Now Qiao Jin also mentioned it, and he wanted to visit Guo Jie's family.

How thick he is, he found an excuse and Guo Jieshi agreed. Wouldn't he welcome Mu Xiangshan to his house?

I wish to show off in front of him.

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