Early the next morning, Mu Xiangshan got more formal, after all, he was going to visit Guo Jieshi's family.

Qiao Jin is wearing a beige knitted dress with sneakers on his feet, looking at the unmatched style but an unusually harmonious match.

The key is to look more like a little fairy.

Seeing that she was going out with Mu Xiangshan again early in the morning, Qiao Fei couldn't help asking, "Where are you going?"

Qiao Jin replied: "Go to Guo's house, I met an old man at the club yesterday."

"Guo Family?"

Qiaofei paused, as if he was a little confused: "Well, then you have to go early and return early."

Qiao Jin nodded and went with Mu Xiangshan.

The Guo family returned to the imperial capital a few years ago. In recent years, according to the wind direction, the assets of the Guo family have begun to transfer to the country. It was only recently that Mu Xiangshan met.

Information about the Guo family can also be found on the news.

Qiao Jin glanced at it and said, "Guo's family is quite lively."

And it's very complicated. I don't know what Old Man Guo said that his grandchildren are good.

Because his grandchildren are basically regular news visitors.

There are always some wealthy people who like to be famous, and their children are marketing hard in the news. Guo Jieshi has four granddaughters and two grandchildren. These are not the same parents. Guo Jieshi has only one son and married a wealthy lady. His son gave birth to a male and female siblings, and all the others were from his lover.

What is strange is that the original wife divorced Guo Jieshi's son a long time ago and lived abroad with the children. Now the sons in the house are the sons of Guo Jieshi's lovers.

Although it’s a lover, they don’t seem to care about it. The Internet marketing is Miss Guo Jia and Master Guo. They seem to be very rich, and the identity is really untenable after serious consideration, just as if money can be. Just solve some things.

Guo Jieshi didn't live in Ansheng when he was in his early years. However, all the other children who had appeared had accidents. Only this one was left, and he was used to it as a darling.

The Guo family lives in a villa area on the outskirts of a single-family villa. When Guo Jieshi came to the door, he was alone at home. Mu Xiangshan, the housekeeper, came, but smiled: "Oh, Lao Mu, you still know to come and see me."

Mu Xiangshan smiled and said: "Seeing that you are about to enter the soil with one foot, this is not to come and see, if you burp someday, wouldn't you even not see it at the last glance?"

Mu Xiangshan's mouth was still quite poisonous, and Guo Jieshi didn't care about it.

The main reason is that everyone is getting older. It is a fact that one foot entered the soil. He also smiled and hit Mu Xiangshan: "You old thing can't spit out ivory."

When I saw Qiao Jin again, he praised it sincerely: "You can still have such a granddaughter, but it's a good fate."

Mu Xiangshan: "Don't envy you either. After all, this is impossible to ask for, it is fate."

Looking at what Guo Jieshi's grandchildren are, Mu Xiangshan is hard to say clearly.

While they were talking, a person gradually walked down the spiral staircase in the lobby of the villa, and saw someone in the living room. He was a little surprised: "Grandpa?"

She has an accent when she speaks Mandarin. When she hears it, she knows that she has been in Xiangdu for a long time. She often speaks Xiangdu dialect, and it is a bit awkward to change into Mandarin.

It is fashionable, a champagne-colored custom-made skirt, with a hot body and hot waves.

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