She is the third granddaughter of Guo Jieshi, Guo Shuoyu, naturally born of a lover.

Hairstyles are embarrassing to whoever hits.

Guo Shuoyu drew heavy makeup, indeed beautiful.

But when I came across Qiao Jin's, if Qiao Jin is Shimizu Furong, she has reached the extreme, and she is so immortal that she cannot be ignored.

In front of her, Guo Shuoyu was like vying for glory with Haoyue, so that Guo Shuoyu felt this embarrassment.

She stroked her hair, looked at Qiao Jin, and asked strangely: "Grandpa, who is this?"

When Guo Jieshi saw her, he smiled: "Shuoyu, come down and introduce to you. This is a good friend of Grandpa's former friend, Grandpa Mu. This is his granddaughter Qiao Jin, a few years younger than you."

Guo Shuoyu twitched the corners of her mouth, and she came over, her posture swaying into the wind.

In the style of a eldest lady, her dress is actually a bit bold. The low-necked open-back skirt is not too much, but she can be dazzling if she is good in shape.

Mu Xiangshan's old-fashioned thinking, even though he had been abroad, he didn't look at it like that, and he felt that Guo Shuoyu really lost his status as the Guo family.

Guo Shuoyu walked over and looked at Mu Xiangshan and Qiao Jin, with a faint smile: "Hello."

The gaze still couldn't stop looking at Qiao Jin, with a hint of jealousy.

It also seemed to try to maintain his arrogance, causing his chin to look slightly raised, but it seemed to be too hard.

Qiao Jin's gaze rolled over her for a moment, and then he hung down without interest.

Seeing Qiao Jin's indifferent appearance, Guo Shuoyu was a little embarrassed. After calling someone, he found an excuse to go out: "Grandpa, I have something to do. I have an appointment with a friend today, so I will leave first."

Guo Jieshi still smiled, "Go."

Guo Shuoyu hurriedly left.

Not long after, there was the roar of a sports car outside. Guo Jieshi smiled and said, "Shuoyu and the others have grown up next to me and lived in Xiangdu. They are a little different from here, but they are actually pretty good."

After he said this, he asked them to sit down again.

Qiao Jin sat down and turned his eyes lightly around Guo's family. Mu Xiangshan and Guo Jieshi talked about some things, most of the time Guo Jieshi missed the past.

In fact, both Qiao Jin and Mu Xiangshan could hear that Guo Jieshi was a little concerned about his identity in the past.

He used to be the son of the Mu family's helper, both named Master Mu Xiangshan. Now that he sees Mu Xiangshan, he is richer than him, and his words will inevitably show off.

Mu Xiangshan didn't say anything after hearing this, thinking that my son was not filial, and your family was poisoned, and you are still miserable.


Mu Xiangshan spoke quietly, and Guo Jieshi couldn't help saying: "Jieshi!"

Mu Xiangshan nodded again and again: "It's the renunciation of the world, the renunciation of the world, the past things are over, why do you care so much, look at you now, there are groups of children and a big family. Isn't it enough? People, No regrets when you leave."

Guo Jieshi snorted: "You might not know that when I went to Xiangdu to start a business, how did those people look down on people from the mainland? I had a lot of hardships in order to get ahead. I want to..."


At this moment, another weak female voice came.

Her tone was very weak, and it sounded like the one who couldn't help but when she walked down the stairs to reveal her real body.

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