Guo Zhuyi looked at her with a soft smile: "It's just physical discomfort. Since I was young, my immunity is weaker than others, and I often get sick. Now it's much better."

Weak immunity does not have such a big problem.

Qiao Jin chuckled, "That's how it is."

Mu Xiangshan guessed what Qiao Jin had already seen. The rest of the time was sloppy with Guo Jieshi and asked some questions.

Guo Jieshi is now older, and he has the same status as Mu Xiangshan. He doesn't say much, but he also revealed some problems.

Mu Xiangshan and Qiao Jin were also left for dinner at noon, but they did not refuse.

The Guo family is now the son of Guo Jieshi in charge of power. Naturally, there is no doubt about the distribution issue, and his son inherits all power.

Then some shares are in the hands of the son’s ex-wife. Even if he is divorced, his son has not remarried now. It is just that Guo Zhuyi’s mother lives in Guo’s house under the name of a genuine wife. Guo Shuoyu and her mother did not know that she disappeared. Where did it go.

Guo Zhuyi's mother gave birth to the Guo Zhuyi sister, who is the heaviest in the Guo family, and a son.

Guo Zhuyi also has a younger sister, only one year older than Qiao Jin, but I heard that her body is worse than Guo Zhuyi, and it is not suitable to even show up to meet people. She has been resting in Guo's villa.

While eating, Guo Jieshi and Mu Xiangshan were chatting, Qiao Jin went to the bathroom under the pretext. When he came here, he turned a corner and saw the side hall of the villa.

The side hall is a transparent glass compartment, and some basic furniture are placed inside the sofa. The sunlight can directly shine in and the light is very good.

There was a girl lying on the sofa. She was wearing a white lace princess nightdress with an English book in her hand.

She is very beautiful and looks a bit like Guo Zhuyi, but she looks more agile than Guo Zhuyi, and looks more lively.

About this is Guo Zhuyi's sister, Guo Zhulian.

She didn't notice anything when Qiao Jin came in, until Qiao Jin suddenly said, "What are you looking at?"

The girl seemed to be taken aback, and hurriedly straightened up. When she looked up and saw Qiao Jin, she was a little confused and surprised: "Are you...?"

Qiao Jin smiled and said, "I'm here as a guest. My name is Qiao Jin."

Her smile looked simple and harmless, and especially had a soothing taste, which was very good for people. Guo Zhulian couldn't feel scared when she saw her walking over, but was a little curious: "Qiao Jin?"

She read the name, and then smiled: "Good name."

The smile was somewhat innocent.

It's just that there is always a kind of melancholy between her eyebrows, which looks depressing.

Qiao Jin: "Are you Guo Zhulian?"

Guo Zhulian was a little surprised. She straightened up, sat upright and looked at Qiao Jin: "How do you know it's mine?"

Qiao Jin said: "You look a lot like your sister Guo Zhuyi, no one will not recognize it."

"Yes... is it?"

When mentioning his sister, Guo Zhulian’s expression didn’t seem to be that happy, but rather deep: "I thought they wouldn’t say that I still existed. Many people would not know when they saw me. I am her sister."


Qiao Jin's words are light, but there is always a feeling of comfort and a desire to talk.

Guo Zhulian originally wanted to say something, but when he thought of something, he forced it down: "I don't usually appear outside. They rarely know that there is a granddaughter in the Guo family."

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