This is the truth, because outsiders really don't know about Guo Zhulian.

The media knows that the Guo family has several granddaughters, but Guo Zhuyi and Guo Zhulian have never met.

At least Guo Zhuyi still showed up in the Guo family, this Guo Zhulian rarely appeared in the Guo family.

It's not like it can't appear, but it's like the Guo family hid it specially.

When Qiao Jin was about to speak, there was a slight sound of footsteps outside. She looked up and Guo Zhuyi appeared at the door. The pitiful face of Qiao Jin seemed a little surprised that Qiao Jin was here. She smiled: "Miss Qiao is here. What are you doing here?"

Qiao Jin also smiled: "I just saw your sister, so curious, come and take a look."

Her straightforwardness made Guo Zhuyi somewhat unexpected.

Because under normal circumstances, Qiao Jin shouldn't have known that she has a younger sister.

When Guo Zhulian looked at Guo Zhuyi, she was not as affectionate as she had imagined. On the contrary, she didn't want to be close. She quickly stood up and called out, "Sister, I will go back to the room first."

Then holding the book, his eyes just glanced at Qiao Jin, and left without saying goodbye.

Guo Zhuyi was afraid that Qiao Jin would see something, and said softly and helplessly: "She always does this. She doesn't like talking about my identity in front of outsiders. Since childhood, Zhu Lian has been weaker than me and doesn't often appear outside, so outsiders are I rarely know her, I didn't expect Miss Qiao to know."

"Of course, who doesn't the Guo sisters know?"

She pressed the corners of her lips as if she was just a casual word, and then walked out of here.

Guo Zhuyi looked at Qiao Jin's leaving back, his eyes gradually sinking, as if he was thinking about something.

When he came to the hall, Mu Xiangshan asked her: "Where have you been?"

Qiao Jin said: "I just went to the Pian Ting and saw Guo Zhulian, Zhu Yi's sister."

"Oh?" Guo Jieshi tilted his head in surprise: "Jup Lian has also come out to let the wind go, it's a coincidence."

He didn't seem to know anything, Qiao Jin retracted his eyes, only chuckled lightly: "Yes, it's a coincidence."

Mu Xiangshan looked at Qiao Jin in his eyes, and he didn't ask anything. Qiao Jin would say it anyway when he returned.

Guo Zhuyi came out afterwards. It was just such a coincidence that someone from outside informed that Master Hao Jiuzong was here.

Hao Jiuzong should be the one mentioned earlier, Guo Zhuyi's fiance.

Guo Jieshi's eyes were also bright and said: "Oh, say Cao Cao Cao Cao is here, just for you to meet."

Mu Xiangshan turned his eyes quickly, looking very curious about this Hao Jiuzong.

Qiao Jin hadn't heard anything about Hao Jiuzong, and at this time he raised his eyes and saw a tall figure walking in outside the Guo's villa.

He is indeed a tall, wealthy and handsome man with a height of about 1.8 meters and a good appearance condition.

And it is a tough look, with thick eyebrows, probably like the thick eyebrows and big eyes of the older generation, walking very imposingly, wearing a hand-sewn black suit, striding meteors, making people look stunned.

"Grandpa, Zhu Yi."

After entering, Hao Jiuzong greeted them. When he saw Qiao Jin and Mu Xiangshan, he raised his eyebrows slightly.

Guo Jieshi smiled and said: "Nine Sects, come, this is Grandpa Mu Xiangshan, this is his granddaughter, Qiao Jin, you should have heard of it."

Sure enough, hearing the name, Hao Jiuzong's surprise gradually faded from his eyes, as if he didn't expect: "It turns out to be Grandpa Mu and Miss Qiao, hello."

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