After night fell, Kiana and Ye Chen slowly returned home.

The first thing Kiana did when she got home was to take her change of clothes and go into the bathroom to take a shower. After a day of playing outside, although she did not sweat, Ye Chen did.

And this guy likes to hug her whenever he wants, especially in front of those single dogs, to experience the feeling of showing affection.

He is not afraid of being beaten to death.

Now her body is more or less stained with some of that guy's sweat.

She has a slight obsession with cleanliness, but she will never allow her fragrant body to be covered by the smell of sweat.

Bored Ye Chen sat in front of the computer desk and started searching for live broadcast equipment on Baidu, wanting to learn about it in advance.

Half an hour later, Kiana came out of the bathroom with steam rising from the hot air.

Seeing this, Ye Chen tacitly picked up the hair dryer and prepared to blow Kiana's hair.

Kiana also enjoyed the feeling of Ye Chen taking care of her.

No one has ever blown her hair before!

Even Raiden Mei has never had this experience.

"Okay, you should go take a shower too, and wash off the sweaty smell on your body quickly."

After the hair was dry, Qiyana hurried Ye Chen to the bathroom.

"There is no sweaty smell at all."

Ye Chen smelled himself, and it seemed that there was no smell except normal body odor.

"You can't smell it, but I can"

"Okay, stop talking nonsense and go take a shower, or I won't let you get in bed"

""Okay, okay, I'll listen to you. The world is big, but my wife is the most important."

Ye Chen took the clothes and went into the bathroom.

Qiyana picked up the phone on the table and prepared to browse Douyin to see if there were any interesting videos.

As a result, after a round, all she saw were those boring live streaming videos of selling goods.

But just when she was about to quit, a piece of news from CCTV caught her attention.

"Recently, many cases of missing climbers occurred in Jiulian Mountain, Qiancheng, Yuzhang. As many as 13 people were missing. Among them, the remains of four people were found, all of which showed signs of being bitten. According to the police's inference, these 13 missing people were likely to have encountered wild beasts."

"Here the host reminds everyone that when hiking outside, try not to go to uninhabited areas, and be sure to return to a safe area before dark to avoid encountering wild animals"


"Ferocious beast? What kind of ferocious beast could kill thirteen people at once?"

Qiana's intuition told her that this matter was not simple.

She had been to Jiulian Mountain before, and several times.

She had never heard of any ferocious beasts there.

And even if it was the king of beasts, the tiger, it would not be possible to kill all thirteen people at once.

Unless there were tigers in groups.

But that was even more impossible, because tigers live alone, not lions.

Fortunately, although her and Ye Chen's hometown was in Qiancheng, their parents were still far away from Jiulian Mountain.

"What are you looking at so seriously?"

Ye Chen took less than 20 minutes to take a shower. When he came out of the bathroom, he saw Kiana lying on the bed and looking at her phone seriously.

He immediately went over and lay beside Kiana, holding her soft waist with one hand.

""You can see for yourself."

Kiana threw the phone in front of Ye Chen and supported her cheeks with both hands.

Her pink lips curled up slightly under the pressure of her hands, like a ripe cherry, making people want to take a bite.

"Fierce beast? What kind of beast is so powerful?"After watching the video, Ye Chen was also suspicious.

Qiyana said:"I guess they must have encountered some supernatural monster."

Although it is only the early stage of spiritual energy recovery, some monsters should have appeared.

Although they are not too strong, it is still easy to kill a dozen ordinary people.

"Forget it, this matter is none of our business anyway. Go to bed early and get up early tomorrow. Don't forget that you still have to practice all day tomorrow."

"I can't sleep this early, I want to play some more"

"It's up to you. I'll go to bed first."

In fact, Kiana was not used to resting so early.

But she knew that if she didn't sleep, Ye Chen would definitely not want to go to bed.

For Ye Chen, she was worried about him.

Sure enough, not long after Kiana lay on the bed, Ye Chen also lay beside her.

"What, you don't want to continue playing on your computer?"Qiana looked at him with a smile, teasing.

Ye Chen held Qiana in his arms, and his nose was entangled with the charming fragrance.

"Games are not as fun as having a wife."

As he spoke, one of his hands began to become dishonest, as if he had his own ideas.

"Go to sleep."

Kiana blushed and slapped the dirty hand away.


There was no conversation that night.

The next morning, because they went to bed early, they woke up before dawn.

After washing up, Kiana went into the kitchen and prepared breakfast and lunch.

"Wait, why do we have to prepare lunch together?"

Kiana rolled her eyes:"Idiot, I said I have to practice all day, so of course I can't come back for lunch."

"Also, I'm cooking, can you please stop hugging me?"

This guy is getting more and more attached to her, just like a dog-skin plaster.

Although she doesn't hate it, it just sometimes causes her trouble.

""Okay, I'll wait for you outside."

After giving Kiana a kiss on the face, Ye Chen reluctantly left the kitchen.

When the two finished their breakfast, the sky gradually brightened.

Then, Kiana carried Ye Chen in one hand and the lunch box in the other, and flew out of the city while no one was around.

A few minutes later, the two arrived at the cultivation treasure land outside the city.


After landing, Qiana frowned slightly as she looked at the surrounding environment.

Seeing this, Ye Chen couldn't help but asked,"What's wrong?"

"There are new signs of activity here."

Kiana squatted down and looked at the large footprints on the ground.

Judging from the shape of the footprints, they were definitely not human, but more like some kind of beast.

"Are there wild animals here too?"

Kiana shrugged."Who knows?"

"Never mind, that guy has left anyway, you continue to practice."

Ye Chen nodded, sat cross-legged on the boulder he came from, and began to meditate and absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

As the sun rose, the temperature of the surface gradually rose.

But perhaps because the spiritual energy of heaven and earth here is more abundant than other places, the temperature here is also cooler than other places.

Three hours later, Ye Chen ended his meditation and began to practice Cunxin Fist with Kiana.

Under Kiana's careful teaching, Ye Chen became more and more proficient in Cunxin Fist and has gradually mastered the first three moves.

Kiana is also very satisfied with this.

At this rate, Ye Chen will be able to completely learn Cunxin Fist in less than half a month, master it within two months, and become a master within three months!

By then, he can start to practice Taixu Sword Qi.

Time unknowingly came to noon.

Kiana took out the prepared lunch box

"Stop practicing and come eat."

Ye Chen's stomach had already started to growl, and he rushed over when he heard what Kiana said.

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