After lunch, the two took a short break for an hour before continuing their practice.

However, at this moment, a creepy cry suddenly resounded through the forest.


"Damn! What's that screaming? I got goosebumps."

A wolf howling?

Not really, but more like the wailing of some ghost.

Thinking of this, Ye Chen couldn't help but shudder.

Kiana pinched her smooth chin and thought:"If I'm not mistaken, it should be a creature like a demon beast."

This strange cry is definitely not the cry of any known creature on Blue Star.

And this sound is mixed with a faint spiritual power fluctuation.

"Let's go"

"Go? Where are you going?"

"Of course, I'm going to see this monster."

Kiana looked back and asked,"Don't you want to see what these monsters look like?"

Now that I said that, I'm a little curious.

"Wait for me!"


A flash of white light passed by, and Kiana embraced Ye Chen and landed beside a small river.

The river water was clear, and small fish could be seen playing in the water.

Kiana said,"The sound just now came from here."

"But there seems to be nothing here."

Ye Chen looked around but found nothing.

"Could it be that he ran away?"

"Ran away? No, it's hiding in the dark and watching us secretly."

Kiana stared at the front with her eyes fixed, and a touch of purple starlight appeared in her originally aqua blue eyes.

Under her eyes, the monsters hiding in the dark had nowhere to hide!

"It uses sound to attract prey to come to it, while it hides in the dark and waits for its chance to strike. It is a newly born monster, but it has such high intelligence."


There was a rustling sound in the dense jungle.

A monster that was five meters long and three meters tall and shaped like a wild wolf came out of the woods. The wolf-shaped monster walked towards the two people with heavy steps, and its blood-red eyes looked at its prey.

When it opened its mouth, rows of sharp fangs were exposed, and saliva was constantly flowing from the corners of its mouth.

"Damn! Is this a demon beast? It's too big, isn't it?"Ye Chen subconsciously took a step back.

The tiger, the king of beasts, is just a small Karami in front of it!

But Kiana said disdainfully:"It's just a small earth dog with nothing in appearance."

Small, small earth dog?

The corners of Ye Chen's mouth twitched.

Kiana was probably the only one in the world who dared to despise such a horrible creature.

At least in Ye Chen's eyes, the terrifying aura emitted by this guy made him feel palpitations.

Fortunately, he had his own bugs, so he didn't need to worry.

Thinking of this, Ye Chen breathed a sigh of relief.

But Kiana's next words made him sweat.

"In the last round of Ye Chen, it was decided that it was you!"

"You want me to deal with such a terrifying guy?"

Ye Chen was not calm. He had just learned the Cunxin Fist a few days ago and had no combat experience at all. Was he sure he was not going to die?

Kiana patted Ye Chen on the shoulder:"This monster is indeed a bit difficult for you, but only by experiencing a life-and-death battle can you grow faster!"

"Besides, I'm here with you, so you can go and fight without worry. I won't let anything happen to you."

"This... okay!"

Taking a deep breath to calm his fear, Ye Chen walked towards the monster and took a defensive stance.


The monster roared and rushed towards Ye Chen.

In the blink of an eye, the distance between the two sides was reduced to 20 meters.

At this time, the monster jumped high, and its front feet revealed steel claws as sharp as blades, and pounced on Ye Chen!

Seeing that Ye Chen was about to be torn to pieces by the claws, Ye Chen moved at the critical moment.

He turned around and perfectly avoided the attack, and then hit the monster's left waist with a straight punch.


The monster weighing several tons was knocked more than ten meters away by this punch before it stopped.

"Oh my god! Is my strength so strong?"

Ye Chen looked down at his fist, his face full of shock.

Since he started practicing, he has never used his full strength.

If that punch just now hit a stone, it would probably smash a huge rock directly! It seems that he is much stronger than he thought!

From this point of view, it doesn't seem difficult to defeat the monster.

""Idiot! Get out of the way!"

Kiana's exclamation brought Ye Chen back to his senses. When he looked up, he found that the monster had pounced on him again, with its bloody mouth wide open, biting his head.

Seeing this, Ye Chen broke out in a cold sweat, and quickly bent his body to avoid it, then raised his leg and swung out a kick.

However, the monster in mid-air suddenly turned around, stepped on his sole with its hind legs, and used the force to make a 360-degree rotation in the air, and finally landed steadily on the riverbed dozens of meters away.

"Good guy, you were hit by my punch but you were not hurt at all."

Ye Chen shook his slightly numb thigh, then clenched his fist and half-crouched in a horse stance, posing the starting posture of the Inch Force Fist.

He hooked his finger at the monster and said provocatively:"Come on!"

But this time the monster did not rush over directly, but opened its mouth and spit out a blue spirit bullet at Ye Chen.

Seeing this, Ye Chen's pupils shrank, and he kicked the ground with his feet and jumped back to dodge.


A small hole was blasted out on the ground!

""Okay, okay, you like playing this way, right? Then I'll do it too!"

Ye Chen raised his hand and grasped the air, and a spiritual power bullet like a small sun appeared in his hand.

""Inch force·Thunderbolt!"

At the same time, the monster also spit out the second spiritual bullet.

The two bullets collided, and Ye Chen's spiritual bullet was obviously better. After a stalemate for a moment, he defeated the monster's spiritual bullet, and then continued to fly towards the monster.

The monster had no time to react, and the spiritual bullet hit its face heavily.


Several rows of fangs were broken and flew away, and black blood flowed out of its mouth, dyeing the originally clear river water black.

Wherever the black blood passed, the small fish in the water turned up their bellies.

"Is this guy's blood poisonous?"Ye Chen asked in astonishment

"Take advantage of this moment, and quickly defeat the opponent!" Kiana couldn't help but hold her forehead.

He is exactly the same as herself in the past.

He always likes to be distracted during the battle, and he is very curious! I must make this guy change these bad habits in the future.

Upon hearing this, Ye Chen quickly rushed to the front of the monster and punched the monster in the forehead again.

"Inch power·rock breaking!"


The sound of the skull breaking was crisp and loud, even Kiana who was far away on the other side could hear it.


The monster's eyes rolled back, and its huge body fell to the ground with a bang, stirring up a large splash of water.

Ye Chen stepped on the monster's head, looked back at Kiana, and showed a cool and handsome smile.

"How's that? Pretty cool, right?"

""You're so awesome!" Kiana said angrily, with her hands on her hips,"You were distracted many times during the battle, and didn't finish off the enemy in time after he lost his ability to move. If this was a duel between masters, you would have died countless times."


Ye Chen scratched the back of his head awkwardly.

He was embarrassed. He failed to show off and was scolded by his wife instead.

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