In the end, Mu Xiaoying and her best friend Yan Tingting chose to stay in a hotel.

As for Chen Lihui, he found a hotel to live in.

When they parted, Ye Chen deliberately pulled Mu Xiaoying out alone.

"Cousin, remember not to get too close to Chen Lihui, be careful of him, this guy is not a good person."

Mu Xiaoying was stunned for a moment, she didn't expect that her cousin also thought that Chen Lihui was not a good person!

"Don't worry, cousin. I will pay attention to it. I also feel that he is not a good person."

"If it weren't for the fact that he was Tingting's boyfriend, I wouldn't even have planned to bring him along."

"That's good. Anyway, be careful. If anything happens, call me immediately."


Mu Xiaoying then waved to Kiana and said,"See you tomorrow, cousin!"

"Well, see you tomorrow!"


Time came to the second day.

Because there were many classes today, Ye Chen and Qiyana could not continue to accompany Mu Xiaoying and the others.

Mu Xiaoying and the other two had to go out and play by themselves.

In order to facilitate travel, Ye Chen even lent his car to Mu Xiaoying.

Anyway, this girl also has a driver's license, and it is said that she often drives her father's car to go out for fun.

In terms of driving experience, she may be more experienced than Ye Chen, so Ye Chen is not worried that she will get into trouble.

After arriving at the classroom, Cao Yuanhao and the other two had already helped to occupy several good seats.

""Speaking of which, Ye Chen, when did you meet the school beauty Xuan?"

As soon as the two sat down, Wang Haoxuan couldn't help but ask.

Cao Yuanhao and Chen Yu also cast curious eyes.

"Xuan University campus beauty? Does she mean Xuan Yajing?"

"Besides her, who else in our school has the last name Xuan?"

"I helped her once before, so we got to know each other, but how did you know I knew her?"

Ye Chen didn't remember telling these adopted sons that he knew Xuan Yajing.

Wang Haoxuan said,"Someone took a picture of you leaving with Qiyana and Xuan, the school beauty, in a luxury car, and posted it on the school forum."

"Now everyone in the school knows that you not only have a girlfriend who is as beautiful as a fairy on campus, but you are also acquainted with another campus beauty. Now you are the love rival in the hearts of most men in our Jiangda University!"

As he said this, even Wang Haoxuan himself showed an envious look.

Cao Yuanhao suddenly hugged Ye Chen's hand and said pleadingly:"Ye Chen, Brother Chen! You are no longer single now, please take care of me. Whether I can be single depends on you, Brother Chen!"

Ye Chen quickly pulled back his arm and said with disgust:"What's the use of you relying on me for this kind of thing? Don't you have to rely on yourself to chase a girlfriend?"

"I can't catch up with her myself, so I want Brother Chen to introduce me to someone"

"You want me to introduce Xuan Yajing to you? Don't dream, there's a huge gap between you two."

"No, no, no, of course I know that the beauty queen of Xuan University will not be attracted to me, and I don't expect you to introduce beauty queen of Xuan University to me."

"Who do you want me to introduce to you?"

Cao Yuanhao rubbed his hands and smiled slyly,"I heard that your cousin is very beautiful, hehehe……"

Ye Chen's eyes widened:"Damn! No wonder you call me Brother Chen so easily, it turns out you are planning to hit on my cousin!"

""Little Fatty, I didn't expect that a guy like you with thick eyebrows and big eyes could be so scheming!" Even Kiana couldn't help but marvel.

Ye Chen immediately shook his head slightly:"Don't even think about my cousin, she probably doesn't like you."

His cousin has been a beauty party since she was a child.

Cao Yuanhao's appearance is average, and his physique is slightly fat, which is not within the aesthetic standard of his cousin at all. In a blink of an eye, the two classes in the morning were over.

At this moment, there was still some time before lunch, and Cao Yuanhao and the other two were going back to the dormitory to play games.

Ye Chen and Kiana were going back to the rental house.

But just as the two were about to leave the campus, Ye Chen's mobile phone suddenly rang.

He took out his mobile phone and found that it was Xuan Yajing calling.

Ye Chen pressed the answer button and turned on the speakerphone by the way.

"Hello, what's up?"

"Senior Ye Chen, are you free now?"Xuan Yajing's clear voice came from the other end of the phone.

Ye Chen nodded:"I'm free, what's the matter?"

"I have something I want to talk to you about. Is it convenient?"

"No problem. Where are you now? We'll come find you."

"On the second floor of the coffee shop opposite the school gate"

"Okay, wait a minute, we'll be there soon."

Not long after hanging up the phone, Ye Chen and Qiyana came to the coffee shop that Xuan Yajing mentioned, and successfully found Xuan Yajing on the second floor.

"Please take a seat."

Xuan Yajing warmly invited the two to take a seat.

"By the way, do you want some coffee? I'll treat you."

"Give me a latte."

"I have the same as Ye Chen."

Knowing that Xuan Yajing was not short of money, Ye Chen and Qiyana did not bother to be polite with her.

Xuan Yajing nodded, called the waiter, and ordered two cups of latte for the two of them.

"Didn't you say you wanted to talk to us about something? What exactly is it?"

Kiana asked immediately after the waiter left.

Xuan Yajing glanced around, then lowered her voice and asked,"I wonder if you have heard of the organization 'Blood Sacrifice'?"

"Blood Sacrifice?" Ye Chen and Qiyana looked at each other, then shook their heads.

"We haven't heard of it. What kind of organization is that?"

Xuan Yajing explained:"In simple terms, the Blood Sacrifice Society is an evil organization. As the name suggests, they like to use the blood of living people for sacrifices."

"They would kidnap others, then kill them in extremely cruel ways, and use their blood for sacrifices to gain power."

"Originally, this organization only operated on the other side of the ocean, but for some reason, some of their people suddenly appeared in China recently, and are expanding their membership at a certain speed."

Ye Chen nodded when he heard this, which was considered a response to this.���I have some understanding of the blood sacrifice

"But what does this have to do with us? You called us here specially, it shouldn't be just to tell us this, right?"

Xuan Yajing took a sip of coffee to moisten her throat and continued,"It's like this, I heard that one of the cadres of the Blood Sacrifice Society came to Jiangcheng, I would like to ask you for a favor, help me capture him, and I will reward you handsomely after the success!"

"Can't you catch him yourself?"

Xuan Yajing smiled bitterly and said,"With my current strength, it would be very difficult to catch him."

After all, he was a cadre of the Blood Sacrifice Society, and his strength was probably about the same as her grandfather's.

And she couldn't even last five rounds in her grandfather's hands!

"Do you have a grudge against them? Why do you want to arrest their cadres?"Kiana asked curiously.

Xuan Yajing did not hide it, nodded and admitted:"Yes, according to my investigation, my mother's accident was related to the other party, so I must catch him!"

When Xuan Yajing thought about how the other party almost made her lose her mother, she felt a surge of anger in her heart.

Ye Chen did not agree immediately, but looked at Kiana, wanting to hear her opinion.

Kiana thought about it and nodded:"I can agree, it's not a big deal anyway."

After listening to Kiana's words, Ye Chen nodded and agreed.

"Are we going to arrest him now?"

"No, I haven't found out where the other party's base is yet. I'm afraid it will take another day or two."

"I will notify you immediately after I find the other party's base."

"That’s settled, then."

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