It is said that the weather in the dog days of summer is most likely to change.

But Kiana said that the weather in mid-September changes faster than turning the pages of a book.

Before the last class was over, the sky was clear and the sun was blazing.

But as soon as the class ended, it started to rain heavily!

"It's over, we didn't bring an umbrella." Ye Chen stretched his hand out of the window, and his palm was wet in less than five seconds.

If he ran back directly in such heavy rain, he would probably become a drowned chicken.

Kiana said:"Just wait, maybe it will stop soon."

Although she can artificially intervene in the weather to make the sky clear, the collapsed energy released is extremely huge, and it may directly cause a major collapse in Jiangcheng!

"Ye Chen! And Sister Ye! You haven't left yet!"

Just then, Cao Yuanhao and the other two came trotting in front of the two.

Seeing this, Ye Chen couldn't help but ask in confusion:"Didn't you three go back to the dormitory first? Why are you running back again?"

Chen Yu shrugged and explained:"Of course I guessed that you might not have an umbrella, so I came back."

Cao Yuanhao patted Ye Chen on the shoulder and said:"Let's go, go to the dormitory with us first, and then we will lend you two umbrellas."

"Good brother, thank you so much!"

As expected of Ye Chen's good brother, he knew that his brother didn't bring an umbrella and ran back to ask him to get one!

""Let's go. I haven't been back to the dormitory for a long time."

Ye Chen took Qiana's hand and followed the three of them to the dormitory area.

Jiangda University covers a very large area. The dormitory area is more than ten minutes away from the teaching building where they are.

Fortunately, there are shelters along the way, so there is no need to worry about getting wet.

When they came to the old dormitory and saw the familiar layout, Qiana and Ye Chen's eyes were full of memories.

Thinking that they used to live here

"Haven't there been any new people here since I left?"

After looking around, Ye Chen suddenly found that his former bed was still vacant.

He had moved out for so long and hadn't even paid the dormitory fee. Didn't the school plan to arrange this place for other students?

Wang Haoxuan yawned and shook his head:"No."

Cao Yuanhao said:"This is better. Newcomers will make people feel uncomfortable."

Chen Yu nodded in agreement

"By the way, Ye Chen, it's still early, do you want to team up and play a few games?"

Cao Yuanhao changed the subject, turned on the computer and pointed at the CSGO on the screen.

This was a game they used to play often.

When they were still living in the dormitory, Ye Chen often teamed up with them to play.

Later, after moving out, he seldom played this game. He was about to refuse, but suddenly thought of something, glanced at Kiana and said,"Forget it, but I can let my girlfriend Kiana guide you!"

Hearing this, the three of them turned their heads to look at Kiana, with a hint of suspicion in their eyes.

"Take us? Is Sister Ye so strong?"

Without waiting for Ye Chen to explain, Qiyana said confidently:"Don't worry, I am more than capable of taking you!""

Anyway, it's still early, and there's nothing to do when we go back, so we might as well play a few games.

I haven't played for so many years, so I can take this opportunity to relive it.

By the way, let these three former adopted sons see how powerful I am!

The three looked at each other and finally agreed to let Kiana play with them.

Wang Haoxuan took out his other laptop and gave it to Kiana.

Kiana came to Ye Chen's computer desk and turned on the computer.

Ye Chen moved the only vacant armchair to sit down, then picked up Kiana and let her sit on his lap.

The three people on the side showed envious eyes when they saw this.

Damn, in broad daylight, he was openly showing off his love to these single dogs!

How inhumane!

Forget it, I won't watch it anymore, out of sight, out of mind!

Kiana's face flushed, but she didn't break free from Ye Chen's arms.

She switched accounts skillfully, then entered the game, joined the team, and clicked on the competitive mode.

After waiting for about a minute, the four finally entered the desert map

""Where should we go at the beginning?" Chen Yu asked.

They were in the bandit camp at the moment.

Normally, it was best for bandits to go together and put all their efforts into breaking through one point, so that they would have a greater chance of winning.

Kiana immediately said:"You guys attack A, I will attack the middle gate directly!

" Chen Yu did not object, and also wanted to see how good Kiana's skills were.

The three of them tacitly used the only 800 yuan to buy a bulletproof vest, and then rushed to point A with the only passerby.

Kiana didn't buy anything, just picked up an initial pistol and walked straight to the middle gate.

When she walked to the downhill section, two CTs came out of the middle gate.


Kiana fired two shots in a row, each shot hit the head, instantly killing two enemies!

""Fuck! Awesome!"

Cao Yuanhao and the other two were all shocked when they saw the kill prompt in the upper right corner.

However, it was because of this moment of distraction that the enemy had an opportunity to take advantage of.

The three opponents had already set up their guns and were waiting for them at A. Bang

, bang, bang...

After a few gunshots, the three and the only passerby were killed instantly.

"Damn, there is also an expert on the other side, and his shooting skills are so accurate!"Chen Yu couldn't help but sigh

"It's up to you next, Nana."

Ye Chen put his arms around Qiana's waist, rested his chin on her shoulder, and greedily took in the fragrance wafting from her body.

"One against three, can it work?"

Cao Yuanhao was still a little worried about Kiana's strength.

In his opinion, the double kill just now might just be good luck.

But Kiana's next move completely convinced him.

After knowing that the remaining three were at A-Big, Kiana changed her route and went to A-Small.

The three people on the opposite side also squatted at the gate for a while and found that there was no one, so they all went back.

Kiana just arrived at the second floor and ran into the three people on the opposite side.

Kiana fired first.

After a few more gunshots, the three people on the opposite side fell to the ground instantly!

"Oh My God!"

"Isn’t this too powerful?"

"If we were not there, I would have suspected that this was cheating!"

Every shot was a headshot, it was hard not to suspect that it was on.

The second game started.

Kiana started with AK, and did not buy armor, and continued to rush to the middle.

A minute later, another triple kill ended the game.

The remaining two were killed by Cao Yuanhao and the passerby player.

The third game started, and the ending was similar.

Then the fourth game... the fifth game... After the sixth game started, the opponent started to spit foul language.

There was no way, if you were not watching Kiana's operation on the spot, anyone would think it was on.

Even in the seventh game, someone on the opposite side also opened his own external program.

Unfortunately, the opponent was still no match for Kiana.

Ten minutes later, everyone won the game with a score of 12 to 0.

In the whole game, Kiana alone killed more than 50 people!

"This strength is so terrifying that even professional players probably don’t have this strength!"

"Mrs. Ye, don't you want to become a professional player?"

Ye Chen said immediately:"Being a professional player is a bullshit, my Nana is not short of money."

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