In the early morning, a ray of warm sunlight shines through the screen window into the room.

On the big bed, Kiana faces the window, leans against Ye Chen, and lies in his warm arms.


Suddenly, a piercing cell phone ringtone rang out. Kiana woke up first and picked up the phone subconsciously.

On the screen of the phone, the words"mother's call" were clearly displayed.

Kiana pressed the answer button without thinking.

""Hello? Mom."

A gentle and delicate voice came through the phone and reached Ye's mother's ears hundreds of kilometers away.

Ye's mother was startled and froze in place. The words she wanted to say were stuck in her throat.

Girl, girl?

Why did a girl's voice come from her son's phone? And she called her mom!

Could it be... the iron tree has blossomed!

Thinking of this, Ye's mother's face revealed indescribable joy.

She hurriedly shouted to the middle-aged man who was basking in the sun in the yard:"Husband! Our son has a girlfriend! She just called me mom!"


Father Ye stood up in a flash.

""Hurry up! Give me the phone, let me hear what's going on!"

On the other side, Kiana finally reacted.

But she was not panicking. On the contrary, she would go home sooner or later, and her parents would know her sooner or later.

""Girl? What's your name? What's your relationship with Ye Chen?"

Her father's voice came from the phone.

Kiana replied,"My name is Kiana Kaslana, and I'm Ye Chen's girlfriend.""

Fuck! And she

's a foreign girlfriend! My son has made it big, he's half as good as I was back then!"

"Do you want Ye Chen to answer the phone?"

""Okay, let him answer it."

Although the woman has admitted it, Ye's father still doesn't believe it a little bit.

As a father, he knows his son best.

His son looking for a girlfriend is even more outrageous than a sow climbing a tree!

Kiana pinched the dishonest hand on her chest and scolded:"Don't pretend to sleep when you wake up, answer the phone quickly, it's our parents."

Ye Chen smiled embarrassedly, opened his eyes and took the phone.

"Hey, Dad, have you and Mom eaten?"

"I ate it, I ate it. Is that girl just now your girlfriend?"

"Yes, it's my girlfriend."

""Good, good, good!"

Even Ye Chen admitted it, and Ye's father finally believed it, and a smile appeared on his slightly old face.

"You finally got it. When will you bring her back to me and your mother?"

Ye Chen thought for a moment and said,"During the National Day."

There is still about half a month to the National Day, which is the longest holiday except for the Spring Festival and summer vacation. He will definitely go back then, just in time to bring Kiana home to meet his parents.

"OK! It's settled. Your mom and I will pick you up at the high-speed rail station during the National Day holiday!"

"It doesn’t have to be so troublesome."

My hometown is quite far from the high-speed railway station, and it takes an hour to get there by bus.

"What a trouble! We are not here to pick you up, we are here to pick up my future daughter-in-law!"

Ye Chen:"……"

So am I still your biological child?

After chatting for a few more sentences, both parties hung up the phone.

Kiana had already gotten up and was brushing her teeth and washing her face in the bathroom.

When Ye Chen entered, Kiana had basically finished washing.

"We will go back to our hometown during the National Day holiday."

Ye Chen hugged Kiana's waist from behind, rested his chin on her shoulders, and greedily inhaled the fragrance of the girl in his arms.

After a night of getting along, he gradually became bolder.

As Kiana said before, they are now in a boyfriend-girlfriend relationship, so there is no need to be so formal.

What's more, the two are the same person, and Kiana must know what he is thinking.

"Yeah, I heard it."

Qiana squeezed the toothpaste and handed the toothbrush to Ye Chen.

"Come wash up quickly, you still have class to go to."

"Suddenly I don't feel like going to class anymore."Ye Chen sighed.

"Why?" Kiana looked up at him in confusion.

"Because I have a beautiful wife at home, I want to be with you 24 hours a day!"

Kiana shuddered:"Hey, such a cheesy love talk, I get goose bumps."

"But you don't need to worry, because I will go to school with you next time."


The school he attends does not allow outsiders to enter.


"Are you planning to sneak in?"

Kiana rolled her eyes and said,"What do you mean by sneaking in? That sounds so ugly. I'll just walk in openly."

Kiana took out a student card and

"The system assigned me an identity. Now I am a student in the same school as you, and in the same department as you."

Ye Chen put his hands together and bowed to Kiana.

"Thanks for the help of system daddy!"

【You're welcome!]

Ye Chen certainly couldn't hear the system's answer.

After washing up, the two left the rental house together.

They first came to yesterday's Shaxian snacks to have a simple breakfast, and then went to school hand in hand, like a couple in love.

Ye Chen's rental house was not far from the school. It took only seven or eight minutes to reach the school gate.

At this moment, a large group of students living outside were also walking towards the school.

The appearance of Kiana immediately attracted the attention of many people.

"Oh my god! She's a beauty!"

"This is not a beauty, this is a fairy!"

"It’s like a two-dimensional anime goddess who has broken through the dimensional wall!"

"Mom, I'm in love!"

"Unfortunately, the beauty has someone else."

"Brother, what you said is wrong. As the saying goes, as long as you use the hoe well, you are not afraid of not being able to dig down the corner."

"This brother's words really touch my heart!"


Although the conversations around were very small, they could not escape Kiana's ears.

She sneered at those boys who wanted to hit on her.

I will only marry myself! Others should get as far away as possible!

Although Ye Chen did not have as good hearing as Kiana, he also noticed that the eyes of the people around him were full of greed when they looked at his girlfriend.

He raised his hand and hugged Kiana into his arms, as if declaring his sovereignty.

The two of them came to today's classroom under the gazes of the people around them.

Ignoring the gazes of the people around him, Ye Chen took Kiana and walked towards his friends.

""Ye Chen! Sister Ye! Come here!" The fat Cao Yuanhao also raised his hand and beckoned the two of them over.

Next to him, there were two other people sitting.

The tall and thin one was named Chen Yu, and the short one was named Wang Haoxuan.

These three were all friends of Ye Chen. They were roommates before.

Later, Ye Chen moved out for personal reasons, but the relationship between the three remained the same.

Ye Chen sat down next to the three people who came with Qiyana.

"Good boy, before, Fatty said you found a girlfriend, but I didn’t believe it. It’s not easy for a cast iron tree to bloom. Now I believe it."

Wang Haoxuan took a look at Kiana who was sitting next to Ye Chen and was shocked by her beauty.

Is this really a woman in the three-dimensional world?

Chen Yu poked Ye Chen with his elbow:"Won’t you introduce me to her?"

"My name is Kiana Kaslana, hello. Kiana took the initiative to speak

"And she’s a foreigner!" Wang Haoxuan envied her.

Qiyana shook her head:"She’s mixed-blood."

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