There was only one class in the morning, and it was almost time for lunch when it was over.

Kiana followed Ye Chen and the others to the cafeteria.

Maybe because they came early, there were not too many people in the cafeteria at this time.

"You go find a seat, I'll go get food with them."


After separating from Ye Chen and the others, Kiana came to an empty seat near the corner and sat down, waiting for Ye Chen and the others to come back.

Taking advantage of the free time, Kiana took out Ye Chen's mobile phone and checked Bilibili.


""Brother Long! Look! That's the new school beauty I told you about before! Isn't she pretty?"

Just then, several men in basketball uniforms walked in from outside the cafeteria.

One of them spotted Kiana sitting alone in the corner, his eyes lit up, and then he said to the handsome man next to him

"Oh my god! She is so beautiful, dozens or even hundreds of times prettier than Qin Xiaomeng!"

Zhang Zilong looked in the direction his companion pointed, and was immediately stunned by Kiana's stunning beauty.

"No, I have to go get a contact number!"

After saying that, Zhang Zilong handed the basketball in his hand to his companion next to him, and then walked straight towards Qiyana.

"Do you think Brother Long can get the contact information of this beauty?"

"Of course! Brother Long is one of the most handsome boys in Jiangcheng, and he is also very rich. Which woman can refuse him?"

"But I heard that this new school beauty seems to be in a relationship with another school hunk."

"You mean Ye Chen? Although that guy is handsome, he is just a poor boy and cannot compare with our Brother Long."

"That is, how can Brother Long be compared to a little Ye Chen? Brother Long will definitely succeed immediately!"

Several people from the basketball club talked to each other, and they were very confident about Zhang Zilong's approach.

At this time, Zhang Zilong finally came to the opposite side of Qiyana and sat down.

""Beauty, what's your name?"

Zhang Zilong smiled, thinking he was sunny and handsome.

Kiana looked up at Zhang Zilong, frowning. He was here to chat her up.

Although she knew that this would happen sooner or later, she didn't expect someone to come on the first day.

And she knew this guy, Zhang Zilong, the president of the basketball club, a rich young man.

Of course, she knew more than that. She heard that this guy changed his girlfriend every few months. He was a complete scumbag.

"My name is Kiana Kaslana. Also, someone is sitting here. Can you please go somewhere else?"

It doesn't matter if I tell him my name. He will find out from other places later. Kiana just wants to get rid of this scumbag as soon as possible. Unfortunately, this guy is like a dog-skin plaster, and he can't get rid of it.

"Is that Kiana Kaslana? Your name is so nice. Can I add you on WeChat?"

"No!" Kiana refused without hesitation.

Can you add me on WeChat whenever you want? Don't think I don't know what you, a scumbag, are thinking.

Zhang Zilong was stunned.

He didn't expect the other party to reject him, and the rejection was so straightforward. After all, he is a school idol, and he is also very rich. Which woman would not be tempted?

In the past, as long as he opened his mouth, a lot of women would come to him, but this woman was unmoved?


People are so mean sometimes. Although he was rejected, Zhang Zilong was not angry. Instead, he became more excited and wanted Kiana even more. If she rejected him without hesitation, it means that she doesn't care about his money at all.

Only such women are worth dating!

Kiana resisted the urge to punch the guy in front of her and continued,"Didn't you hear? There are people here. Please go somewhere else."

There was unconcealable displeasure in her words. She is so beautiful even when she is angry!

Zhang Zilong's heart beat twice.

"I understand. This is my WeChat ID. If you want to be friends with me in the future, you can add me anytime."

Zhang Zilong put a piece of paper on the table, and without waiting for Kiana to refuse, he turned and left.

He knew that women like Kiana should not be pushed too hard, and it takes time to slowly get in touch with them.

Zhang Zilong returned to his team, and then waved his hand:"Let's go. I'm very happy today. I'll treat you to a big dinner at Yu Man Lou!"

"Brother Long is so generous!"

"Brother Long is awesome!"


Kiana picked up the note on the table, crumpled it up and threw it into the trash can without even looking at it.

"Ye Chen, it seems that you have really found a good girlfriend. You are not moved by Zhang Zilong's approach. What a good woman!"

On the other side, the people who were queuing for food had already noticed the situation here.

Originally, after Cao Yuanhao found out, he wanted to ask Ye Chen to return to Qiana quickly to prevent his girlfriend from being abducted.

But Ye Chen said calmly that it was impossible for Qiana to be abducted.

At first they didn't believe it, but now it seems that this couple really loves each other.

"I'm so envious. Women nowadays are too materialistic. It would be great if I could find a girlfriend like this who doesn't worship money."Wang Haoxuan said with a sad face.

You can tell at a glance that he is a man with a story.

Wang Haoxuan once had a girlfriend, and they were childhood sweethearts.

They separated because of college, but within a year, the other party dumped him and got together with a richer man. After years of love, they finally succumbed to the temptation of money.

On the day of the breakup, he cried heartbreakingly, and it took a long time for several people to comfort him.

But he has not yet completely gotten over that sad emotion.

Several people patted Wang Haoxuan on the shoulder and gave him comforting eyes.

A few minutes later, Ye Chenduan With two plates, he returned to Kiana's side.

After a quick meal, they were finally full.

Because there was another class in the afternoon, they returned to the classroom.

In this information age, any information is transmitted very quickly.

Only one morning had passed, and the basic information about Kiana had spread throughout the campus forum.

Now almost everyone knows which department she is from, what her name is, and how old she is.

When the class started, the classroom, which was originally empty, was instantly crowded with people.

On the surface, these people were here to audit the class, but in fact, everyone knew what their real purpose was.

"These guys act as if they have never seen a beautiful woman."Kiana couldn't help but complain.

Ye Chen smiled and said,"They have seen many beauties, but they have never seen a goddess like you who seems to have broken through the dimensional wall and walked out of the second dimension."

"So now this goddess is your girlfriend, are you happy?"

"Of course I am happy!"

Ye Chen grabbed Qiyana's soft and boneless jade hand, interlocking their fingers.

"Having you as my girlfriend makes me the happiest person in the world!"

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