"Hongbin, you should also take Kehan with you to go with them."

"It just so happens that you and Ke Han have been there a few times, so you are familiar with the place."

When she heard that her nephew and his friends were going to the newly opened commercial plaza nearby, the aunt thought about letting her son and daughter-in-law go with them.

After all, as a mother, she could see that there was some estrangement between her son and nephew.

She hoped that the two brothers would communicate more and enhance their relationship.

It was okay to compare and compete with each other when they were young, which would also help increase their motivation to study.

But now that they have grown up and are brothers, they should take good care of each other.

""Okay, okay."

Ye Hongbin actually refused in his heart.

After being slapped in the face, he felt that he couldn't hold his head up in front of his cousin.

But because it was his mother's request, he had to obey.

Chu Kehan didn't feel that way.

Just now, she had become friends with Qiana and Ye Yanxuan.

She naturally wouldn't refuse to go shopping with her friends.

Then, everyone left the house together.

""Should we walk or drive there?" Ye Chen asked.

The newly opened commercial plaza is not far from here, but it is about one kilometer away. It will take about ten minutes to walk there.

"Of course we should drive!" Ye Yanxuan raised her hand to express her opinion,"Walking is a waste of time!"

Qiana also nodded in agreement:"Let's drive"

""Okay, let's drive there."

Then Ye Chen said to his cousin and his wife,"Take my car, there's more space."

Ye Hongbin and Chu Kehan naturally had no objection.

There was really no need for five people to drive two cars.

Then they came downstairs and got into Ye Chen's car.

Looking at the luxurious accessories in the car, Ye Hongbin felt frustrated again.

Even the configuration is top-of-the-line!

And his car is just a low-end version. The gap is really huge!

""Brother Ye Chen, what do you do? You make so much money at such a young age." Chu Kehan suddenly asked the most curious question in her mind.

It is really curious that she makes so much money even though she is about the same age as her fiancé. The reason why she asked this is, of course, that she wants to learn from him so that her fiancé can also learn something.

Although Ye Hongbin didn't care on the surface, he pricked up his ears quietly.

Ye Chen said without turning his head:"Actually, I didn't do anything. I just invested in several potential companies. Now that these companies are up, I naturally make a lot of money."

"You are actually investing?"After hearing this, Ye Hongbin's face, which had been indifferent, showed an expression of disbelief.

You know, the water of investment is very deep, and most people can't control it at all!

Because you are not sure whether the project or company you invest in can bring you returns.

Unless you are already very rich, otherwise, if you take a wrong step, you will be doomed!

And the most important point is that if you want to invest, you must have start-up capital.

At least one million!

"Where did you get your start-up capital?"

Ye Chen looked at Kiana who was sitting in the passenger seat, his eyes were as tender as water:"The start-up capital was all given to me by Nana."

After hearing this, Ye Hongbin felt envious again, and had a sense of failure of being compared.

I didn't expect that my cousin's wife was actually a rich woman! She is not as good-looking as my cousin, she doesn't make as much money as my cousin, and her girlfriend is not as pretty as my cousin. Now even her girlfriend's family background is not as good as my cousin's girlfriend.

I feel that I am inferior to my cousin in every way!

My cousin is like an insurmountable mountain, blocking him.

The only advantages he has now seem a little eclipsed in front of my cousin.

Damn it, why is this happening?

God is unfair, why did he give birth to me when he gave birth to me!

Ye Hongbin's eyes were full of ferocity, and he once again fell into inferiority and jealousy.

But no one noticed this at the moment.

Not long after, the vehicle finally arrived at the commercial plaza.

After finding a place to park the car, Ye Chen led everyone to the center of the plaza.

""Do you want to buy anything?" Ye Chen asked Qiana and her sister Ye Yanxuan.

As for his cousin and his wife, he naturally didn't need to pay for them.

"I want to buy some clothes!" Ye Yanxun answered immediately,"The last new clothes I bought were half a year ago."

As a girl, she is quite different. She rarely spends money on clothes for herself. She only buys clothes two or three times a year at most.

Of course, it was mainly because she didn't have much money before.

Qiana shook her head:"I don't want to buy anything." You don't have to buy things when shopping in a mall. It's also good to walk around.

Anyway, she doesn't lack anything now.

Ye Hongbin and Chu Kehan didn't want to buy anything either. After all, they were originally companions.

"In that case, let's go shopping with Yanxuan first, and then we can go shopping casually after that." Ye Chen made the decision immediately.

Then everyone went to the clothing sales area on the second floor.

Perhaps because of the holiday, the flow of people here is very large.

If you are not careful, you may be dispersed by the crowd.

Kiana hurriedly took Ye Chen's arm, and with the other hand she held her sister Ye Yanxuan.

As they walked forward, they frequently attracted sidelong glances.

Ye Chen enjoyed this kind of envious look very much.

Ye Hongbin and Chu Kehan followed behind the three of them.

Seeing her fiancé's depressed look, Chu Kehan couldn't help but say:"If you get along with brother Ye Chen with a normal heart, there won't be so many bad things."

"We are all relatives, I really don't know why you have to compare with others."

Ye Hongbin was speechless for a moment.

Of course he understood this, but long-standing habits cannot be changed just by saying so.


As she was walking, Ye Yan suddenly discovered something and her eyes lit up.

"Brother! Sister Nana! Look, there is a Hanfu store over there!"

Looking in the direction pointed by his sister, Ye Chen and Qiyana saw rows of Hanfu.

"Let's go! Let's go and take a look!"

Ye Chen took the two of them to the Hanfu shop with great interest.

After entering the shop, Ye Chen found that the styles of Hanfu were more diverse than those on display!

When the waitress saw that there were customers coming, she also hurried to greet them.

"Hello, guests. Do you want to buy Hanfu or rent it?"

Ye Chen said,"Buy!"

He had thought about buying a few sets of Hanfu for his Nana a long time ago, and now he finally has the chance!

""Sister Nana, brother is going to buy us Hanfu!" Ye Yanxuan was excited.

These Hanfu are not cheap. She just took a look at the prices of these Hanfu, which are all over a thousand yuan!

No wonder this store rents them out in addition to selling them.

If they only sell them, it is estimated that they will hardly sell a few sets a month.

After all, Hanfu is different from other daily clothes. It is the type that is rarely worn on weekdays. It is so expensive that you can only wear it a few times a year.

Qiana also had some expectations in her heart.

She also wanted to show Ye Chen what she would look like in Hanfu.

After hearing Ye Chen's answer, the waitress's smile became even stronger.

"Do you need me to introduce it to you?"

Ye Chen waved his hand and said,"No, let's take a look at it ourselves first."

"Okay, I will accompany you throughout the whole process. If you don't understand anything, you can ask questions at any time."

Ye Chen said to Qiyana and Ye Yanxun:"Just buy whatever you like."

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